
Informazioni Evento

Via dei Volsci 128 00185 , Roma, Italia
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Dal al

ore 18

arte contemporanea, collettiva

Mostra collettiva.

Comunicato stampa

Zweigstelle Capitain II - Rome
September 23 - October 28, 2022
Opening September 22, 6 - 9 pm
Jadé Fadoju>mi, Wade Guyton, Jacqueline Humphries, Liza Lacroix, Zoe Leonard, Meuser,
Marcel Odenbach, Seth Price, Stephen Prina, Monika Sosnowska, Kelley Walker and Christopher Williams
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a buon of Zweigstelle Capitain,
a temporary and traveling exhibi>on space.
For the second edi>on in Rome, Galerie Gisela Capitain will present a group of works that deal with topics
strongly connected with the idea of Zweigstelle: disloca>ng the gallery space causes a change of
perspec>ve, a kind of confusion that helps to re-establish meaning. This reassessment generates a fer>le
moment for crea>ve processes and for our percep>on and understanding.
The group show Metamorfosi includes posi>ons by Jadé Fadoju>mi, Wade Guyton, Jacqueline Humphries,
Liza Lacroix, Zoe Leonard, Meuser, Marcel Odenbach, Seth Price, Stephen Prina, Monika Sosnowska,
Kelley Walker and Christopher Williams.
ShiVing levels of meaning and changes of perspec>ve due to disloca>on, re-contextualiza>on and
aliena>on are explored as both personal experiences, social condi>ons, or as formal structures inherent in
the work. Urgent ques>ons of uprootment, na>onality, belonging and iden>ty are implicated in this
The exhibi>on is accompanied by a program including ar>st talks, poetry, sound and dance performances
and a special poster presenta>on.
Thursday, September 22 – Opening 6 - 9 pm
Tuesday, September 27 – Ar>st talk with Antonella Anedda and Marcel Odenbach – 6.30 pm
Friday, September 30 – Special Poster Presenta>on – 3 - 7 pm
Thursday, October 6 – Dance Performance Matrici e Tasselli – 6 - 9 pm
Thursday, October 27 – Finissage – Homage to Patrizia Cavalli – Poetry Reading – 7 pm
The Complete Works of Zhuangzi, Translated by Burton Watson, 20131
Zweigstelle Capitain II
Via dei Volsci 128
00185 Rome - Italy
Opening hours
Wednesday - Friday
11 am - 1 pm and 3 - 7pm
and by appointment
0049 172 219 71 21
[email protected]
Zweigstelle Capitain aims to create spaces for people to meet, to exchange ideas, to facilitate new contacts
between the ar>sts and the local cultural scene. We strive to interact with an audience interested in
culture, including curators, writers, ar>sts, musicians, philosophers, collectors, etc. and to open up a
dialogue with the local art scene. With our program accompanying the exhibi>on we are invi>ng local
ar>sts who engage with music, poetry or dance to create a temporal community that hopefully will last
past our stay.
The space in Via dei Volsci is a former workshop in the area of San Lorenzo, far away from a being a
tradi>onal white cube.
Gallery informa>on
Galerie Gisela Capitain was founded in 1986 and is focused on Interna>onal Contemporary Art from the
1980s to the present.
Since 1986 the gallery developed an ongoing vibrant program with interna>onal ar>sts from various
disciplines. Günther Förg, Charline von Heyl, Zoe Leonard, Albert Oehlen, Stephen Prina, Franz West,
Christopher Wool and Mar>n Kippenberger belong to the first genera>on of ar>sts who have shaped the
gallery's program since its founding.
For over 35 years, the gallery's ar>s>c agenda has remained focused on, though not limited to
Contemporary Art from the 1980s un>l now. In the 2000s Wade Guyton, Seth Price and Kelley Walker, a
genera>on of emerging ar>sts at the >me, joined the program, among others. Adding emerging as well as
established ar>sts, including Barbara Bloom, Richard Smith or Monika Sosnowska, the gallery con>nually
evolved its program.
In recent years, Galerie Gisela Capitain has extended its program: Japanese ar>st Hiroki Tsukuda and
Hong Kong based composer, mul>media and sound ar>st Samson Young, joined the gallery, followed by
Peruvian ar>st Ximena Garrido-Lecca, Italian ar>st Isabella Ducrot and the Bri>sh painter Jadé Fadoju>mi.
In 2020 the gallery started to work with Ragen Moss as well as Yann Gerstberger and in 2022 with
Liza Lacroix.
In October 2008 Gisela Capitain has opened a 1300 square meter space in a 1960s glass pavilion in Berlin
in collabora>on with Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York, to con>nue and extend the gallery‘s program of
exhibi>ons and projects. In 2018 our second gallery space Albertusstrasse opened in Cologne.
Galerie Gisela Capitain is the representa>ve of the Estate of Mar>n Kippenberger since 1997