Light Blowing 2018
Ritorna al Fondaco Marcello nel cuore di Venezia Light Blowing, il progetto curato da Ilaria Ruggiero e Samantha Punis dedicato al meglio del design dell’illuminazione in vetro soffiato.
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Light Blowing will be back from 9th to 30th September at the Fondaco Marcello in the very heart of Venice as part of the programme of the second edition of The Venice Glass Week, the international festival devoted to promoting the treasured glass art industry, which will take place from September 9th to 16th in the lagoon city.
Born in 2017 to stimulate the links between the world of design, traditional manufacturing techniques and the results achieved by the use of different glass and mixed techniques; paying particular attention to the craft skills of workmanship and aesthetic research, this year Light Blowing will put forward a selection of artists, designers and brands invited to represent their creativity expressed in the world of light through previously unseen projects, site-specific installations or limited series products expressly created for this Venetian event.
A plurality of voices to present the complexity and richness of glass production today through the works of Serena Confalonieri for Mason Editions / Ochre / Filippo Feroldi for Purho e Colleoni Arte / Soffi / Matti Klenell, Katja Pettersson, Simon Klenell, Åsa Jungnelius, Ludvig Löfgren, Stina Löfgren, Gabriella Gustafson, Monica Backström, Mattias Ståhlbom and Carina Seth Andersson for The Glass Factory in collaboration with The National Museum in Stockholm / Cristina Celestino for WonderGlass.
Light Blowing 2018 edition has been realized thank to the generous support of
Venice Palaces
Technical Partners
Valorizzazioni Culturali
Several Insurance Broker
Livio Felluga
Natura Buona
Phoenix Audio