Günter Pusch – Katalys
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EXHIBITION KATALYS, VENEZIA CA' ZANARDI CANNAREGIO 4132, curated by Daniella Perez Bacigalupo, Vernissage 09.05.2015 18pm, preview 06.052015 18pm, exhibition from 09.05. - 31.06.2015, Tuesday – Sunday, 11am – 18pm, In “KATALYS” exhibit the german artist Gϋnter Pusch presents nature and technology integrated through a mutual catalysing force: nature speeds technology and triggers a reaction without itself being affected. Paintings, sculptures and videos of Gϋnter Pusch convey in unique internal and external architectures where living being become transfigured in technological structures. Audio installation: Vittorio Achille, Umberto Petrin, Paolo Malusardi, Gianni Squilace