57. Biennale – Erwin Wurm e Brigitte Kowanz
![57. Biennale – Erwin Wurm e Brigitte Kowanz](https://www.artribune.com/wp-content/uploads/events/2017/05/07/61278_Steinle_klein.jpg)
Erwin Wurm e Brigitte Kowanz rappresentano l’Austria alla 57. Biennale di Venezia.
Comunicato stampa
Erwin Wurm and Brigitte Kowanz present separate projects in the shared space of the Austria Pavilion, under the show title “Licht-Pavillon” (Light Pavilion).
Kowanz uses light to create not as a pictorial continuum but also as literature. She doesn’t just use light to expand the picture into the space; she also uses words to expand thinking space, using mirrors and poetic techniques to develop self-referential systems. Her conceptual and analytical methodology investigates the mechanisms of codes such as language and writing.
In Wurm works, sculpture and performance blend: he encourages the individual to participate in social action. Instead of passive consumption, you have to interact with art. All his works hint at a critical, analytical consideration of the concept of sculpture and its media: he straddles the boundaries between object and performance, architecture and design, sculpture and photography, artist and public, meaning that his work also provides a broad basis for reflection on social and cultural questions.