Chiara Passa – Object Oriented Space

Informazioni Evento

Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, Roma, Italia
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Dal al

ore 19

Chiara Passa
arte contemporanea, personale

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The MLAC - Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea - of the Sapienza University (Rome) is glad to announce an important solo exhibition of Chiara Passa. The opening will take place on 18 May at 7 pm.

Object Oriented Space invites the audience to experience the ultimate frontiers of a research on space that the artist has been carrying out since 1997, when surfing the internet still meant entering an other dimension that differed from physical space.

The works on display consist of a corpus of recent productions that derive from Fourth Dimensional Banner, a project created in 2012 and launched in 2013. Passa used animation as a way to penetrate the interstitial surface of the banner, intended as a film that functions like an interface between worlds. This virtual skin was thus materialized and acquired its own possible structure, consistency and depth, extending itself in physical space through an endless research of formal outcomes.

The works which were specifically conceived for the space of the Museo Laboratorio, are integrated in a single and comprehensive experimental project: each individual work, as well as the project as a whole, constructs an Object Oriented Space. The term also refers to the programming language that is used to write different types of interactive softwares in which the structures of the data become ‘objects’, ‘windows’ that enclose and give access to customary functions.

Object Oriented Space therefore projects us in multiple perspectives of object-oriented dimensions, among which the Object Oriented Ontology, a philosophical orientation that addresses a post-anthropocentric, polyphonic and multidirectional world that also includes the non-human.

In the exhibition, a wall drawing that takes up the whole length of the front wall of the museum is overlapped and combined with a variety of works that epitomize different formal outcomes and modes of access to multidimensionality: the augmented reality of small fresco-matrixes, the virtual reality of the geometries that inhabit fibreglass sculptures, and 3D viewers through which one can contemplate anaglyph animations.

The Museo Laboratorio is remodelled by the extroversions and introversions of space-time. The space is transformed and reshaped in the design that Chiara Passa realizes by means of geometries that are built in the physical dimension and through its natural continuation and augmentation in the liquid atmosphere.

Chiara Passa. Object Oriented Space

Curated by Elena Giulia Rossi and Antonello Tolve

MLAC - Museo Labortorio di Arte Contemporanea | Città Universitaria, Sapienza Università di Roma. Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 – 00185 Roma | | [email protected]
Catalogue edited by Gangemi | with texts by: Valentino Catricalà, Francesca Gallo, Elisa Genovesi, Elena Giulia Rossi, Antonello Tolve, Antonella Sbrilli

Chiara Passa (Rome, 1973) is a visual artist who has been working and researching in the field of media art since 1997. She explored the many forms and extensions of space through animations, web works, interactive installations, augmented and virtual reality projects that she uses as creative tools and points of observation to analyse space in its manifold facets, beyond the physical dimension. Her work has been shown internationally in festivals, conferences and institutions. Among these: Roehrs & Boetsch gallery, Zurich (2019); HEK Museum Basel (2018); ZKM, Center for Art and Media Museum, Karlsrhue (2017), Furtherfield Gallery, London (2016), Vortex Dome, Los Angeles (2014), the Electronic Language International Festival, São Paulo (2011), Festival of new media art, Newcastle, Australia (2008), MAK – Museum of Contemporary Art, Vienna (2007), Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (2007), MAXXI- Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Roma (2006), CCCB – Centro de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (2006), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (2006), BizArtCenter, Shangai (2005), MACRO – Museo di Arte Contemporanea, Roma (2004), the 48a Biennale di Venezia (con Oreste group), Venezia (1999) e Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia (1999).