La XIII Luna

Furini Contemporary inaugura un nuovo spazio espositivo ad Arezzo, nella Chiesa della Madonna del Duomo Vecchio, con La XIII Luna, progetto che include opere di Lupo Borgonovo, Enzo Cucchi, Raphael Hefti, Morten Norbye Halvorsen, Gianni Politi e Jessica Warboys.
Comunicato stampa
La XIII luna, luna senza nome, inafferrabile e volubile, mutevole e incostante, luna arcana e di passaggio.
Fuori dai limiti che la regola temporale induce, è una luna di mezzo, contiene le qualità della luna che la precede e anticipa quelle della successiva. Luna di trasformazione. “Luna falsa” la chiamano anche, o “luna delle anime inquiete”, la luna “intrusa”, luna blu; stravagante e rara, luna magica, ultima luna.
Tra l’alternarsi di equinozi e solstizi, il trascorrere delle ore, dei giorni, dei mesi, il suo arrivo interrompe una sequenza regolare di lunazioni –perenni vicende di nascite, morti e ricominciamenti-, l’incessante alternarsi ciclico delle stagioni. Sembrerebbe portare disordine e invece non genera che il suo contrario. Attraverso il caos e il mutamento, la sua venuta sostiene infatti l’ordine cosmico e riporta stabilità ed equilibrio riallineando le energie nello scorrere della sequenza lunare.
Furini Contemporary inaugura un nuovo spazio espositivo ad Arezzo, nella Chiesa della Madonna del Duomo Vecchio, con La XIII Luna, progetto che include opere di Lupo Borgonovo, Enzo Cucchi, Raphael Hefti, Morten Norbye Halvorsen, Gianni Politi e Jessica Warboys. In stretto dialogo con la natura del luogo e lo spazio fisico che la ospita, la mostra esplora elegiacamente il passaggio e la registrazione del tempo suggerendo la possibilità di una differente narrativa.
The thirteenth moon – a nameless moon that is elusive and fickle, unsettled and unpredictable, arcane and transient.
Free from the restrictions of the rules of time, it is a halfway moon encompassing the qualities of the moons that come before and after it. A moon of transformation, it is also called “false moon”, “moon of the restless souls”, “intrusive moon”, “blue moon” - extravagant and rare –, “magic moon”, and “last moon”.
In the alternation of the equinoxes and solstices, in the passing of the hours, days, and months, its arrival interrupts the regular sequence of lunations – a perpetual story of births, deaths and restarts -, the never-ending cyclic alternation of the seasons. It seems to bring disorder, but what it really does is to generate the opposite. Through chaos and change, its arrival supports the cosmic order, bringing stability and balance, realigning the energies in the flowing of the sequence of the moon.
Furini Contemporary opens a new exhibition space in Arezzo, in the Chiesa della Madonna del Duomo Vecchio [Church of Our Lady of the Old Cathedral], with La XIII Luna [The Thirteenth Moon], a project that includes works by Lupo Borgonovo, Enzo Cucchi, Raphael Hefti, Norbye Morten Halvorsen, Gianni Politi and Jessica Warboys. In close connection with the nature of the place and the physical space hosting it, the exhibition plaintively explores the passage and recording of time, suggesting the possibility of a different reading.
Lupo Borgonovo: Born in Milan, 1985 – Lives and works in Milan. Solo Exhibitions: 2012, Fluxia, Milan; 2010, Calco della Caverna, Fluxia, Milan. Group Exhibitions: 2013, Il rituale del serpente, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome - 2011, Partita a quattro, Lorcan O’Neill, Rome – Domesticity, Prague Biennale 5, Prague, Czech Republic – Premio Moroso, Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone; 2010, SI-Sindrome Italiana, La jeune création artistique italienne, MAGASIN Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble, France – Persona in meno, Palazzo Re Rebuadengo, Guarente d’Alba, Cuneo/Palazzo Ducale Genua; 2009, No Soul for Sale, A Festival of Independents, with Lucie Fontaine, New York, USA.
Enzo Cucchi: Born in Morro d’Alba, Ancona, 1949 – Lives and works in Rome. Solo Exhibitions: 2013, Cosmogonia, Galleria Poggiali e Forconi, Firenze; 2011, Transavanguardia italiana/Enzo cucchi, Marca, Catanzaro; 2007, Enzo Cucchi, Museo Correr, Venezia; 2003, Enzo cucchi, New Works, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger, Zurigo; 2000, Enzo Cucchi. Chi cucca chi, Cucchi?, Galleria Poggiali e Forconi, Firenze; 1996, Simm’ nervusi, Museo di Capodimonte, Napoli; 1993, Enzo Cucchi, Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Torino; 1989, Enzo Cucchi, Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato; 1984, Enzo Cucchi. Vitebsk/Harar, Mary Boone/Michael Werner Gallery, New York; 1983, Enzo Cucchi. Giulio Cesare Roma, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; 1977, Montesicuro Cucchi Enzo giù, Galleria Luigi de Ambrogi, Milano. Group Exhibitions: Biennale di Venezia, International Art Exhibition 1980, 1988, 1993, 1997; Documenta 1982, 1987, Kassel.
Raphael Hefti: Born in Biel-Bienne, CH, 1978 - Lives and works in Zurich, CH and London, UK. Solo Exhibitions: 2013, CAPC Musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux, F; 2012, Inside the White Cube, White Cube Gallery, London, UK; 2011, Beginning with
the first thing that comes to mind, Fluxia, Milan; 2009, Things in the Air, Museum Bell Park, Kriens in Zusammenarbeit, CH; 2008, Aether & Phlogiston, Artrepco Gallery, Zürich, CH; 2006, Field Trip, Photoforum Pasquart, Biel-Bienne, CH. Group Exhibitions: 2013, Galerie Andreas Huber, Vienna, A; 2012, Minimal Myth, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, NL; 2011, How to work (more for) less, Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, CH - Slade MA Degree Show, Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK; 2010, The sun is the tongue, the shadow is the language, Ancient & Modern Gallery, London, UK - New contemporaries 2010, A-Foundation, Liverpool & ICA, London, UK; 2009, Lokal-Int, Biel-Bienne, CH; 2008, Artbingo, Zürich-Leimbach, CH; 2007, Nature revisited, Swiss Substitute, Berlin, D; 2006, Regeneration, Aperture Gallery, New York, NY - In den Alpen, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich, CH.
Morten Norbye Halvorsen: Born in Stavanger, Norway, 1980 – Lives and works in Paris. Solo Exhibitions: 2013, Champagne Polka, Gaudel de Stampa, Paris – Alluvium, Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp, Belgium. Group Exhibitions: 2013, Biennale di Venezia, 55th International Art Exhibition, Venice – Footnotes, Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius - LA Existancial, LACE, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA; 2012, Friends, Countrymen - Gaudel de Stampa, Paris - The XI Baltic Triennial of International Art, Mindaugas Triennial, The Baltic Triennial of International Art, Vilnius – Ça & là (This & There), Fondation d´entreprise Ricard, Paris - Frutta, Rome; 2011, A Clock That Runs On Mud - More Or Less, A Few Pocket Universes, HIAP Project Room, Cable Factory, Helsinki - Le Pavillon Neuflize Obc: The Lost Art Of Travelers, Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, TX; 2009, Paper Exhibition, Artists Space, New York City, NY; 2007, Mario Soto & Morten Halvorsen, Galleri Henrik Gerner, Moss – 2005, Jessica Warboys & Morten N. Halvorsen - Galleri Blunk, Trondheim.
Gianni Politi: Born in Rome, 1986 - Lives and works in Rome and Milan. Solo Exhibitions: 2009, …and you tool me, Festival dei 2 Mondi, Spoleto - I tool U, CO2 Contemporary Art, Roma - Our Beloved sons, Galleria Minima Contemporanea, Roma. Group Exhibitions: 2013, Il rituale del serpente, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome – Genius loci, Pesaro; 2008, Anatomie Comparate, Studio d’Arte Contemporanea, Spoleto; 2006, Where is 101, Ex Acciaieria, Milano.
Jessica Warboys: Born in Wales, UK, 1977 - Lives and works Berlin and London. Solo Exhibitions: 2013, Artists’ Film International: Jessica Warboys, Whitechapel Gallery, London; 2012, Panther Print, Gaudel de Stampa, Paris - Tails, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany - A painting cycle, Nomas Foundation, Roma; 2011, Victory Park Tree Painting, Cell Project Space, London; 2009, Parasol, Gaudel de Stampa, Paris; 2008, Le Chant du Rossignol, Foundry Darling, Quartier Ephémère, Montréal, Canada. Group Exhibitions: 2013, Painting, Konrad Fischer Galerie, Dusseldorf, Germany - Chat Jet, Kunstlerhaus, Graz, Austria; 2012, Documenta (13), Kassel - Camera Britannica, Centre Pompidou, Paris - Los Pasos Perdidos, Galerie Andreas Huber, Vienna; 2011, Au loin une île!, Frac Aquitaine, Bordeaux - Madam Realism’, Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Maastrich; 2010, The October Show, Limoncello, London - Solar skill, Fluxia Gallery, Milan; 2009, 54ème Salon d’art contemporain de Montrouge, Paris; 2008, Kunstwerk Bazaar, Outpost Gallery, Norwich, UK.