Margherita Moscardini – Atlas
Ex Elettrofonica è lieta di annunciare Atlas. On the Human Condition, Places and Times. personale di Margherita Moscardini con cui la galleria apre la sua stagione di mostre.
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Ex Elettrofonica è lieta di annunciare Atlas. On the Human Condition, Places and Times. personale di Margherita Moscardini con cui la galleria apre la sua stagione di mostre l’11 ottobre 2016.
L’artista propone un momento teorico conclusivo di un discorso che porta avanti da tempo e che muove da queste parole di Arendt: ‘the Polis, properly speaking, is not the city-state in its physical location; it is the organization of the people as it arises out of acting and speaking together […] action and speech create a space between the participants which can find its proper location almost anywhere and anytime. Space and location are created through plural action.’
Arendt scrive che la città è la gente riunita nel discorso pubblico, e come tale, è un fatto trasponibile quasi ovunque e in ogni momento. L’artista traduce questo assunto in termini plastici attraverso disegni di folle che calzano gli spazi e piccole sculture. La città, dunque, è vista in termini di ambiente costruito dalla moltitudine che si addensa e si disperde nei vuoti urbani: strade, piazze, etc. Quei vuoti progettati per l’aggregazione, la sosta e la viabilità, quando sono riempiti completamente sembrano realizzare il lavoro di chi li ha progettati. Come dice Butler, quando la moltitudine si riunisce per rivendicare lo spazio pubblico, l’ambiente materiale diventa supporto dell’azione e allo stesso tempo è riconfigurato dall’azione.
La città in termini di patrimonio, di costruito, non resiste alla distruzione, ai bombardamenti, alla catastrofe naturale, neanche al tempo. Palmira adesso è diffusa, in transito verso territori che spera sicuri, in cerca di rifugio e giustizia. Se non è in occidente, è in un enorme campo, attrezzato come città temporanea, che in realtà è destinato a durare generazioni intere ed a diventare modello della città del futuro. Vedi Za’tari in Giordania, Dadaab in Kenya, forse the Jungle a Calais.
Margherita Moscardini (Donoratico, 1981) ha studiato Antropologia Culturale a Bologna e frequentato l’Advanced Course in Visual Arts della Fondazione Ratti di Como con Yona Friedman (2008). Ha lavorato di recente presso MMCA Changdong, Seoul, Corea (2014) e ISCP, New York, USA (2015). E' stata fellow 2015, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York, USA. Tra le mostre personali: To San Rocco with Love, Contemporary Locus 06 (con Jo Thomas), Bergamo, Italia, 2014; Istanbul City Hills - On the Natural History of Dispersion and States of Aggregation, IIC di Istanbul, Turchia, 2013, Annexe-1XUnknown, Ex Elettrofonica, Roma, Italia, 2012; 1XUnknown, Museo MACRO, Roma, Italia, 2012, A Project for the Ancienth Bath, CCA ArtToday, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2011. Tra le mostre collettive: Istanbul City Hills - On the Natural History of Dispersion and States of Aggregation, Sezione Volume e Sintesi COLLEZIONI MAXXI, Fondazione MAXXI, Roma, Italia, 2016; 30 projects for ArtLine, Palazzo Reale, Milano, Italia, 2015; We have never been modern, SongEun ArtSpace, Seoul, Corea, 2014, VAF Foundation Prize, Schauwerk Foundation, Stuttgart e Staedtgalerie Kiel, Germania, 2014.
DURATA: Dal 12 ottobre 2016 – al 20 dicembre 2016
SEDE: Ex Elettrofonica - Vicolo di Sant’ Onofrio, 10 Roma
COME ARRIVARE: a pochi passi dall’ospedale Santo Spirito in Sassia e dall’ospedale Bambino Gesù, vicolo Sant’Onofrio si trova alle spalle di piazza della Rovere, sul Lungotevere.
ORARIO: dal martedì al venerdì 15.00-19.00, sabato e lunedì su appuntamento, domenica chiuso.
INFORMAZIONI: +39 06 64760163, [email protected],
______________________________________________english version:
ATLAS. On the Human Condition, Places and Times
Opening: 11 October 2016, 18.30
12 October 2016 – 20 December 2016
Ex Elettrofonica is pleased to announce Atlas. On the Human Condition, Places and Times – a solo exhibition by Margherita Moscardini, which marks the opening of the gallery’s exhibition season, on 11 October 2016.
The artist puts forward the final theoretical stage of an argument she has been advancing for some time, moved by these words of Arendt: ‘the Polis, properly speaking, is not the city-state in its physical location; it is the organization of the people as it arises out of acting and speaking together […] action and speech create a space between the participants which can find its proper location almost anywhere and anytime. Space and location are created through plural action.’
Arendt writes that the city is people gathered in public discourse, and as such, it can be transposed almost anywhere, anytime. The artist translates this assumption into flexible terms through drawings of crowds that fit into spaces and small sculptures. The city is thus seen in terms of the environment created by a multitude that condenses and dissipates in urban spaces: streets, squares, etc. Those spaces, planned for bringing people together and practicability, seem to fulfil the plans of their designers when they are completely filled. As Butler says, when the multitude comes together to reclaim the public space, the material environment becomes a support for action and is simultaneously reconfigured by the action.
The city, in terms of assets, of construction, cannot resist destruction, bombings, natural disasters, nor even time. Palmira is now dispersed, in transit towards territories it hopes are safe, seeking refuge and justice. If not in the West, in an enormous field, equipped as a temporary city, which is actually meant to last generations and to become a model city of the future. Take for example Za’tari in Jordan, Dadaab in Kenya, or perhaps the Jungle in Calais.
Margherita Moscardini (Donoratico, 1981) studied Cultural Anthropology in Bologna and attended the Advanced Course in Visual Arts at the Fondazione Ratti in Como with Yona Friedman (2008). She recently worked at the MMCA Changdong, Seoul, Korea (2014) and ISCP, New York, USA (2015). She was a 2015 fellow at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University, New York, USA. Her solo shows include: To San Rocco with Love, Contemporary Locus 06 (with Jo Thomas), Bergamo, Italy, 2014; Istanbul City Hills - On the Natural History of Dispersion and States of Aggregation, IIC Istanbul, Turkey, 2013, Annexe-1XUnknown, Ex Elettrofonica, Rome, Italy, 2012; 1XUnknown, Museo MACRO, Rome, Italy, 2012, A Project for the Ancient Bath, CCA ArtToday, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2011. Her group shows include: Istanbul City Hills - On the Natural History of Dispersion and States of Aggregation, Volume Section and Summary COLLEZIONI MAXXI, Fondazione MAXXI, Rome, Italy, 2016; 30 projects for ArtLine, Palazzo Reale, Milan, Italy, 2015; We have never been modern, SongEunArtSpace, Seoul, Korea, 2014, VAF Foundation Prize, Schauwerk Foundation, Stuttgart and Staedtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2014.