Ian Hagarty – Cloud Feedback
L’associazione culturale Sincresis ospita una mostra del giovane artista statunitense Ian Hagarty
che per l’occasione presenta i suoi ultimi lavori pittorici e una video opera.
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L’associazione culturale Sincresis ospita una mostra del giovane artista statunitense Ian Hagarty
che per l’occasione presenta i suoi ultimi lavori pittorici e una video opera.
La sua ricerca è impostata sul continuo rapporto tra astrazione e rappresentazione che per lui diventa un autentico dialogo tra forme analogiche e riduzione geometrica, tra linea che disegna una presenza e colore che nella sua piattezza rivela un’assenza, La sua pittura infatti svela e nasconde, si apre ad uno squarcio di vissuto mentre subito cancella ogni riferimento del visibile per calarlo nell’assoluto spaziotemporale.
Nel dinamismo generato dall’alternarsi di segni che creano cornici aperte per inoltrarsi nella profondità di spazi incommensurabili o dal contrasto cromatico tra gamme fredde o calde che vibrano nel tessuto costituito di passaggi sulla tela, lo sguardo può scoprire percorsi inesplorati in cui approfondirsi.
Ian sceglie le piccole dimensioni per comporre le sue relazioni dialogiche tra rigore ed emozione capace di esplodere specialmente nel grande formato, così da liberarsi totalmente riducendo in frammenti la texture di geometrie che compongono i lavori più raccolti, ma ogni volta diversi e disposti nello spazio espositivo come steps di un percorso. L’itinerario culmina con la visione in grande scala di un video che diventa opera non solo perché creazione dell’artista, ma in quanto che diventa un film o un frame dell’elaborazione pittorica che viene ripresa diventando altro, mutando nelle dimensioni e destando effetti percettivi inconsueti. Percezione, visione mentale, lirismo sono gli aspetti che si combinano e che caratterizzano la sua sperimentazione creativa.
The cultural association SINCRESIS hosting an exhibition of the young American artist Ian Hagarty which on this occasion he presents his latest pictorial works and a video work.
His research is set to the continuous relationship between abstraction and representation that becomes a genuine dialogue between analogical forms and geometric reduction, which draws a line between the presence in its flatness and color that reveals an absence, His painting reveals and hides , it opens to a glimpse of living while immediately remove any reference to the visible lower it in full spacetime.
In the dynamism generated by the alternation of signs that create frames open for further into the depths of space immeasurable or color contrast between ranges hot or cold vibrating in the fabric consists of steps on the canvas, the eye can discover unexplored paths which deepen.
Ian chooses small dimensions to compose his dialogic relations between rigor and emotion capable of exploding especially in large format, so totally reducing the texture fragments of geometries that make the work more collected, but every time different and arranged in the exhibition space as steps of a path. The tour culminates with a vision of a large-scale video that becomes a work not only because creation of the artist, but as you become a film or a painting frame processing which is taken becoming another, changing in size and arousing effects unusual perceptual. The current exhibition, Cloud Feedback, is the artist’s first cohesive exhibition in Italy to date.
The works on view in the exhibition, Cloud Feedback, loosely derives from issues related to the phenomenon of cloud feedback loops and their impact on global warming. From this point of departure, the work is created through notions of representation and abstraction. This duality is a way to reflect on, invent and describe current perceptions of lived and imagined experiences.
Perception, mental vision, lyricism are the aspects that are combined and characterizing his creative experimentation.
Ian Hagarty was born in New Jersey, USA - 1980. He studied painting at the Maryland Institute, College of Art in Baltimore, Maryland and Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.
The artist’s work has been included in solo and group exhibitions throughout the USA, Italy and Spain. Recent solo exhibitions of his work include, In This Air – Angela Meleca Gallery, Columbus, Ohio | Every Ocean – Gallery 842, Huntington, West Virginia | Oceanic – Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Cádiz, Spain. Recent group exhibitions include, Complex Decisions – CES Gallery, Los Angeles, California and Pure Paint for Now People – Weber State University, Ogden, Utah. The current exhibition, Cloud Feedback, is the artist’s first cohesive exhibition in Italy to date.
Ian Hagarty
Huntington, WV 25701 USA
[email protected]
2006 Indiana University. Bloomington, IN
Master of Fine Arts - Painting
2004 Maryland Institute, College of Art. (MICA) Baltimore, MD
Master of Arts in Teaching - Art Education K-12
2003 Maryland Institute, College of Art. (MICA) Baltimore, MD
Bachelor of Fine Arts - Painting (cum laude)
2015 Complex Decisions, CES Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Get With The Program, GalleryELL, NYC | London (online)
Pure Paint for Now People, Weber State University, Ogden, UT
*Abstract Painting, Fouladi Projects, San Francisco, CA
2014 In This Air, Angela Meleca Gallery, Columbus, OH (Solo)
Art For Life, AIDS Resource Center/Ohio History Center, Columbus, OH
At Ebb Tide, Apartment Earth, Charleston, WV(Solo)
Site-specific installation and live audio/video performance
Every Ocean, Gallery 842, Huntington, WV(Solo)
Seven on Seven, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV
Morsels & Minutia, Apartment Earth, Charleston, WV
2013 The Art of Teaching, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV
Oceanic, Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Cádiz, Spain(Solo)
Abstract Currents, Museum of Modern Art, NYC, NY
Observations, Pearl Conard Gallery, Ohio State Univ., Mansfield, OH
2012 Marshall University Faculty, Gallery 842, Huntington, WV
Ian Hagarty-AIR, Officina Zone Umane, Monteleone Sabino, Italy
Smokey Road Press, Athens, GA
Primal Notations, Buckham Gallery, Flint, MI
A Gallery Divided, The Clay Center, Charleston, WV
2011 Ian Hagarty, Robert C. Byrd Federal Building, Charleston, WV (Solo)
Pattern Play, Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
More is More, Lexington Art League, Lexington, KY
Regional Artists Group Exhibition, Bennett Gallery, Knoxville, TN
2010 Marshall University Faculty, Gallery 842, Huntington, WV
UGA Cortona Italy Faculty, Chastain Arts Center, Atlanta, GA Ian Hagarty – Recent Work, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (Solo)
Sound As Source, Cedar Center for the Arts, Lancaster, CA
2009 Paint:Present, Lexington Arts League, Lexington, KY
2008 Untitled Group Show, Mercury Art Works, Athens, GA
Faculty Exhibition, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
La Mostra, Cortona Italy Studies Abroad Exhibition, Cortona, Italy
LaGrange National Biennial, LaGrange Art Museum, LaGrange, GA
2007 Essentials, Elder Gallery, Nebraska Weslyn University, Lincoln, NE
Faculty Exhibition, Herron School of Art – IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
Contemporary Drawing, Marsh Gallery, Herron School of Art – IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN
Contemporary Drawing, Gallery 115, University of Central Missouri, Warrensburg, MO
2014 Distinguished Scholar in All Fields - Junior Faculty, Marshall University
2013 Faculty Development Grant, Marshall University
Summer Research Award, Marshall University
2012 Summer Research Award, Marshall University
2011 Catherine Doctorow Prize for Contemporary Painting (Nominee)
Utah Museum of Contemporary Art
Faculty Development Grant, Marshall University
2010 Faculty Development Grant, Marshall University
2007-10 Franklin College Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellowship,
University of Georgia
2005 Indiana University, SOFA Travel Grant - Florence, Italy
2005 Grant-in-Aid of Research Award - Indiana University
Huntington Museum of Art. Huntington, WV
Smokey Road Press. Athens, GA
TARGET Distribution Center. Indianapolis, IN - Corporate Collection
2015 Artist-In-Residence: Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy*
2014 Lecture: Mode and Observation, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
2013 Lecture: Linea de Costa/ECCO, Cádiz, Spain
Artist-In-Residence: Linea de Costa, Cádiz, Spain
2012 Artist-In-Residence: Officina Zone Umane - Associazione ONLUS, Monteleone Sabino, Italy
Juror: Annual Student Exhibition – University of Rio Grande,
Rio Grande, OH
Juror: Portfolio 2012, Huntington Museum of Art, WV
Juror: WV Youth Art Month, MU, Huntington, WV
2011 Lecture: Morehead State University, Morehead, KY
2010 Lecture: Marshall University, Huntington, WV
2009 Visiting Artist/Lecture: University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
2008 Lecture: UGA - Cortona Italy Studies Abroad Program, Cortona, Italy