Celia Hempton – Paintings on Walls and Canvas

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“Really you do know what this elaborate ruse is all about, don’t you?” Q is serious.
“Well of course she just wants to shag you really.”
“No she doesn’t!”
“Of course she does”
“Fight her.”
Q’s jokes are silly, they feign ignorance to the limitlessness of the libidinal, but still, we
enjoy the silliness and for a moment we delight in laughter and forget we are not children.
I dress and leave for Celia‘s. (Kamal Yusuf)
Celia Hempton paints small canvases, of friends and models (some sourced on the internet in video chat-rooms) focusing on what used to be called “private parts”. She hangs these intimate images on large wall paintings that reference landscapes, with sensuous veils of colour and mist cascading down the wall. Her work explores in a sometimes shocking fashion contemporary questions around privacy and intimacy, what they mean in a world where traditional norms of modesty, prudence, privacy, and discretion have been provoked and adjusted to fit an age of redefined boundaries.
Celia Hempton (b. 1981) lives and paints in London. She graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2003, from the Royal College of Art in 2007, and from 2008-2010 she studied at the British School in Rome. She has shown at Southard Reid Gallery, London, and at Galerie Sultana in Paris; at the Kunstverein, Aachen. Recent group shows have included those at OhWow Gallery, Los Angeles; Cell Project Space, London; Moving Museum, London; and Studio Voltaire, London. This summer she has been awarded a residency at Civitella Ranieri in Umbria, Italy.