Federico Luger – Mi casa es tu casa

Informazioni Evento

C.so Magenta 12 , Milano, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
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La mostra sarà aperta lunedì e martedì dalle 15 alle 19, o su appuntamento.


ore 18,30

Federico Luger
arte contemporanea, personale

Prima mostra personale di Federico Luger a Milano, Mi casa es tu casa, lunedì 18 settembre presso gli spazi di Secondo Pensiero

Comunicato stampa

ECCENTRIC Art & Research è lieta d'invitarla all'inaugurazione della prima mostra personale di Federico Luger a Milano, Mi casa es tu casa, lunedì 18 settembre presso gli spazi di Secondo Pensiero, Corso Magenta 12, Milano.
La mostra comprenderà diverse serie di lavori dell'artista, tra cui le serie The Swiss Alps, the End of the Illusion, Line Concept, Monochrome e Venice Book.

La mostra sarà aperta lunedì e martedì dalle 15 alle 19, o su appuntamento. Per fissare un appuntamento o per richiedere immagini si prega di scrivere a [email protected]


Federico Luger: Mi casa es tu casa.
Opening on September 18th, 2017, 6.30pm.

ECCENTRIC Art & Research is delighted to invite you to Federico Luger’s first solo exhibition in Milan, Mi casa es tu casa, which opens on September 18th, 2017.
The title of the show (my house is your house) alludes both to the fact that it will take place at Secondo Pensiero, a space which is in fact a B&B, thus a temporary house to its guests, and also because one of the series, The Swiss Alps, has been inspired by Luger’s second home in Switzerland.
The exhibition will present different series of works: The Swiss Alps, the End of the Illusion (2013) the aforementioned set of photographs that addresses the end of bank secrecy in the country; small paintings from the series Bananas, a selection of two massive paintings which deal with the human figure, more specifically with portraiture; the Line Concept collages, two works from the Monochrome series and the almost complete Venice Book series. This last set of works on paper will be installed in one of the rooms, so it will only be visible during the opening evening.
Federico Luger is a Venezuelan artist and gallerist. After several years spent travelling around Europe, he opened an art space in Milan, which then turned into Federico Luger Gallery. In the twelve years during which the gallery has been operating, Luger has produced more than fifty exhibitions. However Luger never stopped his artistic practice, which he preferred to conduct in secrecy, reflecting on conceptual art, perception of art, and the art system in general. Both his activities, artist and gallerist have enriched each other. This exhibition and Luger’s oeuvre deeply reflect on the complexity of the twofold nature of his passion.

The exhibition will be open from September 18th through October 18th, on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3 to 7pm, or by appointment.