Artuner – Uno Nessuno Centomila
Mostra di artisti internazionali organizzata da Artuner.
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ARTUNER is pleased to announce the opening of "Uno, Nessuno, Centomila", a group show of international artists taking place between the 4th and 7th of November 2021 at Palazzo Capris, Turin.
We are coming back to Turin for the Artissima season, presenting the artworks of Justine Neuberger, Pia Krajewski, Jan-Luka Schmitz, Eva Helene Pade, and Malte Bruns.
In a reality where interconnectivity is paramount, there is sorrow observing the distancing between the self and the perceived self living in the mind of others. Vitangelo Moscarda, the protagonist of Luigi Pirandello’s novel “Uno, Nessuno, Centomila” – or, in English – “One, No One, One Hundred Thousand”, becomes suddenly aware of that when his wife, one day, casually addresses how his nose is a little crooked.
In a never-ending theatre of the self, the individual sees their personalities multiplying; the stage calls for a facade that needs to seem truthful to be believable.
The othering and multiplication of identity could not exist without an audience, and it is within the walls of Palazzo Capris that the visitor stands, acting as a singular individual as well as an audience of One Hundred Thousand.
ARTUNER torna ad esibire negli spazi di Palazzo Capris durante Artissima a Torino, celebrando giovani artisti internazionali.
Quest’anno, presenteremo le opere di cinque artisti, i quali osservano la percezione dell’io nella propria individualità e nella società: Justine Neuberger, Pia Krajewski, Jan-Luka Schmitz, Eva Helene Pade, and Malte Bruns.