Draok – Krypta

Mostra personale del collettivo Draok
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Giorgio Guidi and Marta Pierobon formed Draok in 2010 to work collaboratively on shared interests including architecture, perception and social systems. Both Guidi and Peirobon have long been fascinated by the secretive and hidden: crypts, cults, ghosts and memories. Italian cities are built on the foundations of previous settlements--Etruscan, Roman and medieval--producing a stratification of civilizations. New buildings rise on the ruins of the old, burying earlier structures in rubble and debris. In Italian Catholicism there is a long tradition of covering and hiding the past; it is deeply embedded in the hierarchy of the church. Beneath the modern city lies the still present and living past and its treasures, relics, and corpses.
Draok's work is an attempt to excavate, archive and rebuild this hidden past. Both Guidi and Pierobon grew up in the city of Brescia, outside Milan. The cathedral of St. Filastrio in Brescia is an architectural composite, a layering of different historical forms and styles that make up the present building, from the secretive crypt to the public place of worship. For their exhibition at Soloway, the artists have rebuilt this labyrinthine structure, as a theater set for the present.
This exhibition is the second part of an exchange curated by Paola Gallio between Soloway and Spazio Morris, a project space in Milan. In 2011 Paola Gallio, as part of her Short Visit Project Series, invited Annette Wehrhahn, Munro Galloway, Pat Palermo, Paul Branca and a selection of artists from Soloway to exhibit work at Spazio Morris in Milan. In return, Soloway has invited the collective Draok to exhibit work they developed during their residency at Spazio Morris.
Giorgio Guidi (b. 1982, Italy) lives and works in Brescia. He holds a BA in Fine Art (2006, Accademia di Carrara, IT). He has been artist in residence at VIR-ViaFarini in Residence, Milan (2011), Fondazione Spinola Banna, Turin (2011 and 2010), and at AACA Athens (2008) His work was displayed at Tate Modern (UK) in 2010 at No Soul For Sale. Between 2009 and 2012, his work has been shown widely in project spaces and institutions, amongst others in the exhibitions Lords of dirt (Maribor, SI, 2011-2012) held at UGM Maribor Art Gallery, Il ramo d'oro (2011), Teatro Nuovo Udine, curated by A. Bruciati and E. Comuzzi; Short-Visit (Milan): Giorgio Guidi (2010) curated by P. Gallio and D. Tomaioulo; Argonauti (2010), Verona, curated by A. Bruciati; Route Tournante en sous bois (2010), upload art project Trento, curated by S. Conta; Festa mobile Bologna (2010), curated by D. Ferri and A. Grulli; Il raccolto d'autunno è stato abbondante, Careof & Viafarini/Docva (2009), Milan, curated by C. Agnello and M. Farronato; Intorno al centro (2009), Brescia, curated by G. Molinari. Reviews and essays on his work have been published on FlashArt Italia, exibart, Espoarte and LaRepubblica.
Marta Pierobon (b.1979 Italy) lives and works in Brescia. She holds a BA in Fine Art (2006 Accademia di Firenze). She is a visual artist working with sculpture, installation and drawings. She has been in residence at CARS Omegna in Como (2011) and at Spazio Morris Summer residence (2011). Between 2007 and 2011 her work has been shown widely in project spaces and institutions, amongst other in the exhibition II (Milan, 2011) held at MARS, Me and my shadow (London 2011) at Kate Macgarry Gallery, Quarantottometriquadri (Solo show,Brescia 2011) at A Palazzo Gallery, Arte nell'Arte (Brescia 2011) at the Museum of Santa Giulia, Riff Raff (London 2010) at Q cuarated by David Southard, La fioritura del Bambu (Milan 2009) at Viafarini curated by Milovan Farronato, New Season No Reason (Milan 2008) at Neon FDV curated by Paola Gallio and Davide Tomaiuolo, International Times (London 2007) at 78 Lyndhurst Way curated by Hanna Barry, My Land (San Miniato PI, 2007) City of San Miniato, Contro l'anatema dell'arte (Teramo 2007) at quarter apartment curated by Francesca Referza.Fin de siecle (Chicago, 2007) at Estudiotres Gallery. Reviews and essays on her work have been published on Flash art, Espoarte, Il corrieredellasera and artecritica.