How do we perceive reality?
In che modo percepiamo la realtà che circonda? In un momento storico in cui il tema della “post-verità” è diventato centrale nella comprensione dei fenomeni politici globali, Ncontemporary ha invitato tre artisti internazionali interessati al rapporto tra arte e percezione della realtà.
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How do we perceive the reality? In a moment in which the topic of "post-truth" has become central for the understanding of the global political phenomena, Ncontemporary invited three international artists interested in the relationship between art and the perception of reality; be it the physical one of the space that surrounds us, the emotional one or that of the media.
Raluca Andreea Hartea (Romania, 1985) has long been interested in the relationship between art and psychoanalysis, concentrating part of her research on colors and how they subconsciously influence our emotions. Within "How do we perceive reality?" the artist will present a new series of works that focuse on the individual reactions of the spectators in front of the colors, shapes and sizes of a series of forms created with the use of chemical reagents.
On the occasion of his first exhibition in Milan, the English artist Tom Lovelace (UK, 1981) will present a series of works created in Spoleto in 2012 during a residency together with some new works created specifically at Ncontemporary in Milan. In all the exhibited works, the artist questions the perception of the physical space and the objects that surround us. In particular in his photographs and his compositions Lovelace tries to give common objects a new function, inviting the observer to evaluate the value of space and its elements in a wider way.
Jonny Briggs (UK, 1985), on the other hand, will bring to Milan a project realized in 2017 during a residence in the island of Jersey. Turning his gaze for the first time to a news story, Briggs analyzed the issue of the child abuse scandal perpetuated on the island since 1945 and systematically hidden by local authorities. The project, "Unpalatable Truth", owes its title to a statement by Ian Gorst, Prime Minister of Jersey, who recognized in 2017 that many cases of abuse were hidden to avoid addressing the problem. In the works on show, Briggs used repertoire images and new shots made inside the Jersey police station, continuing his research on the relationship between reality and fiction in the world of photography.
In che modo percepiamo la realtà che circonda? In un momento storico in cui il tema della “post-verità” è diventato centrale nella comprensione dei fenomeni politici globali, Ncontemporary ha invitato tre artisti internazionali interessati al rapporto tra arte e percezione della realtà; sia essa quella fisica dello spazio che ci circonda, quella emotiva o quella dell’attualità e del potere.