Art is always public | An artist’s film each week! | #3 Shannon Bool
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Dear friends of Villa Romana,
how can we maintain closeness and exchange when the survival motto these days is "social distance"? With a film programme we would like to maintain a form of public and an attention towards artistic productions. In a state of emergency, as we all live it now, together and individually, these can generate forms of friendship, courage and solidarity.
Every Wednesday in the next few weeks we will share an artist's film online, which has been produced in or around Villa Romana in recent years or was shown here. There are also some new releases!
We would like to thank all participating artists for connecting with us, with you and with each other in this way and for agreeing to show their films in private formats - instead of a big screen. The programme of the next weeks includes films by Mikhail Karikis, Shannon Bool, Lerato Shadi, Sophie Reinhold, Fide Dayo, Mario Rizzi, Maya Schweizer, Eleni Kamma, Dani Gal, Karolina Bregula, Andrea d'Amore, Alessandra Ferrini, Clemens von Wedemeyer and others.
01. - 07.04.2020
Shannon Bool, Forensics for a Mamluk, 2013
HD Video, 2013, 9 min’