All in green went my love riding

Informazioni Evento

Calle dello Zucchero, Dorsoduro 410, Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

9-18 maggio 2019 (ore 12-18)
11/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - opening ufficiale e aperitivo 6 - 8pm
18/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - Closing ceremony


ore 18 su invito

arte contemporanea, collettiva

All in green went my love riding è una collettiva d’arte in mostra al Giardino dello Zucchero, un nuovo spazio espositivo privato nel sestiere di Dorsoduro (Venezia) dove sono esposti i lavori di 12 artisti di diverse nazionalità nati dal 1985 al 1994.

Comunicato stampa

All in green went my love riding
Giardino dello Zucchero
Calle dello Zucchero, Dorsoduro 410, Venezia
9-18 maggio 2019 (ore 12-18)
11/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - opening ufficiale e aperitivo 6 - 8pm
18/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - Closing ceremony
A cura di Jean Feline, Elinor Stanley ed Adam Glibbery
All in green went my love riding è una collettiva d’arte in mostra al Giardino
dello Zucchero, un nuovo spazio espositivo privato nel sestiere di Dorsoduro
(Venezia) dove sono esposti i lavori di 12 artisti di diverse nazionalità
nati dal 1985 al 1994. Creati a partire dalla ricerca del desiderio nelle sue
multiformi manifestazioni, elaborano differenti esplorazioni materiche e
Abitando la suggestione ed il sogno di una storia d’amore ambientata in un
giardino veneziano, la mostra riflette sulla trasformazione ed il
mascheramento. Pittura, scultura, installazione - dal tavolo da caffè su cui
sono sparpagliati mozziconi di sigaretta e bicchieri vuoti, al lustro della
Ferrari bianca - gli artisti invitano ad esplorare un paradiso nascosto. Con
lavori di Leo Arnold, Max Syed Tollan, Eliza Collin, Pietro Librizzi, Jean
Feline, Tal Regev, Jaana Alakoski, Adam Glibbery, Aisha Christison, Jack
Burton, Elinor Stanley, Timothy Lee Standring. E un testo di Lisa Hilton
scrittrice inglese che ospita e sponsorizza la mostra nella sua nuova casa
Ufficio Stampa: Diana Marrone - pr/undercover - Milano Venezia Napoli
[email protected] +393495517623
Biografie degli artisti
Elinor Stanley (1992) ha studiato alla The Glasgow School of Art, vive e
lavora a Londra. Tra le sue recent mostre: FBA Futures, The Mall Galleries,
The Annotated Reader, Cork Street Galleries, Wild View, Chisenhale Studios,
Desire Lines, Light Eye Mind Gallery, Contemporary Exorcism, Whitstable
Biennial, Strong Currents, Botany Bay. Nel 2016 ha ricevuto la borsa d studio
HAL20 e la residenza al House for an Art Lover, Glasgow. Nel 2018 partecipa
al Chisenhale Art place Into the Wild programme ed è un’associata del Open
School East, Margate.
Max Syed-Tollan (1994) è un laureato alla The Glasgow School of Art. Vive
a Londra e lavora con i media del suono, della composizione e della
performance. Tra gli ultimi (e futuri) progetti: Planctae (album, GLARC,
2019), Cafe Oto (performance, 2019), Song of Confusion (Open School East,
Margate, Dicembre 2018), performance al Festival of New (Snape Maltings,
Suffolk, Settembre 2018), Split Album con Bamya e Dr VZX Moist (autopubblicazione,
2018), performance dei nuovi lavori (Cafe Oto, London, Luglio
2017), Carillon (installazione, Glasgow Open House Festival, May 2017), The
Fifth Season (album, GLARC, 2016).
Pietro Librizzi si laurea al Goldsmiths College nel 2016, lavora con la
pittura, il cinema e la musica. Vive a Petralia Soprana (Palermo) dove ha
fondato un centro d’arte indipendente, casapiena microcentro. E’ apparso,
nel 2018, a Sitting Amongst with Gaia Di Lorenzo al Jupiter Woods London,
Archivio Illegibile, the rst exhibition at casapiena microcentro co-curated
with Eliza Collin e Daniel Tebano; the lm Softman (2016) rappresentato alla
54ma Mostra del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro, Manifesta 12 con il 5x5x5 project
Rover ed il Weekend of the Dead del Circuito Nomadica, Bologna. Nel marzo
del 2019, Life Cycles al Light Eye Mind London.
Eliza Collin è un’artista e designer che lavora tra Londra e la Sicilia. I suoi
lavori rifiutano la iper-velocità della società consumistica post-capitalista e
danno la precedenza a pratiche sostenibili e misurabili che imitano il lusso e
usano il rifiuto per ricreare e discutere gli oggetti del desiderio. Tra le sue
mostre recenti: With Kin, Melbury Abbas (Dorset), Archivio Illegibile,
casapiena microcentro (Sicilia), Kalamos, Stallaini (Sicilia), Manifesta12:
Rover, Palermo (Sicilia). Tra le prossime: Life Cycles, Light Eye Mind
(London), Earth Day, Somerset House (London).
Jaana-Kristiina Alakoski (1992) è un’artista finnico-svedese di stanza a
Londra. La sua pratica si sviluppa a partire dalla performance come azione, in
immagini ed installazioni. Si interessa alla performatività dell’interazione
culturale - sia online sia offline, considerate due sfere inseparabili della
socializzazione umana anche trenta anni dopo l’avvento di internet.
La performance come media nel suo lavoro è un mezzo per accedere e trattare
la formazione del se’ e della vita interiore come se fosse connessa a un
codificare e decodificare simbolico delle barriere, dei corpi, delle azioni dette,
delle cose e dei materiali. In breve, una negoziazione di stati nell’essere
politicamente, socialmente e fisicamente reali. Il suo lavoro, inoltre, opera
come un’analisi del livello superficiale del quotidiano e dell’intra-culturale,
generalmente accessibile - dall’appropriazione delle modalità popolari di
veicolare un messaggio o via l’uso dei social network e dei software gratuiti
per il telefono. Le sue recenti mostre includono Cute Places al Palfrey e co al
Clearview, Londra.
Leo Arnold (1993) vive e lavora a Londra. Tra le mostre più importanti; Art
Cabinets, Stua, Madrid, Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Flavour
(On The Bedpost Overnight), J Hammond Projects, New Scottish Artists,
DRAF, Londra, RSA New Contemporaries, The Mound - Royal Scottish
Academy Galleries. E’ stato premiato con la De Ateliers Residency, 2018 –
Aisha Christison è un’artista inglese che adesso lavora a Bruxelles. Tra le
mostre recenti: ‘Waterworlds and Liquid Fun’ alla Chalton Gallery, Londra
(2019); ‘Giotto’s Room’ alla Von Goetz Art, Londra (2018); Something Else
alla Triumph gallery, Mosca (2018); ‘Oh She Does like to be beside the
Sheside’ alla Shelf Spanish City, Whitley Bay (2018) e ‘If You Can’t Stand The
Heat’ con Roaming Projects a Londra (2018). Christison si è laureata al
Chelsea College of Art nel 2012 e ha completato la residenza Florence Trust
nel 2016.
Jack Burton è un artista inglese che adesso lavora a Bruxelles. Tra le sue
recenti mostre: They Live, Platform Southwark, Londra 2019, Bloomberg
New Contemporaries, South London Gallery, Londra 2019, Set in Scene, Haus
am Lutzowplatz, Berlino 2019, Emotional Paintings About Economics, Josh
Lilley, Londra 2018, Chumming, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow (parte del GI
Festival) 2018, Dead Heat, Kunstraum Ortloff, Leipzig 2017, Long Journey,
Fever-Dream, Elika Gallery, Atene 2017, Royal Academy of Arts Schools Show
2017, Londra.
Adam Glibbery (1991, Essex, UK) vive e lavora a Londra ed è co-fondatore
del Photography Project Space (Post Post Script). Ha un MA in Fine Art al
The Royal College of Art, 2017; un BA (Hons) in fotografia all’UAL, London
Collage of Communication, 2013. Tra le recenti mostre: STP Group Show,
Milk Gallery, New York; Fallen, Studio RCA, Londra, 2018; Inhale, Filet
Space, Londra, 2018; The Reinvention of Love, Century Soho, Londra, 2018;
Common Characters, Riad Biba, Marrakesh, 2017; RCA, Londra, 2017;
Horizontal Smile, Hockney Gallery, Londra, 2017; Personal Space, Broadway
Market, Londra, 2017; rue Saint-Nicolas, Paris, 2016; RAK MAD,
Bank Al-Maghrib, Marrakesh, 2016; Silverprint Gallery, nished, nearly nished
Londra, 2015; Serpentine Galleries, 89+ Marathon, Londra, 2013; Saatchi
Gallery, Screen, 2013. London College of Communication, BA Photography,
2013. Tra le pubblicazioni: The Plantation Journal 1, Sculptural Photography,
2013; The Photographic Ghost in Painting, 2016; The Plantation Journal 6,
Sculptural Surface, 2017; Sight Unseen Publication, 2017.
Tal Regev (1985) vive e lavora a Londra. Si è laureata al Goldsmiths
University (Londra) e ha completato il suo master al Royal College of Art. Tra
le sue mostre: Rituals and Rites, Artcore, Derby; Succumb, AMP Gallery,
Londra; Carry on, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art, Londra; Birth Rites Biannual
award, Media City, Manchester; Elegy, Guest Projects, Londra; Now &
Future Japan, Gazelli Art House, Londra. Tra i premi ricevuti: British Women
Artist Award (finalista) ARTAGON III, Hans Ulrich Obrist (Presidente),
Catherine David (vice-direttore del Centre Pompidou, Parigi), Elizabeth
Neilson (Direttrice della Zabludowicz Collection, Londra) curato da Keimis
Henni & Anna Labouze | Birth Rites Bi-Annual Award (finalista)| IJAYA
Finalist, Ben & Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art | New
Sensations, Saatchi Gallery and Channel 4 (finalista). Tra le prossime mostre:
Futures of Love, Magasins généraux, Paris-Pantin, Francia ed All in green
went my love riding, Calle Zucchero, Venezia.
Jean Feline (1989) è un artista francese che vive e lavora tra Marrakech e
Londra. Coordinatore di Light Eye Mind (Londra)e di Mint Works
(Marrakech), si è laureato al Chelsea College of Art e ha studiato alla the
Cooper Union (New York). Tra le mostre recenti: All in green went my love
riding, Calle Zucchero, Venezia, 2019; Housewarming, Light Eye Mind,
Londra 2019; The Grass is Greener HERE, Londra 2018; Everything not
saved will be lost, 48snk, Berlino 2018; Common Characters Mint Works,
Marrakech 2017; Person- al Space 16 Broadway, Londra 2017; Group Show,
Espace Forsale, Parigi 2016 e RakMad” Marrakech Biennale 5, Marocco.
Timothy Lee Standring è un artista svizzero che vive e lavora a Londra. Si
laurea in Fine Art al The Royal College of Art nel 2017e ottiene un BA (Hons)
in fotografia all’UAL.
All in green went my love riding
Giardino dello Zucchero
Calle Zucchero 410, Dorsoduro, Venezia
09 - 18 May, 2019
11/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - Public opening ceremony Aperitivo 6 - 8pm
18/05 - Open 12 - 6pm - Closing ceremony
All in green went my love riding a group exhibition in Giardino dello
Zuccaro, a new space along the Zattere (Dorsoduro, Venezia) features the
works of 12 international artists born from 1985 to 1994 curated by
Jean Feline, Elinor Stanley and Adam Glibbery. Seeking desire in its many
forms, the works offer diverse material and conceptual explorations.
Inhabiting the ready-made dream like romance of the Venetian Garden, the
exhibition reflects on transformation and masquerade. Ranging from
painting, sculpture, installation- from the café table strewn with cigarette
butts and empty glasses, to the lustre of the white Ferrari- we invite you to
enter this enclosed paradise.
With works by Leo Arnold, Max Syed Tollan, Eliza Collin, Pietro Librizzi, Jean
Feline, Tal Regev, Jaana-Kristiina Alakoski, Adam Glibbery, Aisha Christison,
Jack Burton, Elinor Stanley and Timothy Lee Standring.
Hosted and supported by writer Lisa Hilton.
Media relation: Diana Marrone - pr/undercover, Milano Venezia Napoli
[email protected] +39349551762
Artist Bios
Elinor Stanley (b.1992) studied at The Glasgow School of Art and lives and
works in London. In June she will be exhibiting a solo show at Sutton House,
London and recent shows include; FBA Futures, The Mall Galleries, The
Annotated Reader, Cork Street Galleries, Wild View, Chisenhale Studios,
Desire Lines, Light Eye Mind Gallery, Contemporary Exorcism, Whitstable
Biennial. In 2016 she received the HAL20 scholarship and was artist in
residence at House for an Art Lover, Glasgow. In 2018 she was selected on to
Chisenhale Art place Into the Wild programme and as an associate of Open
School East, Margate. She has been selected for Royal Academy Schools
Max Syed-Tollan (b. 1994) is a graduate of The Glasgow School of Art now
based in London and working across sound, composition, lm and
performance. Upcoming and recent projects include ‘Planctae’ (release,
GLARC, 2019 upcoming), performance at Cafe Oto (2019 upcoming), ‘Song of
Confusion’ (Open School East, Margate, December 2018), performance at
Festival of New (Snape Maltings, Suffolk, September 2018), ‘Split Album’
release with Bamya and Dr VZX Moist (Self-released 2018), performance of
new works (Cafe Oto, London, July 2017), ‘Carillon’ installation (Glasgow
Open House Festival, May 2017), ‘The Fifth Season’ (release, GLARC, 2016).
Pietro Librizzi (b. 1993) graduated from Goldsmiths’ College in 2016, works
in painting, cinema and music and lives in Petralia Soprana (Palermo) where
he is founding an independent arts centre, ‘casapiena microcentro’.
Appearances in 2018 are Sitting Amongst with Gaia Di Lorenzo at Jupiter
Woods London, Archivio Illegibile, the rst exhibition at ‘casapiena
microcentro’ co-curated with Eliza Collin and Daniel Tebano; the lm Softman
(2016) featured at 54o Mostra del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro, Manifesta 12
under 5x5x5 project Rover and Weekend of the Dead by Circuito Nomadica,
Bologna. Upcoming in March, Life Cycles at Light Eye Mind London.
Eliza Collin (b. 1993) is an artist and designer working between London and
Sicily. Her work rejects the hyper speeds of post-capitalist consumption, in
favour of prioritising sustainable practices and accountable processes,
imitating luxury and using waste to re-create and question our ideas of
objects of desire. Recent shows include; With Kin, Melbury Abbas (Dorset),
Archivio Illegibile, ‘casapiena’ microcentro (Sicily), Kalamos, Stallaini (Sicily),
Manifesta12: Rover, Palermo (Sicily). Upcoming: Life Cycles, Light Eye Mind
(London), Earth Day, Somerset House (London).
Jaana-Kristiina Alakoski (b. 1992) is a Swedish-Finnish artist based in
London. Her practice evolves around performance as action, performance in
image and installation. She is concerned with the performativity of cultural
interaction – in the online as well as the of ine, and above all in the two as
inseparable spheres of human socialisation 30 + years post internet.
Performance as medium is in her work a way of accessing and treating
formation selfhood and inner life, as linked to symbolic encoding and
decoding of boundaries, bodies, said actions, things and materials. Shortly; a
negotiation of states of being in social, political and physical reality. Further
more, her work operates as an analysis of the surface level of the everyday,
and the intra culturally, generally accessible – wether be it by appropriating
pop cultural ways of conveying meaning, or through the use of social media
and free phone soft ware. Recent exhibitions include Cute Places at Palfrey
and co at Clearview, London.
Leo Arnold (b.1993) lives and works in London. Notable shows include; Art
Cabinets, Stua, Madrid, Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Flavour (On The
Bedpost Overnight), J Hammond Projects, New Scottish Artists, DRAF,
London, RSA New Contemporaries, The Mound - Royal Scottish Academy
Galleries. He has been awarded the De Ateliers Residency, 2018 – 2020,
Aisha Christison (b. 1989) is a British artist now working in Brussels,
Belgium. Recent exhibitions include: ‘Waterworlds and Liquid Fun’ at
Chalton Gallery, London(2019); ‘Giotto’s Room’ at Von Goetz Art, London
(2018); Something Else at Triumph gallery, Moscow (2018); ‘Oh She Does
like to be beside the Sheside’ at Shelf Spanish City, Whitley Bay (2018) and ‘If
You Can’t Stand The Heat’ with Roaming Projects in London (2018).
Christison graduated from Chelsea College of Art in 2012 and completed the
Florence Trust residency program in 2016.
Jack Burton (b.1988) is a British artist working in Brussels, Belgium.
Recent exhibitions include: They Live, Platform Southwark, London 2019,
Bloomberg New Contemporaries, South London Gallery, London 2019, Set in
Scene, Haus am Lutzowplatz, Berlin 2019, Emotional Paintings About
Economics, Josh Lilley, London 2018, Chumming, The Pipe Factory, Glasgow
(part of GI Festival) 2018, Dead Heat, Kunstraum Ortloff, Leipzig 2017, Long
Journey, Fever-Dream, Elika Gallery, Athens 2017, Royal Academy of Arts
Schools Show 2017, London.
Adam Glibbery (b. 1991, Essex, UK) lives and works in London (England).
Co-founder of Photography Project Space (Post Post Script) Education - MA,
Fine Art, The Royal College of Art, 2017. BA (Hons) Degree Photography,
UAL, London Collage of Communication, 2013. Exhibitions include, STP
Group Show, Milk Gallery, New York, NY, 2018. Fallen, StudioRCA, London,
2018. Inhale, Filet Space, London, 2018. The Reinvention of Love, Century
Soho, London, 2018. Common Characters, Riad Biba, Marrakesh, 2017. Show
RCA, London, 2017. Horizontal Smile, Hockney Gallery, London, 2017.
Personal Space, Broadway Market, London, 2017. rue Saint-Nicolas, Paris,
2016. RAK MAD, Bank Al-Maghrib, Marrakesh, 2016. Silverprint Gallery,
nished, nearly nished London, 2015. Serpentine Galleries, 89+ Marathon,
London, 2013. Saatchi Gallery, Screen, 2013. London College of
Communication, BA Photography, 2013.
Publications - The Plantation Journal 1, Sculptural Photography, 2013. The
Photographic Ghost in Painting, 2016. The Plantation Journal 6, Sculptural
Surface, 2017. Sight Unseen Publication, 2017.
Tal Regev (b. 1985) lives and works in London. She received her BA from
Goldsmiths University of London and completed her MA at the Royal College
of Art, London. Exhibitions include: Rituals and Rites, Artcore, Derby, UK |
Succumb, AMP Gallery, London, UK | Carry on, Dyson Gallery, Royal College
of Art, London, UK | Birth Rites Bi-annual award, Media City, Manchester,
UK | Elegy, Guest Projects, London, UK | Now & Future Japan, Gazelli Art
House, London, UK. Awards include: British Women Artist Award,
Shortlisted | ARTAGON III, Hans Ulrich Obrist (President of the jury),
Catherine David (Deputy Director of the Centre Pompidou, Paris), Elizabeth
Neilson (Director of the Zabludowicz Collection, London) curated by Keimis
Henni & Anna Labouze | Birth Rites Bi-Annual Award, Shortlisted | IJAYA
Finalist, Ben & Uri Gallery, The London Jewish Museum of Art | New
Sensations, Saatchi Gallery and Channel 4. Shortlisted. Upcoming exhibition:
Futures of Love, Magasins généraux, Paris-Pantin, France and All in green
went my love riding, Calle Zucchero, Venice
Jean Feline (b. 1989) is a French artist working and living between
Marrakech and London. Co-ordinator of Light Eye Mind (London) & Mint
Works (Marrakech). He recieved his BA from Chelsea College of Art in
London and studied at the Cooper Union in New York. Rencent exhibitions
include: All in green went my love riding, Calle Zucchero, Venice, 2019;
Housewarming, Light Eye Mind, London 2019; The Grass is Greener HERE,
London 2018; Everything not saved will be lost, 48snk, Berlin 2018; Common
Characters Mint Works, Marrakech 2017; Person- al Space 16 Broadway,
London 2017; Group Show, Espace Forsale, Paris 2016 and RakMad”
Marrakech Biennale 5, Morocco.
Timothy Lee Standring is a Swiss artist living and working in London.
Education - BA, Fine Art, ZhDk, Zurich. MA, Fine Art, The Royal College of
Art, 2017. BA (Hons) Degree Photography, UAL. 2019 Selected exhibitions :
Rendering of service in the pitch of the bruise (with Kaspar Mueller), der
TANK, Basel. 2018, The worlds first ever Monster Truck, Mavra, Berlin. 2015,
The Actress, Hacienda, Zurich. 2014, Pablo Picasso, Galerie Weiss, Zurich.
2013, La grande Motte, Galerie Weiss, Zurich