Enne Boi – Facciatosta Records
TOAST Project Space, presenta la mostra di Enne Boi dal titolo: Facciatosta Records a cura di LuigiPresicce.
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TOAST Project Space presents the exhibition Facciatosta Records by Enne Boi and curated by Luigi Presicce on Wednesday 18 September at 7pm.
The work that has been created by the artist for TOAST is based on an idea of transforming the space into a ‘temporary shop’ for Facciatosta Records, a make-believe record label specializing in 45rpm editions of music taken from B series erotic films.
In this work the artist has installed an interactive device which invites the public to approach the installation in such a way that makes them an active part of the installation itself. Stimulated by the desire to make a connection through both painting and music, the artist has built up a music catalogue for the label, selecting a wide range of vinyl whose melodies evoke the soundtracks of soft porn films, and making pictorial changes to each of the original covers.
The space at TOAST has undergone a metamorphosis, transforming itself into a place where the scratching records becomes a means of communication and interaction between the viewers and the artist, and through painting, creating an environment that is mystified by an erotic aura of different times. On the opening night, the music for the show will be selected by DJ Per Signora.
Enne Boi was born in Cantù (Como) in 1989. From 2008 to 2010 he attended the course of Painting and Visual Arts at NABA in Milan, where he founded the F84 collective together with Nicolò Bruno, Gianluca Craca, Ronny Franceschini, Giulia Serafini and Cecilia Valagussa, with whom he worked for four years creating countless participatory art projects. In 2013 he moved to Gent, in Belgium, where he took a degree in Fine Arts at the KASK School of Arts and won first prize in Stitching René Bruynseraede - De Witte voor Multimediale Vormgeving. From 2014 he began to collaborate with the Archiaar Gallery (Brussels) and his work was featured in solo and collective exhibitions in institutions and museums throughout Europe, including Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso Museum (Amarante), Museu de l’Empordà (Figueres), San Pietro in Atrio (Como), Centre de la Gravure Museum (La Louvièr), Centre Culturel Le Beffroi (Montrouge), Cultuurcentrum Zwaneberg (Heist-op-den-Ber), Royal Military Museum (Brussels) and Croxhapox (Gent). He currently lives and works in Bologna.
Luigi Presicce was born in Porto Cesareo in 1976 and lives in Florence. In 2007 he participated in the Corso Superiore di Arti Visive Fondazione Antonio Ratti, in Como, with the artist Joan Jonas. In 2008 he attended a workshop in Viafarini with the artist Kim Jones. In Milan, in 2008, he launched Brownmagazine and Brown Project Space. In 2011 he founded Archiviazioni in Lecce. In 2012 he took part in the Artists in Residence programme at MACRO, Rome, extending the invitation to nine other artists. From 2010 has has been involved in the Lu Cafausu project which promotes La festa dei vivi (which reflects on the nature of death), with whom he was invited to AND AND AND and dOCUMENTA13, in Kassel. Since 2016 he has been a member of Fondazione Lac o le Mon, in San Cesario, Lecce. With Francesco Lauretta he created the Scuola di Santa Rosa in Florence in 2017. He participated in the Studio Program 2018 at Artists Alliance inc, in New York. In 2018 and 2019 he curated: the Simposio di pittura at the Fondazione Lac o le Mon, Extemporanea-play, at Trebisonda, Perugia, and Forme uniche nella continuità dello spazio, at the Rizzuto Gallery in Palermo. He has won prizes such as the Epson Art Prize, Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como (2007), Premio Talenti Emergenti, CCC Strozzina, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence (2011) and Long Play, MAGA, Gallarate (2012). Since 2012 he has been involved in the performance cycle, Le Storie della Vera Croce, and in a training project called The Academy of immobility.
TOAST Project Space, is a non-profit open space for sharing and experimenting in contemporary practices. It features exhibitions on a bi-monthly basis, where Italian and international artists are invited to create works that engage in a dialogue with the space itself. TOAST was set up in 2019 and is the brainchild of Stefano Giuri, who conceived of the idea during the course of the Artistic Residencies programme, promoted by Manifattura Tabacchi and curated by Sergio Risaliti.
Manifattura Tabacchi is an ex-industrial area of 100,000 square metres which is located in the immediate vicinity of the historic centre of Florence: the complex houses 16 buildings, elegantly arranged to create a variety of squares, streets and alleyways. Constructed in the 1930s by Pier Luigi Nervi, the Manifattura represents one of the most significant expressions of Italian rationalist architecture. Up until its closure in 2001, the site produced cigars and cigarettes. The redevelopment project is based upon the restoration and conservation of the site, enhancing its unique character and historical importance.
An innovative process of urban regeneration, a place which is open and connected, sustainable, created to further the development of Florentine counter-culture; a counterpoint for the city’s historic centre. The Manifattura Tabacchi will act as a magnet for contemporary art, fashion, education and new trends in craftsmanship. It is from these premises that the Artistic Residencies and Toast Project Space originated.