Pietro Russo / Maya Rochat – Living in a painting

Informazioni Evento

Via Luigi Mangiagalli 5, Milano , Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

Tuesday - Friday from 12 to 7pm
Saturday on appointment

Pietro Russo, Maya Rochat
arte contemporanea, doppia personale

Mostra doppia personale

Comunicato stampa

In case you missed the opening of our current show "Living in a painting" by Maya Rochat and Pietro Russo on Tuesday 11th December you will have the chance to enjoy the exhibition and the immersive projections running till 10pm.

Living in a painting is a collaboration between the Italian designer Pietro Russo and the Swiss artist Maya Rochat. The show marks the beginning of a new curatorial program that rethink the exhibiting space and works on the uniqueness of the presented artworks. The interaction between image and design gives birth to the whole visual experience that is beyond just seeing and touching, and T14 invites the visitors to live it fully. On show till December 23rd.