18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Everlasting Plastics
Il progetto Everlasting Plastics rappresenta gli Stati Uniti alla Biennale Architettura.
Comunicato stampa
Title: Everlasting Plastics
Commissioner: Tizziana Baldenebro, SPACES
Curator: Tizziana Baldenebro, Lauren Leving
Exhibitors: Xavi Aguirre, Simon Anton, Ang Li, Norman Teague, and Lauren Yeager
As the exhibition centres on the significance of plastic in American society, it also considers its positive impact and the possible lifesaving uses of plastic. While opening the discussion about the ways that plastics both shape and erode contemporary ecologies and economies, the exhibition also seeks to highlight possible alternatives and necessary re-imaginings for the ways in which plastics are deployed.