15. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Bravoure

Il Belgio presenta il progetto Bravoure.
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Today, architecture from Flanders and Brussels enjoys huge international fame. In order to further nurture this interest, the Flanders Architecture Institute will be presenting Bravoure, contributions from Flanders, a series of publications about architecture from Flanders and Brussels.
The execution of a piece of music that combines excellent technical control with unique vigour and personality is described as a Bravura performance. Architecture can also been implemented with Bravura. Although Scarcity would not immediately appear to be an idea that could be linked to bravura, the architecture of necessity follows the cadence of the economy. It is the imperative nature of Scarcity that acts as the ultimate challenge to the execution of a Bravura performance. If there are hardly any opportunities to create architecture any more, and if Scarcity is all that remains, is it still possible to find a degree of Bravura? This observation is the subject that the Bravoure team will be bringing to the Belgian pavilion for the Flemish Community’s contribution to the fifteenth Biennale Architettura, the theme of which is Reporting From the Front. Rather than exhibiting their own work, the Bravoure team will be illustrating the aforementioned observation from the perspective of thirteen projects from thirteen different architects. Full-size architectural fragments that conjure up Bravura out of Scarcity will be exhibited in the pavilion.
The Bravoure team is made up of de architecten de Vylder Vinck Taillieu, with Filip Dujardin acting as an increasingly inseparable contrast, and with doorzon interieurarchitecten completing the triangle.