Augusto Cantamessa

Mostra personale.
Comunicato stampa
With Augusto Cantamessa (Turin 1927 - Bibiana 2018) everyday life becomes poetry. His vision fluctuates in a multiplication of shades interposed between black and white, colours that satisfy, as he himself claims, multiple visual needs and that will become his stylistic signature. The reality of natural, urban and domestic spaces takes shape in unprecedented compositions. With a photographic exploration that has lasted about seventy years, Augusto Cantamessa becomes a testimony of his time, a voice that invites us to let ourselves be fascinated - and even a little surprised - by what we have around us, and by what moves us inside, shunning ephemeral frenzies, opening up to our emotional spaces, cultivating them.
We therefore propose an anthology of the photographer's most evocative works, a nucleus of selected images, all rigorously in black and white, ranging from Piedmont landscapes, street photography and still lifes.