
Concepita come una galleria di creature fantastiche, d’irriconoscibili antenati, di variopinti e sontuosi doppelganger, MakeUp raccoglie opere recenti e inediti di dodici artisti nelle antiche sale della galleria A Palazzo di Brescia.

Comunicato stampa

Trasformazioni, trasfigurazioni, ritocchi leggeri, ma anche pesanti interventi estetici.
Elaborati cosmetici cutout e cutup di tratti somatici, di volti trovati, di anonimi o mitici esempi di fascino. Modelli umani ripresi e perfezionati dal tocco di alcuni artisti di oggi, all'instancabile ricerca di bellezze ideali, fuori dai canoni, a misura di sé. La mostra MakeUp, a cura di Mariuccia Casadio, ne identifica e raccoglie alcuni, esemplificando un epocale modus operandi, una tendenza a reinventare informazioni e materiali della memoria, una pulsione a personalizzare l'esistente, che definisce e inesauribilmente argomenta l'immaginario contemporaneo.
Concepita come una galleria di creature fantastiche, d'irriconoscibili antenati, di variopinti e sontuosi doppelganger, MakeUp raccoglie opere recenti e inediti di dodici artisti nelle antiche sale della galleria A Palazzo di Brescia (piazza Tebaldo Brusato 35, 16 Dicembre - 11 Marzo 2011).
Ritratti a due o a tre dimensioni di Maurizio Anzeri, John Bock, Dr.Lakra, Lothar Hempel, Jamie Isenstein, Alan Reid, Markus Schinwald, John Stezaker, Sue Tompkins, Ryan Trecartin, Vedovamazzei, Francesco Vezzoli. Nonché, modi soggettivi di ripensare, perfezionare e sublimare le umane sembianze, reificare il passato, esorcizzare il futuro.
Sperimentando linguaggi, ipotizzando figurazioni, astrazioni, associazioni, sottrazioni, dissociazioni, duplicazioni, sovrapposizioni d'iconografici étant donné, sintetizzando un'inarrestabile cosmica ricerca di nuovi canoni, mutati concetti di armonia.

Inaugurazione giovedì 15 dicembre ore 18
15 dicembre - 11 marzo

Piazza Tebaldo Brusato 35 - Brescia 25121 - I
Tel + 39 030 3758554 - [email protected]

Maurizio Anzeri born 1969 in Loano, Italy. lives and works in London. Recent solo exhibitions: 2011 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead – Uk. 2010 "The Garden Party" Q forum, London – UK, "LUNATICO", Rupert Pfab Gallery, Düsseldorf – Germany, “Darwin’s Tears”, Luce Gallery, Turin – Italy. 2009 “I will buy the flowers myself”, Riflemaker Gallery, London – UK, “Family Day”, Galleria IMAGE Furini, Arezzo - Italy (cat.). 2006 “Places“,Galleria Palladio, Lugano - Svizzera (cat.)

John Bock 1965 Born in Gribbohm, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin. Recent solo exhibitions: 2011iRonic, Kunstpalais Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, OHR-WALACHEI, Klosterfelde, Berlin, Germany, Howdy Bamington, Third Streaming, New York, NY Lichterloh / roh, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, CA. 2010 John Bock, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY, New Commission for the Curve, Barbican Art Gallery, London, UK FischGrätenMelkStand, Temporäre Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany, Der Seewolf, Münster Ferry Boat, Art Parcours at Art 41 Basel, Basel, Switzerland, Centro de Arte Contempraneo de Malaga, Malaga, Spain. 2009Folasch, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY, No Time No Screws, Eleni Koroneou, Athens, Greece "Die abgeschmierte Knicklenkung im Gepäck verheddert sich im weissen Hemd" (fashion show lecture), Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, September 25 and 26. "über den PARA-Behälter Sympton," Helga Maria Klosterfelde Edition, Berlin, Germany, The Big Sleep, Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK. 2008 Palms, REDCAT, Los Angeles, CA, Inside Beyond, Gio Marconi, Milan, Italy, PARA – SCHIZO, ensnarled, Arko Art Center and Insa Art Space, Seoul, Korea, Film Retrospective, curated by XYZ, Mikrokosmos Cinema, Athens, Greece. 2007 Stapelung, P.S.1. MoMA, New York, NY, John Bock. Films, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Germany, John Bock, Regen Projects, Los Angeles, CA ,Ausstellungstitel, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria, Sadie Coles, London, UK, Buggelpiste, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria, Malträtierte Fregatte, Klosterfelde, Berlin, Germany Dandy, Sadie Coles HQ, London, UK. 2006 Mit Schisslaveng, Anton Kern Gallery, New York, NY ,Lütte mit Rucola, Klosterfelde, Berlin, Germany, Medusa im Tam Tam Club, Staatsoper Unter Den Linden, Berlin, Germany, Zero Hero, The Moore Space, Miami, FL. 2005 FRAC, Marseille, A-Buba, Stella Lohaus Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium, Skipholt, Kling & Bang, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Dr.Lakra Mexico, 1972. Lives and works in Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico. Recent solo exhibitions: 2010 Dr. Lakra, The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Dr. Lakra, The Drawing Center, Nueva York. 2009 Dr. Lakra. kurimanzutto, Mexico City. Dr. Lakra. Kate MacGarry, London, UK. 2006 Dr. Lakra. Kate MacGarry Gallery. London, England. Dr. Lakra. Tomio Koyama Gallery. Tokio, Japan. 2005 Los Dos Amigos. Dr. Lakra - Abraham Cruzvillegas. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca (MACO), Mexico.

Lothhar Hempel 1966 Born in Cologne, Germany Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, 1987-1992 Lives and works in Berlin, Germany. Recent solo exhibitions: 2012 Lothar Hempel, La Conservera, Ceuti (Murcia), Spain. 2011 Anton Kern Gallery, New York. 2010 Silberblick/Squint, Stuart Shave/ Modern Art, London Piramix Pix, Gerhardsen Gerner, Berlin. 2009 Kats, Nerves, Shadows & Gin, Anton Kern, New York Rise and Fall, MGM, Oslo, Gio Marconi, Milan. 2008 Casanova & Other Problems, Stuart Shave Modern Art, London Signal, Art: Concept, ParisCasanova, The Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. 2007 Alphabet City, Magasin, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, France - curated by Florence Derieux, Le Magasin, Grenoble (cat.) Effetti Speciali, c/o – Atle Gerhardsen, Berlin . 2006 Umbrella, Anton Kern Gallery, New York,Tarantella, Bar Ornella, Köln. 2005 casa musica (extrema), Atle Gerhardsen, Berlin Butterfly, c/o Atle Gerhardsen, Art Nova, Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami

Jamie Isenstein Born 1975, Portland, Oregon. Lives and works in New York City. Recent solo exhibition: 2011 "The Arcade Gallery, University of Texas at Austin, Austin Texas, Double Feature! Empire of Fire and Rug Woogie IV, Meyer Riegger, Berlin. 2010 Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY, Michael Benevento Gallery, Los Angels, CA 2007. Acéphal Magical, Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York, NY 2006. Quiet Manor, Galerie Giti Nourbakhsch/ Meyer Riegger Gallery, Berlin, Germany, Flicker, Meyer Riegger Gallery/ Galerie Giti Nourbakhsch (project), Karlsruhe, Germany. 2004 Infinite Invisible Soft-shoe, Guild and Greyshkul, New York, NY

Alan Reid Born 1976, Fort Worth, Texas. Lives and works in New York City. Recent solo exhibitions: 2011 Boudoir Concrete, Mary Mary, Glasgow, Scotland. 2010 With, Lisa Cooley, New York. 2008 Heiresses on Terraces, Lisa Cooley, New York.

Markus Schinwald Born 1973 in Salzburg. Lives and works in Vienna and Los Angeles. Recent solo exhibition: 2012 La Conserva Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Murcia. 2011 Kunstmuseum Lentos, Linz (P), 54th Venice Biennale, Austrian Pavillion, Venice, Kunstverein Hannover. 2010 Yvon Lambert, New York. 2009 Vanishing Lessons, Kunsthaus, Bregenz, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna, Pocket History, Kunsthalle Budapest. 2008 Migros Museum, Zurich, Galleria Giò Marconi, Milano, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Annex, Salzburg. 2007 Augarten Contemporary, Vienna, Centre d’edition contemporaine, Geneva Center for contemporary Art, Thessaloniki. 2006 Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, MAMbo – Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, Museo di Palazzo Poggi, Argos, Brussels,CAC Brétigny. 2005 Ausstellungshalle zeitgenössische Kunst, Münster, Gallery Gio Marconi, Milan.

John Stezaker 1949 Worcester, UK
Lives and works in London, UK. Recent solo exhibition: 2011 The Whitechapel Gallery, London, UK then touring to MUDAM, Luxembourg, and Kemper Art Museum, St. Louis, USA
Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York, USA. 2010
 John Stezaker: Silkscreens, Capitain Petzel, Berlin, Germany
Lost Images, Kunstverein Freiburg, Germany
Tabula Rasa, The Approach, London, UK. 2009 Richard Grey Gallery, Chicago, USA
Galerie Gisela Capitain, Cologne, Germany
Friedrich Petzel, New York, USA. 2008
 Masks & Shadows, A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia, Italy [cat]
Galerie Dennis Kimmerich, Düsseldorf, Germany
Fumetti, GAK- Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst Bremen, Germany.

Sue Tompkins Born 1971, Leighton Buzzard; Lives in Northamptonshire. Recent solo exhibition: 2012 'My Kind Book', Dia Art Foundation, New York (Solo, 05/2012. Web based project: online book), 2011'MakeUp', A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia Italy (Group, 15/12/2011) 'To Pay Respect to the Generosity of The 3 Minute Punk-Rock Song', Crate Project Space, Margate (Group, 18/11—11/12/2011), The Modern Institute/Toby Webster Ltd, Glasgow (Solo, 29/10—19/11/2011), 'British Art Show 7: In The Days Of The Comet', Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth (Group, 17/09—04/12/2011. Performance).

Ryan Trecartin: Born in Webster, TX, 1981, Lives and works in Philadelphia, PA

. Recent solo exhibition: 2011
The Edge, Mama, Rotterdam, Netherlands
, Any Ever, MoMA PS1, New York, NY
, Any Ever, Museum of Contemporary Art, Miami, FL
, Any Ever, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France. 2010
 Any Ever, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA, Any Ever, The Power Plant, Toronto, ON, Canada

Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Austria

Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA 
Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, OH

. 2007
 I-Be Area, Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York, NY

. 2006I Smell Pregnant, QED, Los Angeles, CA.

Vedovamazzei: Stella Scala/Simeone Crispino, they live and work in Milano. 2011 Terrible Beauty Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance. Dublin Contemporary 2011 is Ireland's International Art Exhibition, curated by Jota Castro (artist/curator) e Christian Viveros-Fauné (critic/curator) Dublino, Settembre, Vedovamazzei. Le Temple, Paris (a cura PierPaolo Pancotto), One too many 15 years later. A palazzo, Brescia. 2010 Sette Lavori di Vedovamazzei. Magazzino d’Arte Moderna, Roma. 2009 25Aprile vedovamazzei. Galerìa Fùcares, Madrid, Spagna, Spirito. Complesso Monumentale Santo Spirito in Sassia, 13 marzo, a cura di PierPaolo Pancotto e Valentina Ciarallo, Roma.*2008 Focus on Contemporary Italian Art. MAMbo, Bologna, 1 dicembre 2008 Vedovamazzei. Di Marino Arte Contemporanea, Napoli, Dicembre. 2006 Vedovamazzei. Magazzino d’Arte Moderna, Roma, Marzo, Greatest hits vedovamazzei. M.A.D.R.E. A cura di Mario Codognato, Napoli, Novembre /Gennaio.

Francesco Vezzoli: Born in Brescia, 1971, lives and works in Milan. Recent solo exhibition: 2009-2010 “Dalí Dalí Featuring Francesco Vezzoli,” Moderna Museet, Stockholm; 2010 Garage Center for Contemporary Culture, Moscow; 2009 “Marlene Redux: A True Hollywood Story!” Kunsthalle Wien; 2009 “Ballets Russes Italian Style (The Shortest Mu sical You Will Never See Again),” Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; 2007 “Right You Are (If You Think You Are),” Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum; 2006 “Marlene Redux: A True Hollywood Story (Part One),” Tate Modern, London; 2006 Le Consortium, Dijon; 2005 Museu Serralves, Porto; 2004 and 2005 Fondazione Prada, Milan; 2002 Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin; 2002 “The Films of Francesco Vezzoli,” The New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York.