Central Asia Pavilion

Informazioni Evento

San Marco 2468, Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

10am - 6pm
Transport:Line 2, San Samuele


ore 9-11 Breakfast talk

Email: cap2013@bureau-n.de
Sito web: http://www.cap2013.net
Vyacheslav Akhunov, Saodat Ismailova, Sergey Chutkov, Anton Rodin, Aza Shade, Ikuru Kuwajima, Erlan Tuyakov, Kamilla Kurmanbekova
Ayatgali Tuleubek, Tiago Bom
arte contemporanea, collettiva

Mostra collettiva dal titolo Winter

Comunicato stampa

The working title Winter is inspired by the poem "Winter" (1888) by Kazkah poet, Abay, a 19th century thinker who left an immense cultural legacy in the Central Asian region. The project draws from this poem in two ways. Firstly, Winter as a natural phenomenon embodies a potential transformational character, as it precedes Spring and the snow gives place to a full blossoming; where a frozen public dialogue is replaced by a more participatory one. Secondly, poetry has often been chosen in the past as a key tool to convey identity and to bypass lack of freedom of expression.The project aims to address, and bring a visual reflection on the complexity of the current socio-political context in the Central Asian region, by employing the tools of the poetical and metaphorical language.Central Asian Pavilion is curated by Ayatgali Tuleubek (27, Kazakhstan) and Tiago Bom (26, Portugal), two emerging artists based in Oslo, Norway.
The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive set of parallel events (film screenings in Spring and a series of seminars in Autumn) which will take place in 4 countries: Almaty (Kazakhstan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and Oslo (Norway).