Florian Neufeldt – Soliloqui

Informazioni Evento

via Francesco Negri 43, Roma, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

dal martedì al sabato 15,00 - 19,00 e su appuntamento


ore 18

Florian Neufeldt
arte contemporanea, personale

Florian Neufeldt elegge la pratica scultorea a proprio mezzo espressivo prediletto, spingendosi oltre la lezione postmodernista che ha tolto la scultura dal piedistallo per proporla come uno degli elementi che determinano uno spazio.

Comunicato stampa

The Gallery Apart è orgogliosa di presentare la seconda personale in galleria di Florian Neufeldt, artista tedesco di stanza a Berlino.

Florian Neufeldt elegge la pratica scultorea a proprio mezzo espressivo prediletto, spingendosi oltre la lezione postmodernista che ha tolto la scultura dal piedistallo per proporla come uno degli elementi che determinano uno spazio. Neufeldt infatti tratta l’oggetto e lo spazio come fattori complementari ma distinti. Gli oggetti e lo spazio non sono mai soltanto materiale da utilizzare, sono materia che si trasforma in qualcosa d’altro.

Neufeldt utilizza oggetti di scarto o tratti dagli stessi luoghi in cui realizza le sue installazioni. Spesso aggiunge altro materiale, ma il suo intervento è soprattutto volto a rielaborare, sezionare, frammentare e cambiare l’oggetto di partenza senza volersene completamente liberare, mantenendone l’anima oltre che il ricordo della funzione originaria. Ciascun oggetto dunque narra la sua storia, la sua metamorfosi, e lo stesso fa lo spazio a cui l’artista assegna pari dignità e soprattutto autonomia di presenza. È un confronto di soliloqui fra cose e spazi e, naturalmente, anche il modo con cui l’artista parla a se stesso.

Esemplare è l’intervento che Neufeldt realizza nella parte d’ingresso della galleria. Utilizzando gli infissi e i vetri delle finestre che danno sulla strada, l’artista crea una sorta di piccolo rifugio stufa a disposizione degli spettatori, costruendo una gabbia trasparente all’interno della quale colloca un radiatore, anch’esso sradicato dal muro e di cui viene mantenuta la funzione. Il tutto posizionato sul lucernaio che stabilmente pone in contatto visivo il pian terreno della galleria con il piano interrato sottostante. Lo spostamento e la trasformazione degli infissi incide così non solo sull’oggetto scultura che deriva da tale processo di metamorfosi, ma anche sullo spazio che, restando alla mercé delle intemperie e del tempo atmosferico a causa dell’assenza delle finestre, di fatto si trasforma da spazio interno della galleria a spazio all’aperto.
A complemento di tale intervento, Neufeldt propone una serie di sculture di piccole dimensioni disposte nei grandi spazi della galleria in modo da creare un rapporto e un’influenza concettuali oltre che visivi fondati sull’evidente contrasto dimensionale.

Nato a Bonn nel 1976. Vive e lavora a Berlino.

1999-2005 Studies of sociology (diploma) at the University of Cologne and FU Berlin
1997-99 Studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Tony Cragg

2012 Art residency Bad Gastein
2011 Stiftung Kunstfonds, Work scholarship
2010 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Scholarship of residency of the Berlin Senate

2013 Wechsel der Beleuchtung, Espace Surplus le Grand, Berlin
Florian Neufeldt & Matthias Ströckel - Parallels Crossing in Infinity, curated by K. Barutzki, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Under the Weather, with Alona Rodeh, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv
2012 Zwischen den Türen, NUN, Berlin
Nothing succeeds like success, and nothing survives like survival, Ozean, Berlin
2011 Im Nacken, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin Quelques coins et un cercle, rue de Tourtille, Paris
2010 More Or the Same, The Gallery Apart and 26cc, Rome
DURCHUNDDURCH, dreizehn / thirteen, Berlin
Spot°light (SPTLT): FLORIAN NEUFELDT, Nusser&Baumgart, Munich
CUTS BOTH WAYS , Galeri Opdahl, Stavanger
2009 Planke, Praterstraße 48, Wien
I and it, it and I, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin
2008 dix-huit, with Constantin Wallhäuser, espace surplus, Berlin
Maschine, Parrotta Project Space, Berlin
2007 cinque, with Simon Menner, espace surplus, Berlin

2013 homecomings, horse, Berlin
Schweben?, oqbo, Berlin
parasite, Ozean, Berlin
2012 Florian Neufeldt, Philipp Leissing und Martin Roth, Ve.sch, Wien
Kopf an kopf, Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam e. V., Potsdam
ILOVIT, Copenhagen Art Festival, various venues, Copenhagen
Kunst Residenz, in Bad Gastein, final group show, Bad Gastein, Austria
Mesmerized, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin
The Passions. A drama in five acts, curated by C. Nichols, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
The dog days of entropy, Nationalmuseum, Berlin
Nothing Suceeds Like Success, And Nothing Survives Like Survival, Ozean, Berlin
2011 Hear Me Out, curated by C. Casorati e C. L. Pisano, CIAC Museum, Genazzano
KÜNSTLERISCHE PRODUKTION Eine Gruppenausstellung, espace surplus, Berlin
SITE, curated by K. Dietrich-Kröck and C. Nichols, Kunstraum Potsdam
KOH-I-NOR, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen
Uncanny Valley – Unvertrautes Heim, curated by M. Schumacher and B. Baumann, Architektursommer Rhein- Main 2011, Offenbach
Gruppenausstellung – Praterstraße Berlin, curated by L. Weißgerber, Praterstraße Berlin
2010 On a Boat, curated by S. Teitge, Boot Helene, Berlin
Curated Sculpture, curated by P. Wirz and M. Birchall, Galerie Parrotta, Stuttgart
Plus - Vorrübergehender Übe, Plus - Vorrübergehender Überschuss, curated by B. Springer, espace surplus, Berlin
CIRCUS HEIN, Open Space, Art Cologne
Circle Work, Parkhaus, Berlin
dreizehn / thirteen - Praeludium - a group show, dreizehn / thirteen, Berlin
Fröhliche Gesellschaft - Editionen, Centre d’Édition Contemporaine Genève and Galerie Parrotta, Stuttgart
2009 Circus Hein, curated by J. Hein, Atelier Alexander Calder,
Saché and FRAC, Orléans, Francia
Site Specific! - Zur Ortsspezifizität junger Positionen, curated by B. Springer, Kunsthaus Potsdam
State of the Art, Art Copenhagen
Continuous Perspectives # 2, Galerie Nusser&Baumgart, Leipzig
Aus der Tiefe des Raumes, Institut Rheinumschlag, Düsseldorf
2008 11 Nullen, Danziger Straße 146, Berlin
Kunst und Babys, Maxim, Köln
Mit Heissen Nadeln, Geh8, Dresda
2007 Maschine, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart
Into the Woods Tonight, Parrotta Project Space, Berlin
Into the Woods Tonight, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart
Jeppe empfiehlt: Vorschub, curated by J. Hein, Schlosserei Vorschub, Berlin

2012 Sich im Unendlichen kreuzende Parallelen, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2011 Hear Me Out, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2011 Uncanny Valley, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2010 Circus Hein, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2009 State of the Art, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2009 espace surplus, rückblickender Retrospective catalogue of the project room espace surplus, Berlin
2008 Kunst und Babys, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2007 Into the Woods Tonight, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.

The Gallery Apart is proud to present the second solo show by Florian Neufeldt, a German artist based in Berlin.

Florian Neufeldt chooses sculpture as his medium, raising the bar of the Postmodernist lesson that knocked sculpture off its pedestal expanding the genre as an element that defines and shapes the exhibition space. Neufeldt treats in fact the object and the space as complementary, though distinct, factors. The objects and the space are never mere materials to be used, but they are also matter to be transformed into something new.

Neufeldt uses scrap or collected objects in the same sites where he produces his art installations. He oftentimes adds other materials, but his intervention is above all aimed to reconfigure, dissect and fragment the original object without discarding it but preserving its inner soul as well as the memory of its original function. Hence, each object tells its own story, its metamorphosis. Likewise the exhibition space is provided by the artist with equal dignity and, most of all, with a status of autonomy. It is a comparison of soliloquies between objects and spaces and, obviously, also a way the artists talks to and with himself

The art work installed in the gallery's entrance hall is exemplary. Using the frames and panes of the windows facing the street, the artist creates a sort of small shelter in which he places a heater also taken off the wall while preserving its function. The installation is set on the rooflight that visually connects the gallery’s first floor with the basement. The transformation of the window frames – therefore - involves not only the sculpture resulting from such a process of metamorphosis, it also shapes the exhibition space that, left at the mercy of inclement weather and of other atmospheric conditions due to the absence of windows, from the gallery’s inner space is actually transformed into an open-air space.

As a complement to such intervention, Neufeldt also presents a series of small-scale sculptures arranged in the gallery’s wide halls in order to establish a conceptual, as well as visual, relationship and influence based on the evident dimensional contrast.

EXHIBITION: Florian Neufeldt – Soliloqui
VENUE: The Gallery Apart – Via Francesco Negri, 43, Rome, Italy
VERNISSAGE: Saturday, March 22 2014
EXHIBITION DURATION: 22.03.2014 – 17.05.2014
EXHIBITION OPENING HOURS: Tuesday – Saturday, 3.00 – 7.00 p.m and by appointment
CONTACTS: The Gallery Apart – tel/fax 0668809863 – [email protected] – www.thegalleryapart.it

Born in Bonn in 1976. He lives and works in Berlin.

1999-2005 Studies of sociology (diploma) at the University of Cologne and FU Berlin
1997-99 Studies at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Tony Cragg

2012 Art residency Bad Gastein
2011 Stiftung Kunstfonds, Work scholarship
2010 Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, Scholarship of residency of the Berlin Senate

2013 Wechsel der Beleuchtung, Espace Surplus le Grand, Berlin
Florian Neufeldt & Matthias Ströckel - Parallels Crossing in Infinity, curated by K. Barutzki, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Under the Weather, with Alona Rodeh, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv
2012 Zwischen den Türen, NUN, Berlin
Nothing succeeds like success, and nothing survives like survival, Ozean, Berlin
2011 Im Nacken, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin Quelques coins et un cercle, rue de Tourtille, Paris
2010 More Or the Same, The Gallery Apart and 26cc, Rome
DURCHUNDDURCH, dreizehn / thirteen, Berlin
Spot°light (SPTLT): FLORIAN NEUFELDT, Nusser&Baumgart, Munich
CUTS BOTH WAYS , Galeri Opdahl, Stavanger
2009 Planke, Praterstraße 48, Wien
I and it, it and I, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin
2008 dix-huit, with Constantin Wallhäuser, espace surplus, Berlin
Maschine, Parrotta Project Space, Berlin
2007 cinque, with Simon Menner, espace surplus, Berlin

2013 homecomings, horse, Berlin
Schweben?, oqbo, Berlin
parasite, Ozean, Berlin
2012 Florian Neufeldt, Philipp Leissing und Martin Roth, Ve.sch, Wien
Kopf an kopf, Kunstverein KunstHaus Potsdam e. V., Potsdam
ILOVIT, Copenhagen Art Festival, various venues, Copenhagen
Kunst Residenz, in Bad Gastein, final group show, Bad Gastein, Austria
Mesmerized, Galerie Opdahl, Berlin
The Passions. A drama in five acts, curated by C. Nichols, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
The dog days of entropy, Nationalmuseum, Berlin
Nothing Suceeds Like Success, And Nothing Survives Like Survival, Ozean, Berlin
2011 Hear Me Out, curated by C. Casorati e C. L. Pisano, CIAC Museum, Genazzano
KÜNSTLERISCHE PRODUKTION Eine Gruppenausstellung, espace surplus, Berlin
SITE, curated by K. Dietrich-Kröck and C. Nichols, Kunstraum Potsdam
KOH-I-NOR, Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen
Uncanny Valley – Unvertrautes Heim, curated by M. Schumacher and B. Baumann, Architektursommer Rhein- Main 2011, Offenbach
Gruppenausstellung – Praterstraße Berlin, curated by L. Weißgerber, Praterstraße Berlin
2010 On a Boat, curated by S. Teitge, Boot Helene, Berlin
Curated Sculpture, curated by P. Wirz and M. Birchall, Galerie Parrotta, Stuttgart
Plus - Vorrübergehender Übe, Plus - Vorrübergehender Überschuss, curated by B. Springer, espace surplus, Berlin
CIRCUS HEIN, Open Space, Art Cologne
Circle Work, Parkhaus, Berlin
dreizehn / thirteen - Praeludium - a group show, dreizehn / thirteen, Berlin
Fröhliche Gesellschaft - Editionen, Centre d’Édition Contemporaine Genève and Galerie Parrotta, Stuttgart
2009 Circus Hein, curated by J. Hein, Atelier Alexander Calder,
Saché and FRAC, Orléans, Francia
Site Specific! - Zur Ortsspezifizität junger Positionen, curated by B. Springer, Kunsthaus Potsdam
State of the Art, Art Copenhagen
Continuous Perspectives # 2, Galerie Nusser&Baumgart, Leipzig
Aus der Tiefe des Raumes, Institut Rheinumschlag, Düsseldorf
2008 11 Nullen, Danziger Straße 146, Berlin
Kunst und Babys, Maxim, Köln
Mit Heissen Nadeln, Geh8, Dresda
2007 Maschine, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart
Into the Woods Tonight, Parrotta Project Space, Berlin
Into the Woods Tonight, Parrotta Contemporary Art, Stuttgart
Jeppe empfiehlt: Vorschub, curated by J. Hein, Schlosserei Vorschub, Berlin

2012 Sich im Unendlichen kreuzende Parallelen, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2011 Hear Me Out, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2011 Uncanny Valley, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2010 Circus Hein, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2009 State of the Art, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2009 espace surplus, rückblickender Retrospective catalogue of the project room espace surplus, Berlin
2008 Kunst und Babys, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.
2007 Into the Woods Tonight, Ausst. Kat. / Exh. Cat.