Luca Lo Pinto – 2014
Presentazione, in forma di mostra, del libro 2014: un progetto editoriale in progress ideato e curato da Luca Lo Pinto.
Comunicato stampa
Luca Lo Pinto
2 0 1 4
book show
martedì 3 giugno, dalle ore 19:00
s.t. foto libreria galleria
via degli ombrellari, 25 Roma
Martedì 3 giugno, dalle ore 19.00, s.t. foto libreria galleria ospita la presentazione, in forma di mostra, del libro 2014: un progetto editoriale in progress ideato e curato da Luca Lo Pinto.
Nel volume si affiancano contributi di Giorgio Andreotta Calò, Carlo Antonelli, Cory Arcangel, Nina Beier, Pierre Bismuth, Carola Bonfili, Jeff Burton, Luca Cerizza, Spartacus Chetwynd, Stanislao Di Giugno Rä di Martino, Ant Farm, Cyprien Gaillard, Mario Garcia Torres, Gelitin, Piero Golia, Fritz Haeg, Matthieu Laurette, Pablo Leon De La Barra, Andrea Lissoni, Raimundas Malasauskas, Michele Manfellotto, Valerio Mannucci, Aleksandra Mir, Jonathan Monk, Hanne Mugaas, Caterina Nelli, Carsten Nicolai, Olaf Nicolai, Luigi Ontani, Nicola Pecoraro, Paola Pivi, Emilio Prini, Sterling Ruby, Marten Spangberg, Francesco Stocchi, Terre Thaemlitz, Wolfgang Tillmans, Luca Vitone
Everything around us seems to run quickly. We are not regardless to that. We let us carry away by the speed that surrounds us. We try to travel as much as possible, to collect music as much as possible, to see as many movies as possible, to visit as many exhibitions as possible, to read as many books as possible. Everything as quick as we can. Nowadays time is gold. The new economy is based on the exploitation of this speed. There is no time to waste for knowing people, programs like facebook, twitter or instagram allow you to live the world while seated on a chair. We can do our shopping with a click, make music with a click, have sex with a click. The newspapers compete for the latest news. The news is more and more concise and nimble. The advertising adapts to time. The product is not didactly represented anymore, only suggested. It is unveiled with a veil. As regards this vortex of time, that gets us down, the concept of this project is to reverse the course. People don't read much: I make lots of pages. Paper is dead, internet is everything: I make a paper publication. And most of all, instead of competing for the first place, I compete for the last by making a publication that comes out every 5 years. The right period of time to verify the changes of taste, of language, of style and of the collective imaginary.
The publication is issued 5 yearly, but its contents has been prepared four years before that. It’s a time capsule. A bit like when as a kid you put a letter, a picture or a newspaper in a box, and then after years you look at it again with new eyes and another perspective. The title of the publication corresponds to the year of issue. 2014 is a dish composed of various ingredients, which I have assembled by following a very personal criterion. Artists projects, commissioned texts, republished texts, found photographs and old advertisements. There has been no limit imposed to the persons involved, neither of space nor of content. In this sense it took shape naturally, and not with a prepackaged grid like in books or magazines. Time is not the subject of this publication, only an instrument. An instrument to think about the influence of time and temporality in our lives and our way of looking at the world. (Luca Lo Pinto)
Luca Lo Pinto (1981) vive lavora tra Roma e Vienna, dove attualmente è curatore alla Kunsthalle. E’ uno dei fondatori di NERO di cui è co-direttore. Tra le mostre da lui curate: Trapped in the Closet (Bibliothèque Carnegie/FRAC Champagne-Ardenne); Antigrazioso (Palais de Toyko); Luigi Ontani- AnderSennoSogno (Museo H.C. Andersen); D’après Giorgio (Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico); When in Rome (IIC, Hammer Museum, La>