18. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura – Huussi Imagining the future history of sanitation

Il progetto Huussi, Imagining the future history of sanitation rappresenta la Finlandia alla Biennale Architettura.
Comunicato stampa
Title: Huussi, Imagining the future history of sanitation
Commissioner: Katarina Siltavuori, Archinfo – Information Centre for Finnish Architecture
Curator: Arja Renell, The Dry Collective
Exhibitors: The Dry Collective
By drawing from Finnish cultural heritage, “huussi” is the Finnish word for outhouse, a composting toilet commonly used by Finns in rural settings and holiday homes, the exhibition questions the so far indisputable position of the current water-based sanitation system and aims to inspire architects to start looking for alternative solutions, to better serve the world we inhabit today.