
Informazioni Evento

Via Goito 8, Genova, Italia
(Clicca qui per la mappa)
Dal al

ore 17

arte contemporanea, collettiva

Mostra collettiva

Comunicato stampa

Networked societies change structure before we do. Or is it the opposite? Do we really understand what has evolved? Meanwhile we go sideways, look another way, liquify. One is here but at the same time not. Is there some feeling that is impossible to say or write? Just the right combination can materialize a feeling of what is not said. Beyond shape and presence, there is something tactile and realized crooked. Fragile.

While strongly autonomous directions, these artists are working with digital and sculptural media as an insecure form, always expanding critically on shapes beyond what can be said as a peripheral poetry, digital to material, captured void, casting, and surrounding shapes.

Simona Barbera
Matteo Cremonesi
Ronny Faber Dahl
Carlo Miele
Mattia Pajè
Henrik Pask
Serena Porrati

Curated in collaboration with Carlotta Pezzolo and Fumogeni
Poster: Painting by Mattia Pajè