Rathin Ranji – Scaled down

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Via della Repubblica 52/54 50053, Empoli, Italia
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ore 18

Rathin Ranji
arte contemporanea, personale

L’associazione Sincresis presenta l’itinerario creativo di Rathin Ranji, artista in residenza proveniente dall’India. Dopo più di un anno di contatti email, di un confronto a distanza sulle opere, con invio di immagini come un continuo work in progress, ha contemplato la possibilità di organizzare un tour tra la Grecia e l’Italia per organizzare una mostra nel nostro territorio.

Comunicato stampa

L’associazione Sincresis presenta l’itinerario creativo di Rathin Ranji, artista in residenza proveniente dall’India. Dopo più di un anno di contatti email, di un confronto a distanza sulle opere, con invio di immagini come un continuo work in progress, ha contemplato la possibilità di organizzare un tour tra la Grecia e l’Italia per organizzare una mostra nel nostro territorio.
Il suo portato creativo deriva da una riflessione relativa all’ambiente in cui viviamo, esito ulteriore del villaggio globale che Marshall McLuhan pronunciava già negli anni Sessanta e che nel mondo attuale esprime gli effetti della globalizzazione.
Così l’opera di Rathin diventa un mix di segni di un paesaggio socio culturale, una embricazione di presenze, di elementi trovati, di indizi minimali di oggetti di consumo quotidiano, ritagli di giornale, immagini che convivono a contatto con tracce pittoriche, come testimonianze di frames in passaggi continui di spazi urbani, frammenti di una storia collettiva che coincide con il nostro presente. Nella ibridazione in cui l’opposizione convive con l’analogia, Rathin tenta di raggiungere l’armonia nella combinazione di colori, tra i quali spiccano le tonalità del giallo e del rosso, cromie pure, e non colori come il nero, che assumono significato simbolico, di forme, di segni significanti, come a ricreare un ambiente ex novo che possa diventare alternativo a quello vissuto nell’hic et nunc, quindi vivibile, ma da sperimentare. Il rosso rinvia alla no difference, per cui al di là delle differenze etniche e culturali, il colore del sangue ci accomuna, il nero si riferisce alla darkness, al mistero, all’introspezione di ognuno di noi mentre vive il tempo precario, il giallo è il colore della luce e dell’energia cosmica.
Tali gamme cromatiche attraversano e penetrano lo spazio di ogni opera, come se diventassero il medium di congiunzione ma anche di contrasto in un mondo minato da tensioni, conflitti, situazioni limite che Rathin raccoglie in un autentico archivio multimediale, percepibile da ognuno di noi che vi si trova coinvolto, o in alcuni casi assorbito completamente in maniera consapevole o inconsapevole.
Così Rathin propone una fiumana di circostanze e condizioni che discendono sulla piattaforma del suo lavoro che non presenta limiti d’indagine, accogliendo con estrema flessibilità problematiche e questioni dell’hic et nunc per cambiarne l’identificazione e farli partecipare ad un’operazione da environment. La sua opera coinvolge molteplici versanti per cui lo spazio sembra continuamente in estensione capace di inglobare per contaminazione ambiti diversificati e le loro emergenze sul piano socio politico, economico, culturale, riportandone nella fotografia i casi estremi, le situazioni insolute che alimentano la discussione critica.
Talora basta una parola, evidenziata da un ritaglio di giornale o trovata nel corso di connessioni di rete, per appuntare lo sguardo, fissare l’attenzione su un particolare, tentare una via d’uscita dalla confusione di messaggi e dall’omologazione del sistema nel mondo attuale.
Lo spazio come ambiente globale è parte dell’opera, dal momento che il materiale multimediale approntato viene riciclato spesso tramite il riporto fotografico o frames di video nell’ottica di creare o allestire un ‘altra opera /performance o assemblage nel continuum del proprio itinerario creativo. Rathin le concepisce invitando alla meta cognizione e lasciando spazi liberi per agire, come sottolinea Habermas a proposito dell’agire comunicativo.
La velocizzazione delle ricerche e dei contatti attraverso la diffusione e lo sviluppo delle tecnologie ha comportato evidenti svolgimenti nell’atmosfera del pianeta, a petto però anche di catastrofi che convivono con il progresso scientifico dettando i sintomi di una contraddizione interna difficile da sradicare come se diventasse uno dei molteplici volti della nostra società occidentale.
Rathin esamina componenti ed elementi caratterizzanti dell’ambiente di origine su piani diversi, come in alternanza, gli estremi quindi di una civiltà che, pur costituendo parte di un fenomeno globale, si distingue per le sue specificità. Permette un modo altro di vedere e lavora con i media che permettono la comunicazione e l’espressione di aspetti che suscitano evidenti critiche sul sistema socio economico, mentre al tempo stesso sperimenta con modalità diverse, gravitando dal video alla fotografia, come integrazione del medium tecnologico che alimenta la ricerca tramite le sue potenzialità, per cogliere anche le suggestioni più intrinseche di un melting pot culturale che caratterizza la società multietnica odierna. Comporta, quindi, un campo aperto di questioni da affrontare, ma al tempo stesso alimenta energie utili ad accrescere la consapevolezza della diversità nell’uguaglianza tipica della politica delle differenze e del nomadismo culturale del nostro tempo.

The association presents the itinerary SINCRESIS creative Rating Ranji, artist in residence from India. After more than a year of email contacts, a distance comparison on the works, sending images as a continuous work in progress, has contemplated the possibility of organizing a tour of Greece and Italy to organize an exhibition in our territory.
His brought creative comes from a reflection on the environment in which we live, further outcome of the global village that Marshall McLuhan spoke in the sixties and that in today's world expresses the effects of globalization.
So the work of Rathin become a mix of signs of a socio-cultural landscape, a lot of overlap presences, found items, clues minimal objects of daily use, as evidence of continuous frames in steps of urban spaces, fragments of a story collective which coincides with our present. In the hybridization in which the opposition coexists with the analogy, Rathin try to achieve harmony as a combination of colors, among which the orange hue born and yellowish, and colors like black, shapes, signs of significant, how to create an environment from scratch that could become an alternative to that lived here and now, so livable, but from experience.
In the hybridization in which the opposition coexists with the analogy, Rathin try to achieve harmony in the combination of colors, among which are the shades of yellow and red colors as well, and not colors like black, which take on meaning symbolic forms, of significant signs, how to create an environment from scratch that could become an alternative to that lived here and now, so livable, but from experience. The red refers to no difference, so beyond the ethnic and cultural differences, the color of blood unites us, the black refers to the darkness, the mystery, the introspection of each of us as long as he lives precariously, yellow It is the color of light and cosmic energy.
These color ranges through and penetrate the space of each work, as if they became the medium of conjunction of contrast but also in a world undermined by tensions, conflicts, extreme situations that Rathin collects in an authentic multimedia archive, perceived by everyone who It is involved, or in some cases completely absorbed in a conscious or unconscious.
So Rathin offers a flood of circumstances and conditions that descend on the platform of his work that has no limitations investigation, accepting with flexibility problems and issues here and now to change the identification and get them to participate in an environment . His work involves multiple slopes for which space seems constantly in extension for entraining contamination diversified spheres and their emergencies on the socio political, economic, cultural, reporting in photography extreme cases, unresolved situations that feed the critical discussion.
Sometimes just a word, highlighted by a newspaper clipping or found during network connections, to pin the eye, fix your attention on a particular groped for a way out of the confusion of messages and by the approval of the system world today.
Space as a global environment is part of the work, since the multimedia material prepared is often recycled through the carry photo or video frames in order to create or set up an 'other work / performance or assemblage in the continuum of their creative path . Rathin conceives calling for metacognition and leaving open spaces to act as Habermas points out the way of communicative.
The speeding up of research and contacts through the diffusion and development of technology has brought clear svolgimenti the atmosphere of the planet, but also to the chest of disasters that coexist with scientific dictating symptoms of an internal contradiction difficult to eradicate as if it became one of the many faces of our Western society.
Rathin examines components and elements characterizing the source environment on different levels, such as alternating, then the extremes of a civilization that, despite being part of a global phenomenon, is distinguished by its specificity. Allows a different way of seeing and working with the media to allow communication and the expression of the critical points that pose obvious socio-economic system, while at the same time experimenting with different ways, gravitating from video to photography, such as integration of the technological medium that fuels research through its potential to catch even the most intrinsic charm of a cultural melting pot that characterizes today's multi-ethnic society. It involves, therefore, an open field issues to deal with, but at the same time feeds energy useful to raise awareness of diversity in equality typical of the political differences and the nomadic culture of our time.
The speeding up of research and contacts through the diffusion and development of technology has brought clear svolgimenti the atmosphere of the planet, but also to the chest of disasters that coexist with scientific dictating symptoms of an internal contradiction difficult to eradicate as if it became one of the many faces of our Western society.
Rathin works, then, with the media that allow the communication and the expression of the critical points that pose obvious socio-economic system, while at the same time experimenting with different ways, gravitating from video to photography, as integration of the machine in the art, to catch even the most intrinsic charm a cultural melting pot that characterizes today's multi-ethnic society, which leads to an open field issues to deal with, but at the same time feeds energy useful to raise awareness of diversity in equality typical of the political differences and the nomadic culture of our time.
Artist’s Statement In modern times the real problem of space implies environmental issues. In developing countries the adjustment to modern ways is problematic and consequently of major concern in my work. I am reorganizing space, color and form in my painting in search of a single harmony. This signifies the realization of an urban space in ecological harmony with humans and the environment, matter and consumers. Apart from such contextual content of painting, I have given emphasis on the idea of combining text & number in my work which helps to communicate with the people around us. The use of multifarious objects from the consumer world like photographs, newspapers, digital prints etc. is not random but calculated, essential and precise. Multinational companies, their products and ads have made a great impact on our consumer society and urban landscape. The increasing demand for products has supported the concept and practice of globalization, which has brought the countries across the world closer to share ideas and business, which is also acting optimistically as a force to break down all political and religious boundaries. We live in the most complex period of human history. In the past two hundred years we have made advances in science, industry, machines, democratic government and the status of women than in all previous centuries combined. At the very same time we have carried out the worst genocides, caused the most ecological destruction, and inflicted the most grinding and relentless poverty ever seen on this planet. Each and every day our urban society is going through a breathless night. The pollution level has already crossed over an alarming threshold. Every day we are facing very acute pollution problems, as well as space scarcity. Big cities are not affordable to many. We are destroying the valuable space of this planet through unwanted as well as unplanned construction (mostly visible in under developed countries). I am very concerned with these issues, and through my work I just want to reveal all these crucial problems to the viewers. Before nineteenth century there were neither photographs nor films. Before twentieth century there were no radios or television or computers. Even time was different when “horse power” was just that. Since no one moved all that rapidly from one place to another, there was no need for standard time. Each town set its clock by the sun and labor followed the rhythms of the days & seasons. To see how far away we are from that world, just turn on the television or log on the computer. Today video jumps from image seem normal. We are familiar with the technique, and the rapid changes match our own channel hopping, endlessly fragmented lives. But that style of our art and our enjoyment of it are quite recent developments and both are the gift of the avant-garde. All these actually motivated me to work in different media like photography, video and many others. Rathin KANJI
Rathin KANJI, Kolkata based Indian artist was born in 1970. He was Visiting Research Fellow (Fulbright Scholar) School of Art & Design, University of Michigan USA in the year 2004. He did Post Graduation from Visva Bharati University India in 2002. Received the Fulbright Fellowship, USA in 2004, Vermont Residency Fellowship, USA in 2004 and Junior Research Fellowship from Govt. of India (1998-2000).
He did solo exhibitions at Gallery Threshold New Delhi, Gallery Sumukha Bangalore, Alliance Francaise Hyderabad & Chandigarh, Warren Robbins Gallery Ann Arbor USA, Holiday Inn Bangkok, Aicon Gallery Palo Alto & New York among others. Participated in group exhibitions in India, USA, Hong Kong, Bangkok, UK, Singapore, Romania, Spain, Greece, Germany, Morocco, Austria, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Argentina, Bolivia, Namibia, Dubai, Australia and Italy. He has participated International Art Fair in Dubai, Rome, New York, Miami, Hong Kong.
Kanji’s painting has been Auctioned in Sotheby’s New York; Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong. The Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA and The National Library, Australia has his catalogue in their archive. The Times London published his interview in 2007. His painting is in the collection of Museum of Art, Michigan, USA; Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong; Bank of America, London among others.
The association presents the itinerary SINCRESIS creative Rating Ranji, artist in residence from India. After more than a year of email contacts, a distance comparison on the works, sending images as a continuous work in progress, has contemplated the possibility of organizing a tour of Greece and Italy to organize an exhibition in our territory.
His brought creative comes from a reflection on the environment in which we live, further outcome of the global village that Marshall McLuhan spoke in the sixties and that in today's world expresses the effects of globalization.
So the work of Rathin become a mix of signs of a socio-cultural landscape, a lot of overlap presences, found items, clues minimal objects of daily use, as evidence of continuous frames in steps of urban spaces, fragments of a story collective which coincides with our present. In the hybridization in which the opposition coexists with the analogy, Rathin try to achieve harmony as a combination of colors, among which the orange hue born and yellowish, and colors like black, shapes, signs of significant, how to create an environment from scratch that could become an alternative to that lived here and now, so livable, but from experience.
The speeding up of research and contacts through the diffusion and development of technology has brought clear svolgimenti the atmosphere of the planet, but also to the chest of disasters that coexist with scientific dictating symptoms of an internal contradiction difficult to eradicate as if it became one of the many faces of our Western society.
Rathin works, then, with the media that allow the communication and the expression of the critical points that pose obvious socio-economic system, while at the same time experimenting with different ways, gravitating from video to photography, to catch even the most intrinsic charm a cultural melting pot that characterizes today's multi-ethnic society, which leads to an open field issues to deal with, but at the same time feeds energy useful to raise awareness of diversity in equality typical of the political differences and the nomadic culture of our time .

Saturday, November, 7, 2015 189 p. m.
Info: tel. 0571/73619; [email protected]
www.sincresisarte.org (new website)
Come arrivare:
Superstrada da Firenze o da Pisa (FI PI LI) Uscita EMPOLI (la seconda dopo Empoli Est o Empoli Ovest), a 700 metri verso il Centro di fronte alla INCOOP di Via della Repubblica o Ferrovie dello Stato da Firenze, da Pisa, da Siena fermata Stazione Empoli e proseguire a piedi per un chilometro in direzione Pisa.