Arianna Carossa – The Phantom’s Privilege

Informazioni Evento

Corso Montecarlo, 43 - La Mortola 18039 , Ventimiglia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 12pm noon & 3.30pm to 5.30pm


ore 18

Arianna Carossa
arte contemporanea, personale

Mostra personale.

Comunicato stampa

Arianna Carossa will present a series of new bespoke works that she created specifically for the gardens and the villa during her artist residency at the Atelier A in Apricale. Carossa won the 2020 artist residency, which has been organized for many years by the Atelier A.
The Phantom’s Privilege is configured like a ritual journey which snakes through the interior and exterior spaces of Villa Hanbury. The visitor is guided along this voyage through the vision of Arianna Carossa: sounds, smells, materials of various origin, the harmonious dialogue with nature are the elements that the artist channels to engage with the viewer. Carossa evokes the panistic and naturistic understanding of the world which is imbued in the history of these places, starting from the pre-Christian Celtic settlers. The works and the materials such as wax, soil, clay, follow the rules of the transformation of nature and change attributes in time, according to the surrounding environment and the passing of time. Life, intended as the uniqueness which unifies the events that take place in the world in a luminous but also violent and mysterious way, is the protagonist and the queen of this exhibition.

The exhibit is part of the official calendar of events of the “Fiera di Arte Contemporanea” (contemporary art fair) of Montecarlo Artmonte-carlo.
The solo show at Villa Hanbury will also include a site-specific sound installation at the Apricale Castle, created by the award winning sound designer & artist Marc Urselli, who has been collaborating with Arianna Carossa for a long time. The sound installaion can be visited during the same period at the Castello di Apricale (Apricae Castle).

For appointments: Callisto Fine Arts London +39 3472783551, Atelier A Apricale +39 3403751306

Text: Luca Bochicchio, Michael Higgings, Anna Daneri and Michela Murialdo
In collaboration with: Michele Cristella, Callisto Fine Arts London, Atelier A Apricale
With the support of: Balducci Marmi Lucca, Delbia Do Company, Foresti Vini, Ristorante Sail Inn, Sonos Italia, Stupendo BF Gallery, Comune di Apricale, Università degli Studi di Genova
In collaboration with the artists: Marco Antonini, Paolo Boriani, Phebe Legere, Ennio Sirello, Marc Urselli
Install: Paolo Farinetti
Photography: Paolo Boriani
Communication: Artoday, Vita Roberta Cantarini

Arianna Carossa
Lives and works in New York.
She started her career as a painter, exhibiting in 1999 at the Arc Gallery of Chicago during the Contemporary Art Biennale in Saint Petersburg, at the Manage of the Ermitage Museum, at the Biennale of Mediterranean Artists in Tunisia. In 2005 she focuses her research on sculpture. In 2010, thanks to the residency of the ISCP, she moves to New York. She has since participated in many artist residencies worldwide. In 2014 her book “The Aesthetic of My Disappearance" was presented at Moma/PS1.
In her work she utilizes several mediums: painting, sculpture, performance.
Among her exhibits: Documenta 11 Kunstbalkon, Kassel; MACRO, Rome; Lower Manhattan Council of New York; Fondazione Antinori, Firenze; Il Vittoriano, Rome; Fonderia Battaglia, Milan; Museo Carlo Zauli, Faenza; Museo di Villa Croce, Genoa; Museo de la Minería, Mexico City; Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Mexico City; MIC, Faenza; PS1, New York. She was also a participant at the 60th Prize of "Faenza per la Ceramica" at the MIC in Faenza.

Marc Urselli
Lives and works in New York.
Born in Switzerland, he started his career as sound engineer in Italy in the mid '90es and in 1999 he moved to New York where he started working at the EastSide Sound recording studios, which he now manages and which is frequented by internationally acclaimed recording artsits.
He has been active as a sound engineer and music producer for over 25 years and has been nominated to 7 Grammy Awards and won 3 Grammy Awards for his work with artists such as Lou Reed, Nick Cave, U2, Jim Jarmusch, Foo Fighters, Laurie Anderson, John Zorn, Marianne Faithfull and many others.
With a firm footing in the art world, Urselli has also collaborated with visual artists from all over the world, such as Laurent Fort, Nicolás Rupcich, Luis Accorsi, Michelle Jaffe.
Among his exhibits: “The Rock And Roll Circus”, The New Gallery, Hudson, New York; Santiago Chile Contemporary Art Museum, Santiago, Chile; GIAF Governors Island Art Fair, New York; LeSon 7 Sound Art Gallery, London.