Federico Cantale / A Soft Seduction

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Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery is happy to announce a double opening on
Thursday, 10 June 2021 | from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Until 23 July 2021
Main gallery
group show
with works by Salvatore Arancio, Francesco Ardini, Gianfranco Baruchello,
Clara Brörmann, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Pietro Consagra, Svenja Deininger,
Werner Feiersinger, Jay Heikes, David Hockney, Todd Norsten, Jean Painlevé,
Gaetano Pesce, Ishmael Randall Weeks, Allen Ruppersberg, Andrea Sala,
Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli, Patrick Tuttofuoco, Giuseppe Uncini, Carlo Zauli
Schiavo Zoppelli Gallery is pleased to present the first solo project by Federico Cantale (Legnano, Milan, 1996) entitled Guardaroba, the first of a series of special projects conceived for the gallery's FOYER.
With his Guardaroba, Federico Cantale takes us into the alchemist's study. The alchemist is obviously Cantale himself, who when referring to these works speaks of true "distillations." In fact, his wardrobe consists of five hanging works that are nothing more than five hangers. In the alchemical wardrobe, which is our life, our clothes become spirit, they finally show themselves as our own soul spreading out into the world.
The project is is accompanied by a text by Alberto Parisi, PhD candidate in Comparative Literature at Harvard University.
Click here to download italian text.