Lihi Turjeman – A view of one’s own
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Lihi Turjeman's (1985, Israel) research continues, in this first solo show in the spaces of Ncontemporary, in the political exploration of the territories, in particular in the investigation of the relationship between man and languages of power, stratified in history within the polis.
The focus of the exhibition is a large canvas, placed on the floor, depicting an equestrian statue seen from above. This type of monuments have an affinity with the urban landscape that surrounds them and influence urban consciousness. The artist reverses the position, but not the sense. The viewer is given a different point of view, is made aware of the power relations existing in collective and political languages. The destruction of the volume flattens and makes the sculpture two-dimensional, but not the reality which, on the contrary, is amplified and exemplified from a point of view that is impossible for the human body.