18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – 2086: Together How?

Il progetto 2086: Together How? rappresenta la Corea del Sud alla Biennale Architettura.
Comunicato stampa
Title: 2086: Together How?
Commissioner: Arts Council Korea
Curator: Soik Jung, Kyong Park
Exhibitors: Yerin Kang (Seoul National University), Lee Chi-hoon (SoA) x Zoosun Yoon (Chungnam National University, UDTT lab.), Ahram Chae (Studio UDTT), Nahyun Hwang, David Eugin Moon (N H D M) x Wolsik Kim, Yehre Suh (Urban Terrains Lab) x WoonGi Min, Jaekyung Jung, Sunhee Yang (Gute form), Chris Ro (A Dear Friend), OUR LABOUR
Architects, community leaders, and artists joined forces, creating a dialogue and thus proposing solutions that might endure current and future environmental crises until the crucial year of 2086. As a result, the Korean Pavilion takes viewers into hypothetical scenarios through both a video game and physical installations where they will face a new paradigm of living in order to respond to the immediate crisis.