Jenny Holzer. Tutta la verità (The Whole Truth)
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Tutta la verità (The Whole Truth), an exhibition of Jenny Holzer’s work at the Palazzo della Ragione in Bergamo, marks the return to Italy of one of the most highly acclaimed and influential artists on the international scene.
Holzer’s work employs the written word as a means of critical reflection and creative expression. In her art, modes of presentation more often associated with institutional information, news, and advertising become a powerful tool to address political and social issues. She uses language to challenge social norms, prejudices, and violence. The immediacy of Holzer’s message is a weapon against the mystification of reality, as implemented on a daily basis by media organisations, government agencies, and advertisers who engage in the banalisation of language.
The walls of the Sala delle Capriate, a symbolic place where historically local justice was administered, will provide the backdrop for a series of new light projections. The texts chosen by Holzer for this special occasion will touch on important themes in her work – identity, gender, and dialogue – and in particular will address the ongoing migrant crisis.
An integral part of the installation will be nine marble benches produced for the occasion thanks to the generous support of the Fondazione Henraux. Placed in a circle in the centre of the room, the seats will provide a stopping point, a place to pause and reflect on both the illuminated walls and the sentences carved into the surfaces of the benches themselves.