Les Instant Video
![Les Instant Video](https://www.artribune.com/wp-content/uploads/events/2014/11/06/39792_unnamed (17).jpg)
Anche quest’anno Milano è gemellata con Marsiglia grazie alla nostra partnership con il famoso festival Les Instant Video, giunto quest’anno alla 27esima edizione.
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Anche quest’anno Milano è gemellata con Marsiglia grazie alla nostra partnership con il famoso festival Les Instant Video, giunto quest’anno alla 27esima edizione. Un appuntamento che ogni anno si rinnova con nuove energie e collaborazioni che mirano alla promozione, condivisione e divulgazione della videoarte sia sul territorio Italiano che internazionale. Infatti, oltre alla selezione presente a Milano, sarà possibile vedere sul webchannel internazionale di videoarte - VisualcontainerTV - una speciale selezione dal 13 novembre al 10 dicembre, per tutti gli amanti della videoarte che non potranno essere presenti a Marsiglia o a Milano.
Video art is a contemporary art … of the struggle of those who have not yet renounced their right to bear wings.
1) More and more walls are built between those who have (almost) nothing and those who have (almost) everything.
2) Misogyny and homophobia (even when hiding behind good intentions) are walls built between bodies and desires.
How can video artists express what should be a universal right: the right of everyone to circulate and settle where they please, to live freely in their sexuality, to love without impediment … ?
We have built this year’s festival upon our firm belief that the same logic drives all States, with the unfortunate agreement of a too-large number of individuals: to control the migratory flux and the flux of desire. The victims of this war against the unfamiliar and the foreign are in their millions today, whether in Gaza, Syria, Mexico, in Lampedusa or on our street.
We are living on a planetary scale under a (political and economic) regime of patriarchal domination based on the law of the strongest: the most muscular, the richest, the best-armed, the best-qualified, the best-endowed. Whether it be in the name of a god; of saving an economy; of the preservation of identity; or as a guarantee of our security, the predators of a cosmopolitan, mixed-race, and unanimous humankind are conniving to close borders against undesirable populations, and control sexualities that threaten the heterosexual nuclear family unit where the safe pairs of hands are reproduced to produce the luxuries indispensable to the workings of a liberal economy, or to carry guns to fight in new ‘civilising’ crusades.
Last April in Tunisia, I heard a mother declare that fish had become her enemies because her son was eaten by them when shipwrecked off the coasts of Europe. That is enough to justify our fight: reconciling Mediterranean people with fish. Between July and September 2014, 2900 migrants have died in the Mediterranean.
What is at stake when we open borders in our bodies and desires is not only a human and political concern: it is also a poetic one. The unrestrained opening of borders will lead to the blending of bodies and the creolisation of languages. If only for this reason; if only for poetic reasons. We should demand of ourselves and the institutions which manage our destinies in spite of ourselves, the duty of radical hospitality.
We do not talk of “our rights”, but of “our doing what is right”. As incest is (universally) forbidden, there should be a (universal) duty of hospitality. This is not negotiable; it is our moral obligation.
We wish you a frenzied take off, on wings of mischief …
Marc Mercier
Translation Kate Pinault
White Sugar (13′ – 2013) / Francesca Fini (Italie)
move, move ! (5′ – 2005) / Fairuz Ghammam (Belgique)
Caracoles y Diamantes / Snails and Diamonds (8’25 – 2013) / Paola Michaels(Colombie/Argentine)
Interrupta (6′ – 2013) / Carla Forte (Vénézuela)
Still Life (3’39 – 2014) / Rolando Vargas (Colombie / USA)
Mónica’s Portrait (4’56 – 2014) / João Cristóvão Leitão (Portugal)
Unmanned Distances (9’32 – 2013) /Bertrand Flanet (France/Allemagne)
Living with Leaviathan (11′ – 2013) / Demirel Sirin Bahar (Turquie)
No More (15′ – 2013) / Mairead McClean (Irlande du Nord)
*Per chi non potrà essere presente a Milano o a Marseille… è possibile assistere ad un altro screening video su VisualcontainerTV International videoart webTV dal 13 novembre al 10 dicembre, curato dal direttore del festival Marc Mercier e dedicato a tutti gli amanti della videoarte e diffuso via web a livello globale.www.visualcontainer.tv
Les Instants Vidéo è un festival dedicato alla video arte e poesia elettronica con le sue molteplici forme, video monocanali, installazioni, performance, multimedia, etcc.
Da 27 anni , Les Instants Vidéo è sia una festa che un laboratorio dove artisti di fama internazionale e autori di opere , ancora in working progress, possono confrontarsi. Un momento di incontro reale tra opere d’arte, artisti e spettatori, dove non vi è concorrenza e l’ammissione è libera.