Michael Bauer – Helmeted Towards Dawn

Helmeted Towards Dawn, il primo solo show a Roma dell’artista Michael Bauer con una serie di dipinti realizzati negli ultimi due anni che spaziano da formati più grandi, vorticosi e psichedelici, fino ai lavori recenti, più piccoli ed intimi.
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Helmeted Towards Dawn.
The Dawnman cried as his face appeared on the moon,
stairs to the skies and red dog,
a fetid pile of grass and skins served for a couch.
Futile cousins, green shorts and fading sun,
deflated husband, armpit of the universe and blue sun,
dawn of the frog.
We live in caves and tunnels,
the Ether Breather,
Dawn-man, three sisters and yellow moon (lost).
Helmeted Towards Dawn.
Federica Schiavo Gallery is pleased to present Helmeted Towards Dawn, Michael Bauer’s first solo show in Rome with a series of paintings on canvas created in the last two years. They range from bigger swirling, busy and rather psychedelic formats to more intimate smaller newer works.
“I think of the larger scale works from the last few years as functioning like a prequel to the smaller works for this show. Having placed the figures in my previous works in a whirlwind of entropy, they are now grappling with the results. Echoes from previous energies surround them, immersing them in a space that is slowly fading. Left by themselves, they are now lonely wanderers but with a sense of peace and by getting colder, it might also get warmer again.” (Michael Bauer)
When the artist, who has been collecting early SF novels, created these new small works, he was immersed in the books of authors like Clark Ashton Smith, Samuel Delaney, David Bunch and Jack Vance, particularly his Dying Earth cycle.
“There is a certain warmth and calm that emanates from these “dying earth” stories, the idea of "the last man", which always had a welcome impact on me. By imagining empty landscapes, by imagining the last breaths of their visitors, there is a feeling of peace (at last). Things will end and that is after all a welcome thought.” (Michael Bauer)
Michael Bauer was born in 1973, Erkelenz, Germany, and lives and works in New York.
Selected exhibitions include Lyles & King, New York, NY; Half Gallery, New York, NY; Norma Mangione Gallery, Turin, IT; HOTEL, London, UK; Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, CH; Lisa Cooley, New York, NY; Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; and Alison Jacques Gallery, London, UK. His works are held in collections worldwide including the Hort Collection, the Saatchi Collection, Sammlung Boros, and the Zabludowicz Collection.
Bauer collaborated with Charlie Hammond and Raynes Birkbeck and is a member of the experimental music group Ylmaz House Band (with Robert Kraiss and Florian Gass).
26 OTTOBRE 2024 – 25 GENNAIO 2025
Helmeted Towards Dawn.
The Dawnman cried as his face appeared on the moon,
stairs to the skies and red dog,
a fetid pile of grass and skins served for a couch.
Futile cousins, green shorts and fading sun,
deflated husband, armpit of the universe and blue sun,
dawn of the frog.
We live in caves and tunnels,
the Ether Breather,
Dawn-man, three sisters and yellow moon (lost).
Helmeted Towards Dawn.
Federica Schiavo Gallery è lieta di presentare Helmeted Towards Dawn, il primo solo show a Roma dell’artista Michael Bauer con una serie di dipinti realizzati negli ultimi due anni che spaziano da formati più grandi, vorticosi e psichedelici, fino ai lavori recenti, più piccoli ed intimi.
“Considero le opere di grande formato realizzate negli ultimi anni come una sorta di prequel dei dipinti più piccoli in mostra. Le figure, che nei primi sprofondavano in un vortice di entropia, ora ne affrontano le conseguenze. C’è ancora intorno a loro l’eco dell'energia precedente che sembra ora immergerle in uno spazio in lenta dissoluzione. Abbandonate a sé stesse, si aggirano solitarie in paesaggi indefiniti pervasi da uno stato d’animo malinconico e da un senso di pace.” (Michael Bauer)
Quando l’artista, collezionista dei primi romanzi di fantascienza, realizzava i dipinti più piccoli presenti in mostra, era immerso nella lettura di autori come Clark Ashton Smith, Samuel Delaney, David Bunch e Jack Vance, in particolare il suo ciclo Dying Earth (La terra morente).
“Le storie riguardanti la “terra morente”, l’idea stessa dell’”ultimo uomo” emanano un certo calore e sensazione di calma che da sempre mi colpisce e attrae. Nell’immaginare paesaggi vuoti, gli ultimi respiri di chi li ha abitati, si prova una sensazione di pace. Le cose finiranno e questo è dopo tutto un pensiero confortante.” (Michael Bauer)
Michael Bauer è nato a Erkelenz, Germania, nel 1973; vive e lavora a New York.
Tra le principali mostre personali: Lyles & King, New York, NY; Half Gallery, New York, NY; Norma Mangione Gallery, Turin, IT; HOTEL, London, UK; Peter Kilchmann, Zurich, CH; Lisa Cooley, New York, NY; Nino Mier Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; and Alison Jacques Gallery, London, UK. Le sue opere fanno parte di important collezioni internazionali incluse: the Hort Collection, the Saatchi Collection, Sammlung Boros, the Zabludowicz Collection.
Bauer ha collaborato con Charlie Hammond e Raynes Birkbeck ed è membro del gruppo di musica sperimentale Ylmaz House Band (con Robert Kraiss e Florian Gass).