Rachal Bradley / Joanne Robertson – Fingerblades

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The two artists have been friends for over 30 years ago, having met at school aged 11. For the first time they are showing their work together in this two-person show at Galerie Gregor Staiger, Milan. The artists each present a series of new paintings; taking very different approaches, these large-scale works seek to overwhelm the gallery space physically.
Robertson presents her on-going explorations into lyrical gestural abstraction, with swathes of paint and colour heaving on the surface that recall improvised poetry and form-finding. Bradley shows works on canvas that meditate on the relationship between image and the spatial dimensions of vision using screen printing and stencilling. For both artists this work offers a snapshot of years as artists, compatriots, benevolent competitors, and collaborators evolving through a lifetime of conversation and friendship. A text by artist Reba Maybury will accompany the exhibition.