17. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Padiglione Lituano

Il progetto Lithuanian Space Agency Presents Planet of People rappresenta la Lituania alla Biennale Architettura 2021.
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Lithuanian Space Agency Presents Planet of People
Calle de la Celestia, Castello, Calle de la Celestia, Castello, Venice, Italy
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Title: Lithuanian Space Agency Presents Planet of People
Commissioner: Julija Reklaitė
Curator: Jan Boelen
Exhibitors: Julijonas Urbonas
The project by Lithuanian Space Agency imagines an artificial planet made of human bodies. A 3D scanner inside the pavilion scans the participants to the experiment and creates a projection in the outer space of this extraterrestrial planet made of their human shapes. Throughout the exhibition, as the participants increase in number, they contribute to the growth of this imaginary planet’s prototype.