Fascino tessile
La mostra, organizzata con il patrocinio del Comune di Verona ed il contributo dell’azienda agricola Monte del Frà di Custoza (VR), intende presentare ad un vasto pubblico ornamenti per il corpo che si distinguono non per un ovvio valore economico ma per la loro capacità di rivolgersi ad antri spesso dimenticati della mente e del cuore.
Comunicato stampa
La mostra, organizzata con il patrocinio del Comune di Verona ed il contributo dell’azienda agricola Monte del Frà di Custoza (VR), intende presentare ad un vasto pubblico ornamenti per il corpo che si distinguono non per un ovvio valore economico ma per la loro capacità di rivolgersi ad antri spesso dimenticati della mente e del cuore. L’osservatore non è un fruitore passivo ma è chiamato ad interloquire ed ad osservare con occhio attento e critico per poter meglio esplorare questi nuovi paesaggi. Protagonista indiscusso è il tessuto colto nei suoi vari aspetti: all’origine in forma di baco da seta, come filo lavorato a maglia o all’uncinetto, come stoffa arrotolata, cucita con la carta e mischiata sia a metalli non preziosi che resine. Bracciali, collane, orecchini, spille sono il sapiente frutto di riscoperte abilità artigianali, di un’accesa vocazione per la sperimentazione e della volontà di superare soluzioni estetiche ormai scontate per investigare nuovi orizzonti. Da queste sincere vocazioni nascono le numerose opere (più di ottantacinque) degli artisti-orafi: Luis Acosta, Valentina Caprini, Trinidad Contreras, Lyn Cooke, Nunzia De Feo, Joanne Haywood, Grace Hamilton, Alejandra Koreck, Yu-Ping Lin, Maria Rosa Mongelli, Mabel Pena, Sabina Tiemroth, Stella Valencia Iragorri, LizWillis.
Queste preziose manipolazioni della stoffa testimoniano il proprio debito con le avanguardie moderne che non solo hanno trasformato un oggetto comune in opera di arte (si pensi a Duchamp) ma hanno saputo gettare i semi affinché materiali poveri, come ad esempio un pezzo di legno, potessero perdere la loro stessa fisicità per diventare parte integrante dell’opera d’arte stessa (si vedano Picasso e Mirò). Inoltre sembrano proseguire le coraggiose sfide lanciate dai “precursori” del gioiello contemporaneo: Lalique e Calder. Il primo agli inizi del ‘900 aveva sfidato i suoi contemporanei con l’introduzione di pietre semi-preziose e sensuali smalti al posto degli onnipresenti diamanti ed il conseguente apprezzamento dell’importanza del colore, il secondo negli anni ’30 aveva saputo “nobilitare” l’ottone, un materiale fino ad allora decisamente trascurato e proporre squisite interpretazioni ispirate ad un gusto africano e tribale, capaci anche di rivalutare tale materiale. Inoltre grazie alle caratteristiche intrinseche del tessuto precedono i tempi e compiono un passò in più: diventano decisamente tattili ed estremamente confortevoli da indossare. Spingono il visitatore a porsi la domanda: <
LE/I PARTECIPANTI: Accanto alle creazioni della guest star, Luis Acosta, le cui opere sono conservate in rilevanti collezioni pubbliche e private si raccolgono le opere di tredici artiste orafe diverse per origine (Argentina, Costa Rica, Italia, Irlanda, Olanda, Regno Unito, Spagna, Taiwan) e per formazione (svariate le scuole o le università di provenienza: Alchimia, Birmigham University, Buenos Aires University, Central Saint Martins, Escola Massana, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, London Metropolitan, Ming Chuan University). Degne di nota: Trinidad Contreras, menzionata al premio Cominelli nel 2011, Joanne Haywood, apprezzata scrittrice di libri sul gioiello tessile, Alejandra Koreck insieme a Sabina Tiemroth, entrambe selezionate per Smuck 2013, Mabel Pena menzionata alla Bienal de Artesanìas de Buenos Aire 2011” ed infine Yu-Ping Lin che nel 2012 è stata premiata con il Best Fashion Accessory Award alla British Craft Trade FAIR. Uniche due Veronesi, per adozione e per nascita, le artiste-orafe emergenti Nunzia De Feo e Valentina Caprini.
Curatrice: Nunzia De Feo, [email protected], tel. 333 7443972
Con il contributo Con il patrocinio
ASSOCIAZIONE NURO’ www.associazionenurò.it
L'associazione Nurò, non a scopo di lucro, nasce a Verona nel gennaio 2013 ed opera prevalentemente in Veneto. Intende favorire la conoscenza e l'apprezzamento della gioielleria e dell'arte contemporanea, promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza delle relative implicazioni ambientali, etiche, economiche e giuridiche, in Italia ed all'estero ed incoraggiare un dialogo con il mondo della moda e del benessere psicologico. Si rivolge a quanti nutrono verso tali discipline artistiche una profonda passione ed un sincero interesse.
Realizza le sue finalità attraverso l'organizzazione di corsi per associati sia minori (previa autorizzazione) che adulti, tavole rotonde, conferenze e mostre.
Nunzia De Feo (WWW.nundefeo.com) è un’artista e designer orafa. Nel suo percorso formativo si è occupata di arte terapia, arte e gioielleria contemporanea. Si è diplomata in gioielleria contemporanea a Londra (John Cass Department, presso London Metropolitan University) ed ha approfondito le sue conoscenze nel campo orafo a Salisburgo (Accademia Internazionale Fur Bildende Kunst), a Vicenza (Scuola d’ Arte e Mestieri dove ha conseguito il diploma di Tecnico di ricerca del gioiello e dello accessorio moda) ed a Padova (Istituto d’ Arte Selvatico). Nel 2006 ha vinto delle borse di studio elargite dall’Associazione Giovani Artisti Italiani, dall’ ACJ (Associazione di Gioielleria Contemporanea Inglese) ed infine da parte dell’ Accademia Internazionale Fur Bildende Kunst di Salisburgo. Partecipa a fiere e mostre in Italia ed all’ estero. Un suo lavoro è stato pubblicato nel “Contemporary Jewellery YearBook 2012” della casa editrice spagnola GrupoDuplex. Inoltre, i suoi bijoux compaiono in recensioni sul web ed in riviste di fashion e gioielleria italiane ed estere. Recentemente è stata eletta presidentessa e curatrice dell’Associazione senza scopo di lucro Nurò, per l’ arte e la gioielleria contemporanea con sede a Verona.
Mostre 2012-2013:
Inhorgenta, Munich, Germany, 22-25 Febbraio 2013
Galleria Samonà, Padova, Italy, 12 Ottobre-11 Novembre 2012
“Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2012", Espaijoia
Barcelona, Spain, 12-15 Ottobre 2012
Milano Fashion Week, Cool Hunter,
Milano, Italy, 22-24 Settembre 2012
“Contemporary Jewellery Yearbook 2012", Iberjoya
Madrid, Spain, 12-16 Settembre 2012
Caffè Pedrocchi, Padova, Italy, 20 Giugno - 8 Luglio 2012
Milano Design Week, Spazio Anatomia del Design,
Milano, Italy, 17-22 Aprile 2012
macef, Milano, Italy, 26-29 Gennaio 2012
Luis Acosta (Argentina-Olanda) www.luisacosta.nl
Place of birth Oliva (Province of Córdoba), Argentina
Studies 1988 Graduated at Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, Netherlands
1989 Study tour Academy Polimoda, Prato (Italy)
1980/82 weaving techniques and basketry under Luis Negrotti and Irene de Croce, Buenos Aires
2009 Founding circle of members of the LAKMA (Latin American Art Museum of Amersfoort)
2008 Jury member International Biennial of fashion complements “Soft …3” organized by the ACTM Madrid (E)
2008 Curator “Paper Sensivities” Paper Mill Museum, Capellades, Barcelona (E)
2006 Curator “Hispanic Textiles” Instituto Cervantes Utrecht and European Patent Office, Rijswijk (NL) 2005 Jury member International Textile Competition “Greeting from…” (NL)
Translated from dutch into spanish the book Si’ira (belt weaving of the Wayuu Indians) by Mirja Wark. Making relief tapestries, three dimensional textile works and spatial works of (handmade) paper. Designing and weaving tapestries and woven fabrics.
Designing and making fashion accessories in miscellaneous materials and paper jewellery.
Teaching courses on “Design for woven fabrics and fashion accessories”.
Writing articles concerning methods of designing for the Dutch textile magazine 'Textiel Plus' and Spanish magazine 'Oficio+Arte'
2010 Honorable Mention, ENJOIA'T, Contemporary Jewellery Award in Barcelona (E)
1988 Honorable Mention, International Textiles and Fashion Design Competition Awards, Stuttgart (D)
2012 CODA Museum, Apeldoorn; Galerie Cebra, Düsseldorf (D)
2011 Chateau, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo, Córdoba (RA); ENJOIA"T, Barcelona (E); Villa Victoria Ocampo, Mar del Plata, (RA); Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Buenos Aires (RA); Awards ArtFad, Barcelona; Regentenkamer, The Hague; Bellevue Arts Museum, Seattle, (USA).
2010 Museo José Hernández, Buenos Aires (RA); Museum of Art and Design, New York (USA); Galerie Wies Willemsen, Amsterdam
2009 Triennale Design Museum, Milan (I); Galerie Cebra, Düsseldorf (D); Museum Zons, Dormagen (D); National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny (IR)
2008 Handwerkmuseum, Deggendorf (D);Textil Museo, Terrassa (E); Paper Mill Museum, Duszniki Zdroj (Pl); Paper Mill Museum, Capellades (E); Pulchri Studio, The Hague
2007 Galería Siesta, Barcelona (E); Centro de Artesanía y Diseño, Lugo (E); Weverijmuseum, Geldrop; ARTMAR 2007, II Bienal del Mediterráneo, Museo Marítimo, Barcelona (E); FIA Feria Internacional do Artesanato, Lisboa (P); Castillo Sta. Catalina, Cádiz (E); Museum Het Leids Wevershuis, Leiden; SEMA Est, París (F); National Crafts Gallery, Kilkenny (IRL); Bienal del Fin del Mundo, Ushuaia (RA); Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires (RA); Museo del Traje, Madrid (E)
2006 Pontificia Universidade Católica, Río de Janeiro (Br); Sieraad 2006, RAI Amsterdam; Centro de Artesanía y Diseño, Lugo (E); Manzana 1, Santa Cruz (BO); Museo Tambo Quirquincho, La Paz (BO); CODA Museum, Apeldoorn; Museum Rijswijk, Rijswijk
2005 Galería Marita Segovia, Madrid (E); De Plu, Eerbeek; Galerie de Regentenkamer, The Hague
2004 Galerie De Andere Kant, Tonden; Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht; Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede; Huisgalerie Een Roos op de Rots, Gemert; Museo Antropológico, Frankfurt (D)
2003 La fabbrica, Gambettola (I); Gemeentehuis, Sint Anthonis; Museo Nac. de Bellas Artes, Santiago (CHI); RAM Foundation, Rotterdam; Weverijmuseum, Geldrop
2002 Galería Domplein, Utrecht; Instituto Cervantes, Utrecht; Daegu Culture & Art Center, Art Hall, Daegu (Korea); Nederlands Textielmuseum, Tilburg; O.C.B.K., Zwolle
2001 Galerie help u zelven, Winterswijk; Het Stroomhuis, Neerijnen; 50 jaar Textiel Plus, Museum Rijswijk, Rijswijk; Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede; Galerie CEBRA, Dusseldorf (D); Kestner Museum, Hannover (D); Galerie het Oude Raadhuis, Warmond; Daegu Culture & Art Center, Art Hall, Daegu (Korea); Hand Workshop Art Center, Richmond, Virginia, USA
2000 Kunstpaviljoen, Nieuw-Roden; Southwest School of Art & Craft, San Antonio, Texas, USA; Open Stal, Oldeberkoop; Galerie Lous Martin, Delft; Museum Rijswijk, Rijswijk; Centrum voor de Kunsten, Roermond
Exhibitions period 1982 - 1999 are not included.
2012 Galería Arts & Crafts, Salamanca (E)
2010 Target Gallery, Torpedo Factory Art Center, Washington (USA); Galerie 59, Amsterdam; University Utrecht, Utrecht
2009 Galerie De Andere Kant, Zutphen; Galerie Arte sin Límites, The Hague; Galerie Pennock, Den Bosch; Galerie Caractère, Neuchâtel, (CH)
2008 Galería Hipòtesi, Barcelona (E); Galerie Beeld & Aambeeld, Enschede
2007 Galerie de Stoker, Amsterdam
2006 Gallery spinWice, Heusden; Escaparate Redoble, Amsterdam
2003 Galería Filo 5, Madrid (E); Galerie ‘De Sprong’, Dalerveen
2002 Galería María Medici, Buenos Aires, (RA)
2001 Kunsthandel Terwe, Utrecht; Atelier RF, Wijk bij Duurstede; Galerie JÉ, Middelburg
1999 Handweverij Bombazijn, Amersfoort
1998 Galería Hipòtesi, Barcelona (E)
Exhibitions period 1982 - 1997 are not included.
Luis Acosta's works are te be found in the Museum of Arts and Design (New York, USA), Costume Museum (Buenos Aires, RA) Centre of Fine Arts (Utrecht, NL) Textile Museum (Tilburg, NL) and in private collections in Argentina, Finland, India, Norway, Spain, Venezuela, United States and in the Netherlands.
Valentina Caprini, 1982, Verona (Italy)
[email protected]
EDUCATION 2004: Degree in Communication Sciences, Publishing and Journalism, University of Arts and Philosophy,
Verona (Italy)
2008: Specialization Degree in Semiology, University of Bologna (Italy)
2009/2010: Basic Jewellery 1, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
2010/2011: Advanced Jewellery 2 with Peter Bauhuis, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
2011/2012: Jewellery Specialization 3 with Ruudt Peters, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence
WORKSHOPS 2010: Jewellery workshop, “At Work” Contemporary Jewellery Gallery, London (UK)
2011: Colored Stones Essentials, Gemological Institute of America, Florence (Italy)
Diamonds Essentials, Gemological Institute of America, Florence (Italy)
2012: Christopher Zellweger, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence
EXHIBITIONS 2010: “Orecchini”, Mangold Gallery, Leipzig (Germany)
Final exhibition First Year Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
“Delicatezze D’Oltrarno”, Florence (Italy)
2011: Final exhibition Second Year Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
“Mediterraneo”, International Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition, Natural History Museum, Livorno (Italy)
RED Alchimia Performance at Sieerad 2011, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2012: PURUS Exhibition, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence
- at Sieerad 2012, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- at Joya, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Week, Barcelona, Spain
2012: Hazardous Experiments, Fabrika12, Valencia, Spain
2012: Collective Exhibition at New Values Gallery with 1x1 Collective, Berlin, Germany
INSTALLATIONS 2010: “New Rituals in New Geographies”, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
2011: “FRAGILE”, Collective Installation Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence (Italy)
PUBLICATIONS 2011: Catalogue of the International Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition “Mediterraneo”, Livorno (Italy)
2012: www.artribune.com/2012/06
2012: http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.fr/category/createurs/valentina-caprini-it/
Trinidad Contreras
1977, Sevilla. Spain
Education, Advanced Training Program in Artistic Jewellery 2007-2010. Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain
I am part of the collective of contemporary jewelry Bórax08001, founded in 2010 Escola Massana, Barcelona
-Honorable mention, Cominelli Foundation Award for Contemporary Jewellery , Padova, Italy
-Honorable mention, Cheongju International Craft Biennale,Republic of Korea
-Prize "Mediterraneo" 2011, Gioiello Contemporaneo, Livorno, Italy
-Marzee Prize 2010, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
-Solo exhibition, Enmarcado: "Al mal tiempo, buena cara" at Amaranto Joies, Barcelona, Spain. 13 November until 19 January , 2013
-Collective exhibition "Contemporary art jewels" CERAMICA DA INDOSSARE. 28 November until 30 January 2013, Officine Saffi, Milano, Italy.
-Collective exhibition Bórax08001, will travel to Valencia in a few days to take part in the series os exhibitions and conferences that will be taking place as part of Melting Point 2012 Joieria Contemporània València on May 3-9, 2012. This event has been organized to celebrate the ESAD’s Jewellery Department 10th anniversary and the arrival of Schmuck (the most prestigious contemporary jewellery exhibit) to Spain for the first time, being Valencia its host.
-Collective exhibition New Harvest, is a group of young artists who participated in the annual International Graduate Show 2010 at Galerie Marzee. These artists were invited by Galerie Marzee to participate in several workshops in atelier ravary (Belgium) in 2010 and 2011, in order to stimulate and further develop their work. 4 March until 16 May 2012
-Collective exhibition "Bórax08001" in Amsterdam
B-side Festival (November, 3-6th 2011) with a series of Actions,
entitled Jewelery Displaced, on the streets of Amsterdam
-Collective exhibition "Bórax08001" 20 october, Gallery Musaii, Bilbao, Spain
-Collective exhibition "Joung Jewellery Art from Barcelona", September 18 through November 5, 2011, Galerie Pilartz, Cologne, Germany
-Selected for Cominelli Foundation Award for Contemporary Jewellery , honorable mention. 11 settembre - 2 ottobre 2011, Cisano di San Felice del Benaco, Padova, Italy
-Selected for Cheongju International Craft Biennale, honorable mention. The festival, showcases the modern craft trends in ceramics, wood lacquer, metal, textile, and glass and opens the new prospect of world craft culture, which is now considered as the world’s largest and highly regarded biennale convention for crafts.
September 21~0ctober 30,2011[40days]
CHEONGJU Cultural Industry Complex (Old Tobacco Factory)Republic of korea
-Collective exhibition “Genial” New Jewellery from Spain, from June 15 – July 17, in Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco, Ca, USA
-Collective exhibition "Schmuck2011" Cagnes-sur-Mer, May 21 to August 28, France
-Exhibition “naturaleza muerta con ombligo” (still life with navel) show the pieces created during March and April as a resident artist in the “Besiendershuis” from May 13th until May 19th. Gallery Marzee in Nijmegen, Holand
-Collect 2011 The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects, with Galerie Marzee 6 until 9 May, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
-Collective exhibition (BÓRAX08001) Starting Line 2 from April 29 to June 4th, at Gallery Amaranto Joies. Sant Domènec 23, Barcelona, Spain.
-Collective exhibition "Mediterraneo" mostra internazionale Gioiello Contemporaneo, Livorno, Italy
-Collective exhibition "Schmuck2011 Show", Münich, Germany
-Collective exhibition Bórax08001 "What do you have in your hand?" at the World Craf Council Belgium, Mons, Belgium
-International Graduation Show 2010, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
-Exhibition of "Initial Proyect" and official inauguration of Bórax08001, Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain
-Collective exhibition and showcase "Las joyas del Liceu" at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, Barcelona, Spain
-Collective exhibition at Escola Massana, Barcelona, Spain
Lyn Cooke (UK)
Contemporary Jewellery
2010 Short course: Surface Pattern and Texture for Jewellery
Birmingham City University, School of Jewellery
2006-9 BA (Hons) 3D Design: Craft
Staffordshire University
2005-6 Foundation Course, Stafford College
1969-70 PGCE Institute of Education, London
1965-69 BA (Hons) French and Spanish
University of Newcastle on Tyne
2012-13 Made by Hand Christmas Shop, Somerset House, London
2012 Handmade Contemporary Craft, Shire Hall Gallery,
2012 Summer Exhibition “Gold, Silver and Bronze” Shire Hall
Gallery, Stafford
2011 Made by Hand, Shire Hall Gallery, Stafford
2011 Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, October,
2011 Shortlisted for a commission to sell work at the British
Museum, sponsored by the Crafts Council
2010 Craft Candy, Sheffield Millenium Galleries, November
2009 Made by Hand, High House, Stafford (November)
2009 New Designers, London
2009 Degree Show, Staffordshire University
2008 The Art of Waiting, Virgin Rail, Stoke-on-Trent
2008 Making It! Potteries Museum, Stoke on Trent
2006 Staffordshire Open Art
2006 Foundation Year Show, Stafford College
The Bessemer Gallery, Sheffield
Newcastle under Lyme Museum
Gallery at 12, Eccleshall
www.lyncookejewellery.com [email protected]
Tel: 01785 242100
GRACE HAMILTON (Irlanda) www.gracehamilton.co.uk
Grace's innovative accessories are handcrafted using traditional crochet and knotting techniques. Inspired
by contrasts between colour, texture and shape and driven by a love for sculpture.Reflecting aspects of
the natural world, documenting the vibrancy and culture of her adventures in such places as Tanzania and Zanzibar. Grace honours traditional craftsmanship- dying all the yarn by hand before each piece is meticulously crocheted.
Joanne Haywood-UK
Personal Information
DOB: 04/03/79
Address: 2 Moor Hill,
TN18 4PE
Tel: 01580 752340
Mob: 07862273934
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.joannehaywood.co.uk
2004 – 2006 Greenwich University
1998 - 2001 Central St Martins School of Art & Design
BA (Hons) Jewellery Design
1997 – 1998 Central St Martins School of Art & Design
BTEC National Diploma in Art & Design / Distinction
Professional Experience
2001- Present Jewellery artist
2007- Present Freelance writer
2011- Present Jewellery Tutor Coordinator, City Lit
2010-2011 Short Course Tutor, Artscom Ltd. @ Central Saint Martins
2008-2011 Associate lecturer, WAES
2004-2007 Programme Leader BTEC First Diploma Art and Design,
2006 Research study trip, Oslo, Norway
2005-2006 Collaborative project with the Contemporary Applied Arts Gallery, London. “Food As Art”
2005- 2008 Professional Arts forum, Bexley
2003-2004 Artist in Residence, Welling school (Specialists Arts College)
2002-2004 Sessional Lecturer, NWKC
2007 Awarded Membership of The Society of Designer Craftsmen (MSDC)
2006 David Canter Memorial Award (Short-listed)
2006 Finalist for the Textile Directory Design Award 2007
2001 Awarded (Distinction) Licentiateship of The Society of Designer Craftsmen (LSDC)
2001 Brian Wood Memorial Travelling Scholarship; Researching in Whitby, Victorian Jet Jewellery
1999 The Worshipful Company of Tinplaters; alias Wiredrawers Harold Hobbs
Memorial Award.
Selected Exhibitions
2013 Fascino Tessile - Association Nurò .NDF Atelier, Verona, Italy.
2012 ACJ Diamond Jubilee Exhition (Touring Exhibition)
School Of Jewellery, BIAD, Birmingham
Llantrisant Model House Gallery, Llantrisant
The Goldsmiths' Centre, London
SH Jewellery, Edinburgh
North Glasgow College, Glasgow
2012 Pantree in the park - Greenwich
2012 Tales of the city – City Lit, London
2012 City Lit Staff Art and Design Show – City Lit, London
2011 Suscon – Sustainable Fair, Kent
2011 Similar Threads - Edau Tebyg, Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno
2011 Craftsense, Bilston Craft Gallery, Bilston
2010 Inspired By Morris, William Morris Gallery, London
2010 Craft Conservatory - Rugby Art Gallery and Museum, Rugby
2010 ACJ @ TREASURE – London Jewellery Week, London
2010 New Work - Object Fetish, San Francisco, USA
2010 All Wired Up - SDC Gallery, London
2010 Thread Bare - Rochester Art Gallery and Craft Case, Kent
2010 Very Valentines - Ferrers Gallery, Leicestershire
2009 Metal Market (BSA) – Millennium Gallery, Sheffield
2009 The New Bling – Object Fetish, San Francisco, USA
2009 Contemporaine - Bijoux de Couleur, Friar Lane Gallery, Nottingham
2009 Blütenzauber – Handwerksform, Hannover
2009 In Their Own Words – Bank Street Arts, Sheffield
2009 Ten - Bilston Craft Gallery, Bilston
2009 Handarbeit – Craft2eu, Hamburg
2009 Sustainable style - Victoria Sewart, Plymouth
2009 Art of the STITCH 08/09 - Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Fundación Valentín de Madariaga-MP, Seville, Spain
2008 Waterhall, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Deutsches Textilmuseum, Krefeld, Germany
2008 Genesis 08’ – SDC Gallery, London
2008 12 Glass Cabinets – Bank Street Arts, Sheffield
2008 For some, culture is an earring - Galerie caractère, Switzerland
2008 Christmas Crackers – Millennium Galleries, Sheffield
2008 50 Rings – Space Craft, Belfast
2008 Jewellery Showcase - Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham
2008 120 – SDC Gallery, London
2008 Jewellery Installation – Canary Wharf, London
2008 TREASURE at the Tower of London
2008 Summer Exhibition – Diana Porter, Bristol
2008 Jewellery Showcase – Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield
2008 Showcase – Denbigh Art Gallery, Denbigh
2008 Showcase - Rhyl Arts Centre, Rhyl
2008 Spring Showcase – Bilston Craft Gallery, Bilston
2008 Fabricate – Rye Art Gallery, Sussex
2008 Eye Catcher – Craft2eu, Hamburg
2008 Botanica – RBSA, Birmingham
2007 Genesis 07’ – SDC Gallery, London
2007 Geh & schenke – Craft2eu, Hamburg
2007 Be Dazzled - Yorkshire Craft Centre, Bradford
2007 International Craft Exhibition,Museum of Arts & Crafts, Itami, Japan
2007 Origin – London
2007 100 Oslo Brooches, Installation, Flow Gallery, London
2007 One Fine Day – SDC Gallery, London
2007 Jewellery Showcase - Manchester Craft and Design Centre @ Jo Lavelle
2007 Jewellery Showcase – Rufford, Nottinghamshire
2007 Rarefind Spring - New Ashgate Gallery, Surrey
2007 Designer Crafts - The Mall Galleries
2006 Rarefind Autumn – New Ashgate Gallery, Surrey
2006 Display galleries - The Craft Centre and Design Gallery, Leeds
2005 Red Bull, Art of can – Truman Brewery, London
2004 Designer Crafts 2004 – The Mall Galleries
2004 Alchemy – The Craft Centre and Design Gallery, Leeds
2003 Second floor studios/Open studios - Greenwich
2003 Rarefind Winter 2 – New Ashgate Gallery, Surrey
2002 Second floor studios – Greenwich
2002 Recent Graduates - The New Ashgate Gallery, Surrey
2002 Inhorgenta – The Design Podium, Munich
2002 Directions – Central Saint Martins
2002 The Designer Jewellers Group Plus - Barbican, London
2001 Passing Out – The London Institute
2001 New Designers - Islington, London
2001 Designer Crafts - The Mall Galleries
2001 Degree Show 2001 - Central St Martins, London
Flow Gallery, London Lesley Craze, London
Jo Lavelle Gallery, Manchester Rye Art Gallery, East Sussex
Object Fetish, San Francisco Sienna Gallery, Lennox, USA
Tarpey Gallery, Castle Donnington Galerie caractère, Switzerland
The Djanogly Art Gallery Nottingham
Current Memberships
Society of Designer Craftsmen
The Association For Contemporary Jewellers
Axis Arts
Contemporary Jewellery: Innovative Materials, 2012
500 Felt Objects, Lark Books, 2011
500 Silver Jewellery Designs, Lark Books, 2011
New Rings, Nicolás Estrada, 2011
Making Jewellery, interview, December 2010
Asia’s FJA review, Hong Kong, interview, June 2010
Hot Hive Textiles, Insight into textiles. 2010
The Workbench Guide to Jewelry Techniques. Anastasia Young. March 2010
Wearable Art Blog, April 2010
The Needle Files. Art Jewellery Blog. April 2009 - present
Contemporary Jewellery Making Techniques. Vannetta Seecherran Sept 2009
All about you, July 2009
Stitched Jewels. Marthe Le Van. July 2009
Jewellery Using Textiles Techniques. Sarah Keay. July 2009
Mixed-media Jewellery. Joanne Haywood. May 2009
Adorn, New Jewellery. Amanda Mansell. Oct 2008
Jewellery Materials Sourcebook. Anastasia Young. Sept 2008
Craft and Design Magazine, Sept/Oct 2008
Docklands, July 2008
The Wharf, July 2008
Time Out, June 2008
Embroidery Magazine, May 2008
Art of the Stitch, Catalogue 2008/2009
Craft Magazine “Collection”, Jan/Feb 2008
Itami International, Craft Catalogue 2007
Design Week, December 2007
Benchpeg, November 2007
Jewellers Directory, ACJ 2007
Design Matters, June 2007
Textiles Directory, 2007
Crafts Magazine, Sept/Oct 2006
Crafts Council makers news, summer 2006
Textile Directory Newsletter, July 2006
The Art of Jewellery Design, Liz Olver. Feb 2002
Brides" Magazine - November/December 2001 Issue
Commission Work
2011 Communication Sponsor - The Olive Tree A Rooster Called Home
2011 The Olive Tree A Rooster Called Home, essay for Loukia Richards catalogue “The Conundrum of Textiles”.
2010 Promopress. Essay for “New Rings”
2009 Quarto. Design chapter for “Contemporary Jewellery Making Techniques”
2009 Bilston “Ten” Commission
2008 A&C Black. Chapter for “Jewellery Using Textile Techniques”
2007 A&C Black. Commissioned to write “Mixed Media Jewellery”
2001 Links of London
2001 Pomelatto, Milan
Work Statement
Lost and remembered
Imagined or tangible
Travelled object,
enduring time and wear
The single petal turned stubbornly red,
the rest are uniformly yellow
María Alejandra Koreck- Argentina
2976 La Pampa St. 4th floor ,apartment “20”
Buenos Aires. CP 1428
Tel: 011-4785-6917 Mobile: 011-154-052-1787
E-mail: [email protected]
Born in Argentina,1962. Psychiatrist,psychoanalyst. She design contemporary jewelry in her own studio since 2001.She has attended several jewelry worshops at Buenos Aires: Centro de Diseño Maria Medici, Escuela de Capacitación de Joyería y Engarce del Sindicato de Joyeros y afines de la Argentina,workshop by Fabiana Gadano, by Francine Schloeth. She´s part of the group “Biological Jewelry” and participates in exhibitions in art galleries and museums in Argentina,Mexico,Uruguay,USA.
She attended the seminar given by Charon Kransen(2008) and the workshop given by Jiro Kamata and Sayumi Yokouchi(2011) at Buenos Aires. Her work “Fiesta”( artist book and jewelry )has been selected for Schmuck Exhibition 2013 ,Munich, Germany.
She has taken part in lectures on the topic of “Art and Psychoanalysis” at Lacantonal Foundation and EOL (Escuela de Psicoanálisis de la Orientación Lacaniana).
Since 2009 began artist book and textile experimentation workshops. She´s a member of the CAAT (Argentine Textile Art Center), attends contemporary sculpture workshop given by Professor Edgardo Madanes , Cromos Art Center and different paper art workshops at Buenos Aires.
Mabel Pena (Argentina) www.mabelpena.com.ar
Graduated from the ENET N º 6 "Fernando Fader" applied arts .1970-1976
Race Set-University Salvador.1977- 1979
Sets and costumes course with Gaston Breyer, and Graciela Galan.1981-1984
Jewelry Workshop with Master Sarquis 1990-1996
Jewelry Workshop with Alfredo Garavaglia1997-1999
Creativity Workshop with Fernanda Bolli.CC R.Rojas 2005
Creativity Workshop with Susan Yasán.1995-2000
Jewelry Workshop Copyright: Among the inspiration and expiration with Ramon Puig Cuyás CCEBA 2006
Seminar on contemporary Jewellery with Kransen Charon. 2008
Symposium Grey Area. Mexico 2010
Contemporary Jewelry Workshop by Jiro Kamata and Sayumi Yokouchi. Buenos Aires 2011
Some exposures
Transforming. Jewellery Workshop Author Km 0. Museum of Women Art Gallery and Parte. Bs As Argentina 2010-2012
Iberjoya. Madrid. 2011
Crossing borders: the Jewellery of textile 2. National Endowment for the Arts. 2011.Bs. As Argentina
Crossing borders: the Jewellery of the textile. Museo de Arte Popular Jose Hernandez.2010 Bs As Argentina
Crossing borders: the Jewellery of the textile. Textile Art Biennial. DF Mexico 2011
That unites us. Argentine jewelers. Buenos Aires Sur.2010 Corporation
Kaleidoscope Jewelers Gallery Pladi Argentinos. Mexico (DF) Symposium Gray Area. 2010
American inspiration J. Contemporary. Museo de Arte Popular Jose Hernandez.2009 Bs As Argentina
Artecho. Foundation A roof for my country. Recoleta Cultural Center 2009 Bs As Argentina
ARTEBA 2009. Art Gallery Box. Bs As Argentina
Group art collective Biological Jewellery. "Orchids" Museum Romulo Raggio 2006/7/8/9/10 Bs As Argentina
Group art collective ¨ Accomplices 2006/2012 Bs As Argentina
Art Joalheri-Argentina-Brazil. Bonds of earth. Palermo University 2006. Bs As Argentina
Latin American Bazaar 2004 Tokyo, Japan. 2004/5
Design Show. 2001/4 Bs As Argentina
Pure Design Fair. 2003/4/6/7 Bs As Argentina
Awards and competitions
1st prize acquisition Writing contest and crafts Heritage Collection of the City of Buenos Aires
IV Biennial of Buenos Aires crafts 2011
2 nd Mention Gold. IV Biennial of Buenos Aires crafts 2011
A special mention category Personal 7 th Design Show is, Bs As Palais de Glace. 2004.
2 nd Prize, Category: Staff 6 th Design Show is, Palais de Glace, Buenos Aires 2003.
1st Prize, Category: Personal 5 th Exhibition of Design, is, BA M. of the Parks 2002.
1st Prize, Category: Personal, 4th Salon of Design, BA Palais de Glace 2001.
1 st mention. Work Ring "Patagonia" IV Jewellery Design Competition "Jewelry Today" 2000
Other Activities
Site Curator www.joyerosargentinos.com.ar
Jury of Enigma. Museo de Arte Popular Jose Hernandez.2009
Contest Judges What unites us. Argentine jewelers. Buenos Aires Sur.2010 Corporation
Course Design and Contemporary Jewellery Workshop in my KM. 0. 2002-2012
Transforming project shows itinerante.2010-2012
Contemporary Jewelry Workshop. PROSAM Foundation.(Mental Health) 2006-12
Teaching at the University of Palermo. Jewellery Design Career. 2009/12
Teaching in Educational Complex Jewellery, Jewellery Design Course and artística.2003-2008
Cycle Chat. Experiences: From inspiration to expression. Faculty of Fine Arts. University of La Plata. 2008
Conference on "Creativity in Jewellery design." CEJ. 2005
Talk "Creativity for Jewellery design." University Palermo.2005
Round Table. Crossing Glances. National Endowment for the Artes.2011
Yearbook. Jewellery Directory Contemporánea.2011
Gemstone 500 jewels. Lark Books
Jewelry Style Magazine.2004/6/10/12
Born in Buenos Aires – Argentina.
Studied sculpture in the Superior School of Fine Arts.
After many years dedicated to sculpture, exhibiting her work and obtaining different prizes, she turned her attention to jewelery.
She studied and worked with important jewelers in Argentina.
She has exhibited her work in several events with great success.
Address: Talcahuano 1770 – Martínez – Buenos Aires – Argentina
Phone: +54-11-48360429
e-mail: [email protected]
Sabina Tiemroth (Argentina)
1984 Born in Neuquén, Argentina. Lives and work in Buenos Aires
E-Mail: [email protected]
Porfolio: http://sabinatiemroth.blogspot.com/
Education and Trainning
2011 - 13
Studying at Workshop la Nave Contemporary Jewelry, dictated by Jorge Castañón
Municipal Jewelry School “Sergio Lukez”
Summer School “Struktur- Skulptur“given by Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern, Buenos Aires
University and Simón Bolívar University, Buenos Aires
Fashion Designer, graduate at Buenos Aires University
Seminary “Silk Workshop” given by Creative Industry Apartment, Metropolitan Design Center
Seminary “Business & Design” given by Creative Industry Apartment, Metropolitan Design Center,
Buenos Aires
Seminary “Recycled Workshop” given by Creative Industry Apartment, Metropolitan Design Center
X Argentina Fashion Conference, "Made in Argentina": Fashion Industry and Textiles, held at
the National Museum of Costume History
Exhibitions 2012
Pieces selected for Schmuck 2013, Munich
Annual Exhibition”Between the invisible and the invisible”, workshop la Nave, Bs As
Exhibition Contemporary Jewelry “National Craft Competition”, Fondo Nacional de las Artes, Bs As
Exhibition “Acequias” contemporary Jewelry Collection by Metropolitan Design Center, Puro
Diseño Fair, Bs As
Exhibition contemporary Jewelry by International Design Festival, Metropolitan Design Center, Bs As
Exhibition Vaiven Furniture by International Design Festival, Metropolitan Design Center, Bs As
Exhibition Vaiven Furniture by Casa FOA, Metropolitan Design Center, Bs As
Between the invisible and the invisible, Catalogue workshop la Nave, 2012
Jewelry Designer and freelance Costume Designer
Design Assistant at Veronica Genta Brand
Lived and Worked in Naples, US
Stella Valencia Iragorri (Costa d’Avorio)
Address: Escazú, Condominios El Golf
City: San José / country: Costa Rica
Zip: 54-1017 San José 2000
Website, www.silvergoldandmore.com
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (506) 2249-4991
I was born In Colombia
I live in San José, Costa Rica for 33 years
I have vast studies and experience in arts, such as painting, ceramics and jewelry. While living in Colombia, I first began and developed my art studies in the Escuela de Bellas Artes de Cali. When I moved to Costa Rica, I continued with the expansion of my painting expertise by attending diverse classes and by participating in relevant international individual and collective painting expositions. They took place in New York City, Washington D.C., Valparaíso, Chile, Habana, Cuba and Ecuador. Meanwhile, I began the jewelry experience at Studio Metallo for over 5 years and am currently an active member of the independent group POR QUE NO?.
Expositions of jewelry in which I participated .
Origomu/otro diseño y Klint 02
Centro Cultural Costarricense
Centro Cultural de México
Alianza Francesa
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Costa Rica
Pole Bijou Baccarat, Francia
Artprize 2011-2012, Michigan
Diseño 2013 Gioiellodentro, Italia.
Liz Willis – UK
Liz Willis Jewellery
1, Crabtree Lane,
Pirton, Herts.
Tel - 01462 712373
Mobile - 07919 430984
[email protected]
2002 – 2008 – BA Applied Arts, University of Hertfordshire
2000 – 2002 – Foundation Diploma, University of Hertfordshire
Short Courses – 2007, Holts Academy of Jewellery, London
2005 – 2006, Jinks McGrath, East Sussex
Work Experience
2007, 1 day placement only – Angie Boothroyd
Sept – Nov 2011 – Ute Decker
Recent Shows & Exhibitions
Nov 2012 – Made 12, Brighton, E Sussex
Oct 2012 – Festival of Crafts, Farnham Maltings, Surrey
June 2012 – The Contemporary Craft Festival, Bovey Tracey, Devon
May 2012 – Made in Clerkenwell, Craft Central, London
April 2012 – “Rising Stars” – New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham
British Craft Trade Fair, Harrogate
Jan 2012 – “Natural Beauty” – Diana Porter Contemporary Jewellery, Bristol
Nov 2011 – Christmas Showcase, Bilston Craft Gallery
Nov 2011 – Crafted for Christmas, New Brewery Arts, Cirencester
Sept 2011 – Thread: Bare, RBSA Gallery, Birmingham
July 2011 – Craft in the Bay Summer Show, Cardiff, Wales
“Life’s a Beach” – Leeds Craft & Design Gallery
June 2011 – Summer Exhibition, Victoria Sewart Gallery, Plymouth
The Contemporary Craft Fair, Bovey Tracey, Devon
ACJ at Treasure, London Jewellery Week
May 2011 – “Made in Clerkenwell”, Craft Central, London
Hay Festival Exhibition, Brook Street Pottery, Hay on Wye
April 2011 – British Craft Trade Fair, Harrogate
Jan 2011 – Designer Crafts in the Mall (Shop within the Show), Mall Galleries, London
Dec 2010 – Made by Hand, Tredegar House, Newport, Wales
Nov 2010- “A Touch of Splendour”, Harding House Gallery, Lincoln
MADE, Yorkshire Sculpture Park
Oct 2010 – ACJ Cambridge Show, Primavera, Cambridge
Aug 2010 – Guest Jewellery Designer, Studio 61, Matlock, Derbyshire
June 2010 – ACJ at Treasure, London Jewellery Week
April 2010 – British Craft Trade Fair, Harrogate
June 2011 – Designer chosen by winner of ACJ at Treasure Prize Draw, London Jewellery Week
Association for Contemporary Jewellery
Craft Central, Network Member
YU-PING LIN (Rainey) Taiwan-UK www.yuxiart.com
Designer Maker at Yu-Ping Lin Textile Jewellery from 2010 to present
Graphic and Art Designer in Taiwan (2004- 2008)
M.A. Jewellery, Silversmithing and Related Products Sep 2009 – Sep 2010
School of Jewellery, Birmingham City University (UK)
Dip. Silversmithing & Stonesetting Sep 2005 – Feb 2006
National Craft Institute (Taiwan)
B.A. Graphics and Commercial Design Sep 2000 – Jun 2004
Ming Chuan University (Taiwan)
AWARDS Winner of the Best Fashion Accessory Award at British Craft Trade Fair
Goldsmiths’ Craftsmanship & Design Award in category of Gallery Jewellery
Gold Prize & Council Special Award
Artist of Design Space supported by Birmingham City Council
Artist Selected by Sauce Gallery (the UK)
PIMPS Sneakers Design, honorable mention (Taiwan)
Ming Chuan University Photography Competition, 2nd place (Taiwan)
Ming Chuan University Photography Competition, 4th place (Taiwan)
Ming Chuan University Scholarship (Taiwan)
Creative Christmas Tree Competition, 1st place (Taiwan)
Jewelbook - International Annual of Contemporary Jewel Art 12/13
Handmade in Britain Design Book
Goldsmiths’ Craft & Design Council Awards
Tabble Manners
Commercial Design Graduate