Energy for Creativity 2015
Mostra-Evento promossa da Interni.
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The new Exhibition-Event of INTERNI (edition 18), ENERGY FOR CREATIVITY (13 April - 24 May 2015), attempts to introduce and develop the themes of Expo Milano 2015 which will open in May 2015. On the specific request of EXPO in the City, the operation endorsed by the City of Milan, the Chamber of Commerce and ExpoMilano2015 to coordinate its urban events, the exhibition will continue for the whole inaugural month of the Universal Exposition. INTERNI will involve, in the magnificent settings of the Università degli Studi di Milano, the Orto Botanico di Brera and a possible 3rd location in a old Palazzo of the city center, a series of internationally renowned designers and leading companies in the field of innovation and research, to make the FuoriSalone in Milan become an open-air laboratory ready to gather and develop proposals for the city of the future. Expo Milano 2015 is a platform for discussion from which to launch new objectives for a sustainable millennium, to safeguard biodiversity while protecting knowledge, traditions and entire cultures. Feeding the Planet, providing nutrition, is undoubtedly a necessary action, but it can also be one of the most joyful for humankind; the pleasure of the palate becomes an instrument of knowledge. The flavors and aromas of international cuisines narrate the history and cultures of the societies of our planet. Nourishing our body, however, also means feeding the mind with ideas, proposed solutions and projects. INTERNI ENERGY FOR CREATIVITY sets out to operate in this perspective, joining forces with Expo Milano 2015 in a creative synergy. Architects and designers will be asked to create temporary installations to offer their subjective interpretations of the theme Energy for Life. In this sense, the Event for 2015 of Interni becomes a place of experimentation for the prototyping of installations on different scales that will continue, re-presenting their design message on an urban scale, and for the international audience of Expo 2015, as artifacts and community resources capable of activating processes of encounter and exchange, disciplinary synergies to nourish minds and creativity.