Attached Beside Beyond Architecture

Informazioni Evento

Calle Calegheri, San Marco 2566 , Venezia, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
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Opening speech to the exhibition ore 18.30 del 23 maggio


ore 17

Gunther Uecker, Daniel Buren, Turi Simeti, Lore Bert, Mohammed Kazem, Wulf Kirschner, Arne Quinze, Vera Röhm, Martin Willing
arte contemporanea, collettiva

In mostra nove artisti internazionali.

Comunicato stampa

On the occasion of the 16th Architecture Biennale La Galleria Dorothea van der Koelen presents 9 international artists from 5 countries as Lore Bert, Daniel Buren, Mohammed Kazem, Wulf Kirschner, Arne Quinze,Vera Röhm Turi Simeti, Günther Uecker and Martin Willing with works in different kinds, materials and techniques that show possible relations between Art and Architecture.

This relation can be simbiotic – as some ideal art-in-architecture-projects show – if the artwork enters into a dialogue to the architecture in terms of content and form and on the other hand side the architecture creates a platform where the artwork appears as its best. Sometimes artworks are integrated in architecture (as Daniel Buren in Paris) or they are placed just in front of a building (like Martin Willing in Stuttgart). Others are beyond architecture placed in public space (as Kirschner in Mainz or Quinze in Belgium). The last group are artist who work with the theme of space and create »Concetti spaziali« (space concepts) like Simeti with his ‘Ovali’, Uecker with his ’nails’ and Lore Bert with her painting objects in paper.

Founded in 2001, La Galleria was born as the small Venetian sister of the Galerie Dorothea van der Koelen in Mainz, which was brought to existence in 1979 by the when Dorothea van der Koelen was 19. Today she runs two galleries, a publishing house specialized in the history of art (Chorus Verlag), the “Van der Koelen Consulting” as well as the “Van der Koelen Stiftung für Kunst und Wissenschaf” (Foundation for Art and Science), located in Mainz.
In 2014, she opened up the “CADORO – Zentrum für Kunst und Wissenschaft”.

The cooperation with roughly 30 artists from 15 different countries is not exhausted in the myriad of exhibitions and publications but also manifests in international exhibition management and global cooperation with museums and companies. Besides organizing outstanding art-in-architecture projects under the umbrella of the “Van der Koelen Consulting”, the “Van der Koelen Stiftung” arranges courses of lectures.