The Tolerance Poster Show
Un progetto sviluppato da Mirko Ilić.
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VeniceArtFactory, The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and Tolerance Project Inc. are honoured to invite you to attend the Venice opening of the Tolerance Poster Show, a project developed by Mirko Ilić and on display in the streets of Venice from July 12th to August 10th.
The opening will be hosted by Artivism: The Atrocity Prevention Pavilion, a project from the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation and curated by Kerry Whigham, Francesca Giubilei and Luca Berta.
With the support of The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, Artivism: The Atrocity Prevention Pavilion, Tolerance Project Inc., and the City of Venice.