Heimo Zobernig

L’artista presenterà dieci nuovi lavori su tela che, procedendo dalle ricerche dei dipinti monocromi degli ultimi anni,
coinvolgono la pittura in una riflessione linguistica, in un gioco di reciproca referenzialità tra parola e immagine.
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Galleria Gentili is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition of Heimo Zobernig set in the gallery space of Prato.
The new works represent a new generation of Heimo Zobernig's painting. Based on the monochromes of the last years he developed a series of paintings, which deal with language. He reflects the perception of the viewer and demonstrates how the written word affects our vision. The terms he uses follow different concepts: there are doublings, antagonisms or language games, which either reflect the media (the painting) per se or deal with contents, which aren't inherent to art. What they have in common is, that the terms describe something you actually can or can't see (even the pretended color description "beige, ochre, gold" is a delusion). At first sight, scarcely perceptible, they emerge from the monochromes like a water mark and add a new horizon of signification. Lost in contemplation they may evoke a "concept-sound" which surrounds us.
Heimo Zobernig (Mauthen, AT, 1958), one of the most interesting artists of the international contemporary art scene, made his debut in the mid eighties.
The most important participations and solo shows are mentioned: Aperto 1988, the Venice Biennale, Istanbul Biennial (1992), Documenta IX, Kassel (1992) and Documenta X, Kassel (1997), Münster Skulptur Projekte, Münster (1997), "Platea dell'Umanità", Venice Biennale (2001); MUMOK, Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien, (2002); Heimo Zobernig, Pestorius Sweeney House, Brisbane, Australia (2005); Heimo Zobernig, MAK, Wien, Austria, (2008); CAPC, Musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux (2009); The Drama of Display, Österreichische Friedrich und Lillian Kiesler Privatstiftung, Wien (2010); Essl Museum, Klosterneuburg, Wien (2011).
With this opening, Galleria Gentili joins the project of the 7th edition of the Day of Contemporary art promoted by AMACI (Associazione dei Musei d' Arte Contemporanea Italiani).