Every Island Has A Name

Un’esperienza multisensoriale.
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ARC’TERYX, HILLTON and Spazio Maiocchi are pleased to invite the public to Every Island Has a Name, a multi-sensory experience where artistic gesture, live soundscapes, and film merge. Taking place on November 6th, 2024 at Spazio Maiocchi (Via Achille Maiocchi 7, Milan), the event will run from 19.00 to 22.30, promising an evening of immersive audiovisual storytelling. Inspired by the film Every Island Has a Name, initiated by Severin Van Der Meer & directed by Achille Mauri – which poetically explores the assonances between snowboarding, craft and art – the exhibition stands as a multidisciplinary extension of the film’s narrative which has been translated in the physical spaces of Spazio Maiocchi under the art direction of Oliviero Fiorenzi with the support of Claudia Decaro, creative producer of the event. The imagery of the film – created by Mauri in collaboration with Severin Van Der Meer, cinematographer Willem Jones and the executive production of HILLTON – is distilled through visual, sculptural and sonic elements that invite the public into an immersive multimedia journey.
Set in the striped-back environment of a white cube, the exhibition is divided into three distinct scapes, each drawing on different facets of the film’s account, fostering an interactive dialogue between art, music, visuals and live performance. The acoustic journey curated by Andrea La Pietra sees sound drifting from space to space, changing and responding through different interventions to the artworks on display.
The first room presents Oliviero Fiorenzi’s suggestive kites sculptures. Captured in the film while they ruffle through the Alps they are here dialoguing with the live notes of Doriano Giovanni Maria Di Domenico (violin) & Giorgio Magistroni (double bass). The following room vibrates to the percussion of Pietro Vicentini (drums) whose rhythmic intensity – oscillating between bursts of sound and moments of silence – responds to the subtle floral work of Azuma Makoto. Mattia Bosco’s sculpted stones stand in the third gallery, inspiring with their totemic presence the performance of Leonardo Campera, Andrea La Pietra e Fabio Seccamani (vibraphone and synthesizer) whose live meditative improvisation creates a contemplative atmosphere where electronics and acoustics interplay.
Through his subtle lens, photographer Silvano Marino Zeiter captured the journey behind Every Island Has a Name when the crew filmed in the mountains, and the snowboarders Severin Van Der Meer, Elena Height, and Jared Elston surfed through its peaks. Known for his powerful and atmospheric work, Zeiter's images – displayed on a wide wall structure at the entrance of the space – complement the exhibition's narrative revealing breathtaking landscapes and the totalizing encounter between human and the mountainous environment.
Every Island Has a Name’s multisensory experience will be enhanced by Genera who will curate a dynamic visual installation taking place during the live music performances. Genera’s visuals will interact with the music, blending abstract imagery, light effects, and thematic elements drawn from the exhibition’s narrative, reinforcing the exhibition immersive environment.