Dexter Sinister – How to design (multiples)
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“How to design (multiples) … Multiples are designed with the methods of research. Unlike the artist, the designer does not make a wonderful sketch and later find some reproduction technique. He experiments on a phenomenon which is optical, physical, geometrical, typological, mechanical … He refines the elements of communication, and studies the best material with which to produce the object for the maximum level of visual communication and the minimum level of cost. He finds the mechanical technique which best suits his purposes, and in the end a prototype is born — not a unique artistic creation, but a model for the creation of a series. Reproductions of artwork are always inferior to the original, but when designing a model for mass production, the prototype is always inferior to the final products.” (Codice Ovvio, Bruno Munari, 1971)
Dexter Sinister presents the second in a series of three exhibitions with COLLI independent tracking Bruno Munari’s work . In this occasion Dexter Sinister will present a new multiple The Last Shot Clock (multiple), a small, electronic clock based on an idiosyncratic counter originally designed for La Bienalle di Venezia 2013 and since reconstructed for a series of exhibitions and performances over the intervening five years. This exhibition follows directly from “…meet the Tetracono” at COLLI in June 2017 and will include a collection of related Munari, Danese, and Dexter Sinister materials.