Matteo Montagna
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What I do is I just try to take my hat and I turn it around, and it's like a switch that goes on. And when the switch goes on, I feel like another person, I feel, I don't know, I feel like a... like a truck. Like a machine.
Prendo la visiera del cappello e me la giro dietro. Per me è come accendere l’interruttore. Quando accendo l’interruttore mi sento un’altra persona, mi sento come un camion.
(Lincoln Hawk/Sylvester Stallone in "Over the top", 1987)
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CURRENT è una piattaforma creata da artisti e curatori. Ha base in uno spazio indipendente a Milano dove sperimentare ed esporre le forme contemporanee di creazione, aperto alla collaborazione con altri progetti italiani e internazionali.
CURRENT is a platform started by artists and curators. It is based in an independent space in Milan, a place for experimentation and exhibition of contemporary forms of creation and is open to collaborations with other Italian and international artistic projects.