55. Biennale – Padiglione kosovaro

Informazioni Evento

Campo Della Tana (Castello) , Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

10am - 6pm
Closing day:Mondays (except for June 3 and November 18)


ore 16,30

Petrit Halilaj
Kathrin Rhomberg
arte contemporanea, personale

Petrit Halilaj rappresenta la Repubblica del Kosovo alla Biennale di Venezia col progetto

Comunicato stampa

Kosovo is one of the new countries rapresented at the 55 Venice Art Biennale. Commisioner Erzen Shkololli has chosen Petrit Halilaj as the artist to represent Kosovo, and Kathrin Rhomberg as curator who as first statemente said that being invited to the realisation of Kosovo's firs appearance at Venice Biennale is a great privilege for him. This invitation represent for him even a great degree of responsability, as he declared.

Petrit Halilaj was born in 1986 in Kostërrc (Kosovo). He lives and works between Kosovo, Italy and Berlin. His artistic practice is deeply rooted in a constant search of what reality is and how reality might be represented through art. His memories of a rural childhood, his personal experience of war, destruction, exodus and displacement are the very basis of his reflections on life and the human condition. This transnational way of life not only adds to his experience but is also representative of Petrit Halilaj's specific way of exploring art and reality, and of his continuing attempts to translate or even transform the one into the other. His art can be seen as building bridges between different worlds and realities, ideologies, different generations and phases of life.