Gian Martino Cecere – Mondi Lontanissimi

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Wizard gallery is pleased to present the solo exhibition "Distant Worlds" by Gian Martino Cecere.
The exhibition, a selection of works made in Berlin between 2021 and 2023, emphasizes the importance of history in Gian Martino Cecere's artistic research.
Indeed, the artist, on the one hand, acts as an archaeologist on a past platform exploring fragments of mythological nature, archetypes, mythical scenarios.
On the other, like a visionary director who insinuates himself between the folds of future history to parasitize it, colonize it, rewrite it.
The works are made with a mixed technique - at first acrylic and later oil paints - that also involves overlapping and accumulation of material: pictorial scraps, cuttings, sketches, erasures, worn and dated materials, grafts of other nature, with greater or lesser layering.
Clots of organic and enigmatic forms are returned through a graphism that seems almost liquid, biological processes, sci-fi landscapes of timeless civilizations.
Open parentheses waiting for a meaningful intention on the part of the viewer who, in trying to close them, finds himself in possible worlds, far, far away, and close.