Moda & Cinema

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The show “Moda & Cinema” aims to suggest a journey in the changes of taste and habits whose main character were from one side everlasting icons, subject of the images, but from the other side also the same photographers, real masters in recognizing, and sometimes anticipating, these signals of transformation. Each single photograph, because of its peculiarities, reveals us a polyhedric slice of ways to be, to dress, to strike a pose, to be icons of their time that changes together with the passing of years.
D. Kirkland, B. Stern, W. Klein, M. Munkacsi, F. McLaughlin-Gill, H. Wolf, G. Parks, T. O'Neill, G. Bensimon, Angus McBean,
P. Praturlon, P. Pascuttini, T. Secchiaroli, E. Rondepierre, M. Galimberti, N. Civiero... and many others!