Cadavre exquis
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Ludovica Anversa/Maryam Hoseini/Rebecca Ackroyd
cadavre exquis
OPENING 12.03.2022, 11:00 am
The text for this exhibition is not available at the moment. We’re currently working on the archive and it will be uploaded shortly. Come back here soon and in the meantime if you to want to know more about this show please feel free to contact us directly or discover the page ‘Artists’
Ludovica Anversa
Ludovica Anversa’s research moves between themes linked to memory and the body, feeding on an imaginary where the boundaries between art, anthropology, and psychology blur. Positioning itself [...]
Maryam Hoseini
Maryam Hoseini uses painting, drawing, and installation to explore the contradictory tragedy of the human condition, while addressing political and personal complexities of identity and gender. In [...]
Rebecca Ackroyd
Rebecca Ackroyd’s practice assembles painting and sculptural works into dream-like landscapes, often populated by ambiguously gendered figures In varying states of repose. Ackroyd’s work builds [...]