Mostra collettiva, a cura di Giorgio Verzotti.
Comunicato stampa
Opening reception: Tuesday 18th of September from 6:30 pm
from September 19th 2018 until October 30th 2018
Open Tuesday to Saturday, 11am – 7pm
Milan, September 18th 2018. Nam Project is pleased to present "Openness”, a group show by artists Simon Callery, Gerold Miller and Sean Shanahan
According to the modernist tradition, the artwork is what it is, it says what it says. However it is not exhausted by this definition. The artwork just represents itself, but at the same time it states, and always points toward an elsewhere. The artwork can be dismantled, its integrity disrupted, and opened up to the phenomenal space that welcomes it. In other words, the artwork englobes the space, turning from bidimensional to a three-dimensional articulation if necessary. The space included in the artwork is the real space that the observer perceives as phenomenal data, but it is also the indication of another space, which in turn becomes the object of thought, of a mental projection.
From the text Openness by Giorgio Verzotti.
Simon Callery, b. 1960, London, UK. Lives and works in London. Graduated from Cardiff College of Art in 1983. Exhibitions include: ‘Young British Artists III’, Saatchi Gallery, London (1994), ‘Sensation’, Royal Academy of the Arts, London (1997), Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (1998) and The Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York (1999), ‘ARTNOW 19’ solo, Tate Gallery, London (1999), ‘Flat Paintings’ solo, FOLD Gallery, London (2015), Open Body, Annex14, Zurich (2017). Collections include: Tate, British Museum and Arts Council London.
Gerold Miller, b. 1961, Altshausen, Germany. He lives and works in Berlin. He studied sculpture at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart from 1984 to 1989. Exhibitions include: Galerie der Stadt Fellbach (1987), Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane (1997), CCNOA – Center for Contemporary Non-Objective Art, Brüssel/Brussels (2001), Nationalgalerie im Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2002), Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin (2005), Galerie Nikolaus Ruzicska, Salzburg (2015), Cassina Projects, New York City (2017), Galería Casado Santapau, Madrid (2018). Collections include: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Stuttgart, NOMA New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Rozenblum Foundation, Buenos Aires .
Sean Shanahan, b. 1960, Dublin, Ireland. He lives and works in Italy. He studied at Heatherley School of Fine Arts, Chelsea, London, then at the Croydon College of Art & Design, London and finally at the Olivar Castillejo Foundation, Madrid. Exhibitions include: : Luigi Deambrogi, Milan (1983), Galerie Jurka, Amsterdam (1985), Galerie T'Venster, Rotterdam (1986), Hillman Holland Fine Arts, Atlanta, USA (1987), Studio Carlo Grossetti, Milan (1990) Geert Schriever, Amsterdam (1990), Kerlin Gallery Dublin, (1991), Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (1996), Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane-Dublin (2008), The Panza Collection, Centre of contemporary art, Lucca (2010), Galleria San Fedele, Milan (2016). Collections include: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, RijksDienst Beeldende Kunst, Den Haag, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Hugh Lane, Dublin, Gerling Konzern, Cologne, Karl Ernst Osthaus Museum, der Stadt Hagen.