55. Biennale – Padiglione del Bahrain

Informazioni Evento

Campo Della Tana (Castello) , Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

Opening hour:10am - 6pm
Closing day:Mon
Transport:Line 1, 4.1, 4.2, VA, Arsenale


ore 18

Mariam Haji, Waheeda Malullah, Camille Zakharia
Melissa Enders-Bhatia
arte contemporanea, collettiva

In a World of Your Own è il progetto che rappresenta la Repubblica del Bahrain alla Biennale di Venezia.

Comunicato stampa

The Kingdom of Bahrain makes its debut at the Biennale with painter Mariam Haji, photographer/installation artist Waheeda Malullah, and photographer/collagist Camille Zakha.Having left his native country at a young age, Camille Zakha often explores notions of home and the role of identity in a highly globalized and rapidly urbanizing world. His works reflect this investigation by depicting nondescript urban landscapes and interiors, individuals, and snapshots of moments that reveal the artist's astute observations of cultural traditions and social change. Zakharia uniquely transforms unassuming scenes of quotidian urban life into commentaries on human existence and the current state of urban centers. Mariam Haji's current art practice explores the subject of mortality and how mortality awareness within individuals has changed through time and cultures. Using video, photography, installation and performance, Waheeda Malullah playfully examines the roles adopted by Islamic women and the rules and mechanisms that control the world in which she lives.